Obama going low trying to attack Trump.

LOL, little baby Johnny is gonna sling him diaper if him get mad!
Johnny is Trump's Publicist. Sounds just like Trump. Remarkable.
Pure speculation.

Also a story I could give a rats ass about.

BTW, most people from NYC sound the same. The story is based off a wild speculation at best.
All you have to do is listen, for roughly 30 seconds.
I did. There is zero proof it's Trump.
And if it was, who gives a flying-fuck!!!

Except that back in the 90s, Trump admitted it was him and said he did it as a joke and apologized for it. So was he lying then or is he lying now?
Obama never mentioning the Name "Donald Trump" in a speech however the thread title claim Obama was.........
"going low trying to attack Trump".......Trump is the guy who said Megyn Kelly was "bleeding from somewhere" insinuating menstruation.....Real class this Donald....he has used insults constantly ...but his pathetic crew whines Obama going Low..........................
Obama never once said Trump's name, so it is YOU who has projected Trump into the comments! Obama's words made YOU think Trump.

oh well Excuse us . but he's given so many ugly commencement speeches lately, we might have them confused. but it's nice of you to chastise people for him. you must be so proud to be his tool/thug bitch.
Obama is the most unAmerican President ever. I can't even call him a failure because since he's a Progressive, his goal was to destroy as much of this country as he could, so he's been a rousing Progressive success
Typical DittoTard projection. Because your America-hating MessiahRushie's goal is to destroy this GREAT country from within, you think everyone hates America like the Right hates America.
You are very wrong!

Obama: Record debt, deficits, poverty and he's the biggest predatory lender to college students ever.
Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

When you say all Muslims you are not talking about only radical Muslims. Is that too complicated a concept for you?
I did. There is zero proof it's Trump.
And if it was, who gives a flying-fuck!!!
That's right, we only have Trump's worthless word on it!

Trump denies he posed as his spokesman during tabloid days

The Post has unearthed a recording of that 1991 phone call. The voice on the phone describes Trump as irresistible to women.

"He gets called by everybody in the book, in terms of women," says the voice. "He's got a whole open field, really."

On NBC's "Today" show Friday, Trump denied being the voice on the phone. "I don't know anything about it," he said.

But he owned up to it at the time, describing the Miller call as a "joke gone awry," said the Post.

Trump also testified in a 1990 court case that he occasionally used the name John Miller and disclosed that his favorite alias was John Baron.

I did. There is zero proof it's Trump.
And if it was, who gives a flying-fuck!!!
That's right, we only have Trump's worthless word on it!

Trump denies he posed as his spokesman during tabloid days

The Post has unearthed a recording of that 1991 phone call. The voice on the phone describes Trump as irresistible to women.

"He gets called by everybody in the book, in terms of women," says the voice. "He's got a whole open field, really."

On NBC's "Today" show Friday, Trump denied being the voice on the phone. "I don't know anything about it," he said.

But he owned up to it at the time, describing the Miller call as a "joke gone awry," said the Post.

Trump also testified in a 1990 court case that he occasionally used the name John Miller and disclosed that his favorite alias was John Baron.

Obamy being disingenuous when using the wall talk to suggest that Trump is against legal immigration, and is against uniting the world's people who love America instead of uniting those who hate it. If anything Obamy has been trying to unite all those who hate America in the world it seems, and uses Susan Rice to cover it up when gets caught at it...Then he claims Trump is against Muslims when we know good and well Trump is only talking about the radicalized Muslims who want to kill Americans, but Obamy after deadly attacks wants to tell us how it was all just work place violence... Look out citizens, because it's gonna get ugly, but if diligent you will not be fooled by the rhetoric being spewed.

When you say all Muslims you are not talking about only radical Muslims. Is that too complicated a concept for you?
Course Trump never said all Muslims.
A 12 year old knows he was talking about refugees.....or anyone coming here on a visa from that region.

Others have said exactly that , but you tools want you push this fake bs about Trump hating Muslims in general.
Course Trump never said all Muslims.
From Trump's press release:
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

Trump doubles down on vow to bar Muslims | Fox News

Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told The Associated Press that Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.
I did. There is zero proof it's Trump.
And if it was, who gives a flying-fuck!!!
That's right, we only have Trump's worthless word on it!

Trump denies he posed as his spokesman during tabloid days

The Post has unearthed a recording of that 1991 phone call. The voice on the phone describes Trump as irresistible to women.

"He gets called by everybody in the book, in terms of women," says the voice. "He's got a whole open field, really."

On NBC's "Today" show Friday, Trump denied being the voice on the phone. "I don't know anything about it," he said.

But he owned up to it at the time, describing the Miller call as a "joke gone awry," said the Post.

Trump also testified in a 1990 court case that he occasionally used the name John Miller and disclosed that his favorite alias was John Baron.


No, true shit. Trump admitted it was him and admitted in sworn testimony that he often used the alias John Baron. John Miller was what he switched to after Baron got "outed".
I don't think Obama should be getting involved in the campaign. He isn't running, and he is the President.

I think quite the contrary. he isn't saying enough about Trump.

I often wondered why a lot of my relatives in the Old Country went along with Hitler. Now I watch Trump and I don't ask myself that anymore.

I think everyone who sees Trump for what he is has an obligation to call him what he is. And, yes, that includes the sitting President, "decorum" be damned.
I don't think Obama should be getting involved in the campaign. He isn't running, and he is the President.

I think quite the contrary. he isn't saying enough about Trump.

I often wondered why a lot of my relatives in the Old Country went along with Hitler. Now I watch Trump and I don't ask myself that anymore.

I think everyone who sees Trump for what he is has an obligation to call him what he is. And, yes, that includes the sitting President, "decorum" be damned.
Yep.....the inevitable Hitler reference.

I think the real world is foreign to teabaggers like yourself.
Obama going low trying to attack Trump.

That can't be easy. Getting low enough to meet with Trump at his level is nearly impossible.
. Well Obamy has accomplished the not so impossible for his type of character, so get use to your master showing his true self from here on out. Of course it was easy for Obamy, his mouth was moving wasn't it ?
If Obama is really this popular, why is a guy like Trump winning?

Trump is winning like Charlie Sheen.


Trump won the nomination because after years of the GOP cultivating racism, homophobia and misogyny to sell the plutocratic agenda, Trump is just playing the hate without the hidden agenda. He's already rich, he doesn't need more.
Actually Trump is selling hope to people that have had enough of Hope&Change.
. Enough of Obama's hope & change.

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