Obama Got It Right: Tar Sands Pipeline Would Drive Up Prices

It's safe to say that between Crackerjack and myself, we've got probably a combined 50 years experience in varying facets of ths industry.

What are your credentials, titwad?

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?

Is there, like, one synapse in your brain that fires 24/7 or something?

That is one bad ass synapse...with stamina.

Do you just have insults or do you wanna make a point?
Please explain how having a greater supply of something will drive the price up absent and insane amount of greater demand.

If "The extra Supply" was for our use you would be correct. The system is being gamed right now as much of the oil produced here is refined for other markets. More production for these other markets means less available for our domestic consumption as the capacity of the refineries is finite. I hope you understand the significance of this information. If the American public does not "Get This" we will be all paying a lot more for gasoline and all your bellyaching about Obama will not make it OK. Some of the republicans in Congress will do ANYTHING to make Obama look bad...even let the multinational oil companies rob billions from us by artificially restricting how much refined gasoline is available from the very oil that comes out of the ground here in our country.
No you are full of shit, I don't give a fuck what the going rate is or is not, if you put a pipeline through through someone's property for profit motive without their permisssion it is stealing their land.

and the I'm beautiful because I say I am aurgument doesn't work(i.e. "How do I know? Because I do one of those jobs,")

And you are the one that sounds angry and butthurt.

It's safe to say that between Crackerjack and myself, we've got probably a combined 50 years experience in varying facets of ths industry.

What are your credentials, titwad?

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?
Enough to know the difference between buying something and stealing it.

Google "condemnation by a public utility." You might learn something.
You're forgetting the trucking companies and railroads also charge tolls. Their tolls are higher than the ones pipelines charge. The pipeline will make oil cheaper, not more expensive. You're assuming that the oil will magically get to market at no cost if the pipeline isn't built. Why would any oil producer use the pipeline if trucks and railroads were cheaper?

Who said anything about trucking and railroads? The construction alone will require Trans Canada to pass the expense along and charge the oil companies more. Expanding piping when there is not actually a need will cause prices to increase also, because they will need to increase their tolls even more to cover the costs of their vast infrastructure that they operate.
Part of the price of doing business asswipe. You just want it handed to you...admit it.
It's safe to say that between Crackerjack and myself, we've got probably a combined 50 years experience in varying facets of ths industry.

What are your credentials, titwad?

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?
Enough to know the difference between buying something and stealing it.

Google "condemnation by a public utility." You might learn something.

Yeah and bank robbers are just making a withdraw forcing someone to sell something is not buying.
credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?

Is there, like, one synapse in your brain that fires 24/7 or something?

That is one bad ass synapse...with stamina.

Do you just have insults or do you wanna make a point?

You keep posting the same argument. Over and over ignoring any outside information.

It is called the 'lone synapse syndrome'.

You have no clue about this subject. None at all. Thanks for confirming it.

I gave you the link if want to ignore it that's all I can do.
A link from "dirtyoilsands.org."

You're right, I did ignore it. Google harder next time.

I have posted this link agin to TransCnada report. which i would assume to be more biased in favor of the project.

credentials for what? knowing that forcing a pipeline across peoples property so oil companies can squeeze profits is stealing their land?
Enough to know the difference between buying something and stealing it.

Google "condemnation by a public utility." You might learn something.

Yeah and bank robbers are just making a withdraw forcing someone to sell something is not buying.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that your comparison is ridiculous, please explain how you would safely move mass volumes of natural gas from widely dispersed wellheads across thousands of miles to plants and then on to consumers in an economically viable fashion.
Is there, like, one synapse in your brain that fires 24/7 or something?

That is one bad ass synapse...with stamina.

Do you just have insults or do you wanna make a point?

You keep posting the same argument. Over and over ignoring any outside information.

It is called the 'lone synapse syndrome'.

What information did you want me to look at? I would be happy to look a it but doubt it would be more credible than the link fom TrnsCanada report I posted 3 times.
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Enough to know the difference between buying something and stealing it.

Google "condemnation by a public utility." You might learn something.

Yeah and bank robbers are just making a withdraw forcing someone to sell something is not buying.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that your comparison is ridiculous, please explain how you would safely move mass volumes of natural gas from widely dispersed wellheads across thousands of miles to plants and then on to consumers in an economically viable fashion.

I'm not opposed to eminent domain if it is in the best interest of the public(American) which I believe in this cse it is not.
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I gave you the link if want to ignore it that's all I can do.
A link from "dirtyoilsands.org."

You're right, I did ignore it. Google harder next time.

I have posted this link agin to TransCnada report. which i would assume to be more biased in favor of the project.

What else were you hoping to have addressed that hasn't already been?
Yeah and bank robbers are just making a withdraw forcing someone to sell something is not buying.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that your comparison is ridiculous, please explain how you would safely move mass volumes of natural gas from widely dispersed wellheads across thousands of miles to plants and then on to consumers in an economically viable fashion.

I'm not opposed to eminent domain if it is in the best interest of the public(American) which I believe in this cse it is not.

And was eminent domain exercised when Obama approved the Alberta Clipper pipeline?
I should think so.

Obama, Hillary, and the State department crowed with pride in 2009 when the Alberta Clipper was approved. It's design, intent, and purpose almost identical to the XL proposal.
Do you just have insults or do you wanna make a point?

You keep posting the same argument. Over and over ignoring any outside information.

It is called the 'lone synapse syndrome'.

What information did you want me to look at? I would be happy to look a it but doubt it would be more credible than the link fom TrnsCanada report I posted 3 times.

So you have a synapse on the grassy knoll?

The 'taking property' argument is as silly as a jelly bean and the safety/environment argument falls flat on its face because there are already millions of existing pipelines in the US.

Bring on that grassy knoll synapse again.
A link from "dirtyoilsands.org."

You're right, I did ignore it. Google harder next time.

I have posted this link agin to TransCnada report. which i would assume to be more biased in favor of the project.

What else were you hoping to have addressed that hasn't already been?

I posted three links and you seeed to dimiss my first link as,I assume, biased so I posted a link directly to TransCanda report which confirms my assertion that it would raise ol prices of oil in the midwest.
Yeah and bank robbers are just making a withdraw forcing someone to sell something is not buying.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that your comparison is ridiculous, please explain how you would safely move mass volumes of natural gas from widely dispersed wellheads across thousands of miles to plants and then on to consumers in an economically viable fashion.

I'm not opposed to eminent domain if it is in the best interest of the public(American) which I believe in this cse it is not.
So a project that would employ thousands of people for several years for a pipeline that would ship oil to the US that we can refine rather than buying it already refined from countries that hate us at a steep premium is not good for the United States?
[/The construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices for Midwestern Americans. In official analysis provided to the Canadian National Energy Board, TransCanada reveals that the Keystone XL pipeline will raise oil prices throughout the Midwest and increase annual revenue to the Canadian tar sands industry in 2013 to the tune of between US $2 – $3.9 billion.1American families should not be forced to pay higher prices at the pump only to the line the pockets of the oil industry.

About Keystone XL:

•The Keystone XL pipeline is a 2,000 mile pipeline that would transport crude oil derived from Canadian tar sands from Alberta to Texas.
•The pipeline will raise gas and diesel prices in the Midwest, where they are already among the highest in the country. It is estimated that the added cost of the pipeline would be roughly equal to 15 cents per gallon, driving up the cost of living for families at a time when Americans can least afford it.
•The total drain on America’s economy and pocket books could total as much as $3.9 billion annually in 2013, according to what TransCanada told Canada’s National Energy Board.
•Any jobs created will be offset by the higher price of gas and the layoffs that result from the higher cost of doing business. Further, they will be temporary and may not go to local residents, or even Americans.
•TransCanada will generate billions of dollars in profits at the expense of American consumers, and that money will go back to Canada, deepening the U.S. deficit.
•The pipeline will facilitate Canadian crude oil exports to China, not the United States. The market for Canadian crude oil in the Gulf is small. Americans wouldn’t benefit from the crude oil piped in through the Keystone XL.


Mid West Gas Prices - Dirty Oil Sands | A Threat to the New Energy Economy

You already have one Keystone Pipeline going Illinois. Please tell me you know that?

You already have another one going to Oklahoma. Please please tell me you know that?

This is the stupidest thread on this that I've seen except for the one in Enviroment.

The one to the Gulf is just another phase.

OMG. I don't even know where to begin.
I have posted this link agin to TransCnada report. which i would assume to be more biased in favor of the project.

What else were you hoping to have addressed that hasn't already been?

I posted three links and you seeed to dimiss my first link as,I assume, biased so I posted a link directly to TransCanda report which confirms my assertion that it would raise ol prices of oil in the midwest.

It will raise the price of gasoline for the whole country. What is it about the words "finite refining capacity" that you people do not get? That pipeline oil is not coming here for our use. It will be refined in our refineries and the products sold overseas. That means less refined gas for us you dolts! "Less supply equals higher prices" ring a bell???? Anyone working on this pipeline or promoting it should be shot for treason....after a fair trial of course.
Ignoring for a moment the fact that your comparison is ridiculous, please explain how you would safely move mass volumes of natural gas from widely dispersed wellheads across thousands of miles to plants and then on to consumers in an economically viable fashion.

I'm not opposed to eminent domain if it is in the best interest of the public(American) which I believe in this cse it is not.
So a project that would employ thousands of people for several years for a pipeline that would ship oil to the US that we can refine rather than buying it already refined from countries that hate us at a steep premium is not good for the United States?
I think he is trying to tell us that the envirowhackos won't allow it.

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