Obama Had His Records Sealed.....Isn't That Influencing An Election???

Facts faun avoids:
1)Dems claim Russia is attacking us by hack and propaganda and the agencies claim it's not taking sides, but doing so to "create division" and chaos.
2)Dems use Sergey Kislyak to create that division and chaos thus doing the work of Russia colluding with Russians to cause the division and instability and resistance to the US Gov't. -way to go brainiacs!
3)OBAMA SET UP SESSIONS AND THIS Russian narrative that caused this division doing the work of Russians while using Russians he calls agents of Russia. -oops
4)Dems turn socialists in the process makes Russia very happy.

^^^ another putz who wants to deviate from the thread topic.


It's about Obama's sealed records, dumbfuck.
What part of placing WH logs in archive did you not comprehend?
Why? WH log had listed Sergey Kislyak 22 times, so it was on topic, you have been off topic trying to avoid the importance of Sergey Kislyak. If archiving the WH logs are not a problem then tell us how many times did Ashley Kroetsch log in?
Facts faun avoids:
1)Dems claim Russia is attacking us by hack and propaganda and the agencies claim it's not taking sides, but doing so to "create division" and chaos.
2)Dems use Sergey Kislyak to create that division and chaos thus doing the work of Russia colluding with Russians to cause the division and instability and resistance to the US Gov't. -way to go brainiacs!
3)OBAMA SET UP SESSIONS AND THIS Russian narrative that caused this division doing the work of Russians while using Russians he calls agents of Russia. -oops
4)Dems turn socialists in the process makes Russia very happy.

^^^ another putz who wants to deviate from the thread topic.


It's about Obama's sealed records, dumbfuck.
What part of placing WH logs in archive did you not comprehend?
Why? WH log had listed Sergey Kislyak 22 times, so it was on topic, you have been off topic trying to avoid the importance of Sergey Kislyak. If archiving the WH logs are not a problem then tell us how many times did Ashley Kroetsch log in?
To rehash …. you idiotically portrayed it as a fake by pointing out the font on it didn't exist in 1961 -- not even realizing it was actually printed in 2007. :eusa_doh:
Does it say 2007, did you cpnvey it as a 2007 copy andcwhy change the subject thst the document itself calls itself invalid so why use an invalid documentcas proof ? once again answer my question:
Do you use crayons to write your checks?
Yes, it says it's a copy produced in 2007. It says it right on it. :eusa_doh:


If you don't want to be insulted, stop being such an idiot. You set yourself up.

And no, his short form was not invalidated as he didn't alter his certification of live birth. He altered an online image of it, which is not an official document anyway. And that is the answer to your question.

Now answer mine ….. if you think Obama was born in the U.S., why would he produce fake birth certificates to prove he was born where you believe he was born?? :cuckoo:
Wrong the document you posted had no date this photo you posted in another post unrelated to my reply thus making you as your media sources, liar and spin
master. So why do you need to lie and post false documents as real ones to plee your case then ad hominem reply with personal insults and cuss?

Lastly notice he won't touch the archive topic & Sergey Kislyak connection to Obama?
psychology of insult cussing responses
Anonymity opens up split personality zone
You're beyond fucking retarded. :cuckoo:

Even after showing you it's got the date 6.6.2007 stamped on it, you still can't understand it was dated.

Sergey Kislyak has nothing to do with this thread.

And I note, you're a complete birther, albeit embarrassed as one, as you flat out refuse to answer why you think Obama would produce fake birth certificates if you believe he was born in the U.S.
How do you know Sergey Kislyak isn't why he hid his WH logs? are you saying there's worse? You just hit yourself and proved why Sergey Kislyak fits this subject as to the question why hide info in a transparent motto administration?
You can reply with crayon.
Keep running, Forrest.... :scared1:

Why you think Obama would produce fake birth certificates if you believe he was born in the U.S.?

If you don't answer, you prove you're a birther.

Facts faun avoids:
1)Dems claim Russia is attacking us by hack and propaganda and the agencies claim it's not taking sides, but doing so to "create division" and chaos.
2)Dems use Sergey Kislyak to create that division and chaos thus doing the work of Russia colluding with Russians to cause the division and instability and resistance to the US Gov't. -way to go brainiacs!
3)OBAMA SET UP SESSIONS AND THIS Russian narrative that caused this division doing the work of Russians while using Russians he calls agents of Russia. -oops
4)Dems turn socialists in the process makes Russia very happy.

^^^ another putz who wants to deviate from the thread topic.


It's about Obama's sealed records, dumbfuck.
What part of placing WH logs in archive did you not comprehend?
Why? WH log had listed Sergey Kislyak 22 times, so it was on topic, you have been off topic trying to avoid the importance of Sergey Kislyak. If archiving the WH logs are not a problem then tell us how many times did Ashley Kroetsch log in?
Moron, you haven't proven they're not subject to the Presidential Records Act.
Score card: falsely stating people as birthers for calling out your poor posts embarassing you, typing cussing, using sock puppet accts, ranting raving and trolling to get censorship removal of a problematic topic , working to do Russias biding in dividing and causing propaganda choas, pathelogical lying, laughing at your sinful behavior, taunting, harassing, angry spirited nature. We can conclude you have issues with life and people therein and are intollerant of people who enjoy and prosper in life. I hope you get better, free yourself from doom and gloom MSM propaganda and get out of your mom's basement more often.
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Faun's tactic in trolling school 101 is to keep calling everyone conspiracy birthers to send problematic posts into the conspiracy section. He's willing to be banned cause he has many sock puppet accts all used for the same troll tactic of sweeping up the messy for his party topics. Faun is thus "the cleaner" for his party.
On Topic:
How many times towards the ending of Obamas term did employee
Ashley Kroetsch stop by the WH and why keep this info from the public if it's nothing?
Remember When America-Hater and Racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright Said He Was Offered $150,000 Hush Money by the OBAMA CAMPAIGN to 'Shut Up' Until After 2008 Election?
Score card: falsely stating people as birthers for calling out your poor posts embarassing you, typing cussing, using sock puppet accts, ranting raving and trolling to get censorship removal of a problematic topic , working to do Russias biding in dividing and causing propaganda choas, pathelogical lying, laughing at your sinful behavior, taunting, harassing, angry spirited nature. We can conclude you have issues with life and people therein and are intollerant of people who enjoy and prosper in life. I hope you get better, free yourself from doom and gloom MSM propaganda and get out of your mom's basement more often.

You outed yourself as a birther by taking up the birther cause without a rational explanation.

That's on you, not me.
Faun's tactic in trolling school 101 is to keep calling everyone conspiracy birthers to send problematic posts into the conspiracy section. He's willing to be banned cause he has many sock puppet accts all used for the same troll tactic of sweeping up the messy for his party topics. Faun is thus "the cleaner" for his party.
Aww, you poor birther. You have to delude yourself I'm a sock to compensate for your moronic birther posts. But on-topic, prove Obama hid records that were not subject to Presidential Records Act restrictions......
If your logic is Everyone Disagreeing with you makes them a birther and Everyone who disagrees with Hillary was Sexist and everyone who disagreed with Obama was Racist then that is called Paranoia.
Even your second and third personality disagrees with you so are they birthers too?
Stay on Topic and obey the forum rules.
You keep avoiding the reason why Obama is hiding info and why you refuse to tell us or "can't tell us" how many times Ashley Kroetsch visited the WH at the last months especially after Trump won. See if you canct answer this then the Op is validated since even you are kept from simple common info.
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Our tax dollars support the WH upkeep and it's staff, so we have the right to know who and why and how often people visit and are guests there. I want myvtax dollars back if Obama can't produce my rights to know who took advantage of my hard earned dollars. *L*
I'm sure he has a few dollars left over from the backdoor of his bags of Iranian cash deal.
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See I was right-topic straight to conspiracy when it's not about birthers simply through Fauns new narrative and troll attack, thus another Dem bullying and censoring a topic, go figure, it's their tactic for all things they can't debate. STARTING THIS TOPIC BACK ON Politics.
If your logic is Everyone Disagreeing with you makes them a birther and Everyone who disagrees with Hillary was Sexist and everyone who disagreed with Obama was Racist then that is called Paranoia.
Even your second and third personality disagrees with you so are they birthers too?
Stay on Topic and obey the forum rules.
You keep avoiding the reason why Obama is hiding info and why you refuse to tell us or "can't tell us" how many times Ashley Kroetsch visited the WH at the last months especially after Trump won. See if you canct answer this then the Op is validated since even you are kept from simple common info.
You're fucking demented. I never once said everyone I disagree with is a birther.

What I did say is that you are a birther since you're a dumbass who thinks Obama produced fake birth certificates.
See I was right-topic straight to conspiracy when it's not about birthers simply through Fauns new narrative and troll attack, thus another Dem bullying and censoring a topic, go figure, it's their tactic for all things they can't debate. STARTING THIS TOPIC BACK ON Politics.
Dumbfuck, I didn't start the birther idiocy on this thread. But I sure had fun with it. Now if you want to talk about Obama sealing records, see if you can do any better than your birther nonsense about Obama faking birth certificates.

Of course, I'm saying this to the fucking retard who didn't know Obama's BC's were date stamped even after being shown the date stamps -- but, whatever.
Hillary's staff started the birther concept, your delusions helped repeat it here for no reason off topic=you end up being the conspirator by posting conspirator certificates, according to forum moderators moving your rants here. So why are you a birther if it's been disproven?
I'm just asking......:dunno:
Obama didn’t have any records “sealed.” A non-public record not being released is not a sealed record.
Then why won't he release them?
I think he was just trying to influence the election.
Why should he have released them?

While it is now common (until Trump) to release tax records, it has never been common or expected to release other private records.
So you think that all of the people wanting to see them shouldn't be allowed to see them?
Isn't' that influencing the election?
No. Not at all.
Let's just use the "F" word here--------------FELONY!

And in this corrupt administration, they are starting to pile up.

Obama released every tax return in his entire life.

Trump refuses to release one.


Because Trump is terrified. As the felonies pile up, Trump is terrified for a reason. The fish rots from the head. And I smell.........bars. Trump and his ilk have bars in their futures. And I don't mean chocolate bars.

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