Obama: I am not a Wuss

Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse

Whatever, bro.

You mean you're ok with Trump being a disaster at foreign policy?

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems.

Certainly not as bad as Bush lying us into Iraq but wait, Trump isn't done yet.
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

Worst President Ever, and a sore Loser who set up shop and The Resistance just down The Street from The Whites House, and then just to show how much he believes his own Bullshit, He bought a $15 Million Dollar Mansion smack dab on The Coast. You know the one that is supposed to be under 20 feet of water in 10 years?

What a DICK
Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse

Whatever, bro.

You mean you're ok with Trump being a disaster at foreign policy?

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems.

Certainly not as bad as Bush lying us into Iraq but wait, Trump isn't done yet.

I tuned into to your normally ignored post just to see if you had learned anything in the past 10 years. Apparently not.
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

If any of that was true, he wouldn't have won a second term.

Record Job Growth Continues as Obama Leaves Trump a

Strong Economy

As we feared, given a choice of increasing our national debt by spending federal dollars on tax cuts for the already wealthy, or of helping the economy by passing a bill to repair our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, the Republican Congress and Donald Trump chose the former. No surprise there. As George W. Bush once said to a California audience of rich GOP donors, you are the real base of the party. And the donor class always seems to cash in.

And despite the initial headlines about one-time bonuses paid by some companies to their employees in the immediate aftermath of the tax cut (followed soon thereafter by some companies - like AT&T - laying off workers, thereby gaining back the cost of those bonuses), most of the corporate windfall so far seems to have been used to buy back their own company stock. Which, of course, benefits large shareholders in those corporations who, again, are the GOP's well-to-do donors; it does not benefit the average guy or gal.

There also appears to be no impact on the economy yet, despite the marketing effort the GOP put into selling the tax cut legislation as a jobs bill. The biggest effect we've seen so far is the growing fear that the resulting increase to the federal debt during a period of full employment will result in inflation and cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates more rapidly than they otherwise would have.

Add in Mr. Trump's mishandling of the tariff issue in such a way that we're looking at a full-blown trade war, and it looks like the Democrats are going to have to ride to the economic rescue once again. Let's just hope the pain isn't as severe this time as it was following the onset of Mr. Bush's Great Recession in 2008.
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

If any of that was true, he wouldn't have won a second term.

Record Job Growth Continues as Obama Leaves Trump a

Strong Economy

As we feared, given a choice of increasing our national debt by spending federal dollars on tax cuts for the already wealthy, or of helping the economy by passing a bill to repair our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, the Republican Congress and Donald Trump chose the former. No surprise there. As George W. Bush once said to a California audience of rich GOP donors, you are the real base of the party. And the donor class always seems to cash in.

And despite the initial headlines about one-time bonuses paid by some companies to their employees in the immediate aftermath of the tax cut (followed soon thereafter by some companies - like AT&T - laying off workers, thereby gaining back the cost of those bonuses), most of the corporate windfall so far seems to have been used to buy back their own company stock. Which, of course, benefits large shareholders in those corporations who, again, are the GOP's well-to-do donors; it does not benefit the average guy or gal.

There also appears to be no impact on the economy yet, despite the marketing effort the GOP put into selling the tax cut legislation as a jobs bill. The biggest effect we've seen so far is the growing fear that the resulting increase to the federal debt during a period of full employment will result in inflation and cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates more rapidly than they otherwise would have.

Add in Mr. Trump's mishandling of the tariff issue in such a way that we're looking at a full-blown trade war, and it looks like the Democrats are going to have to ride to the economic rescue once again. Let's just hope the pain isn't as severe this time as it was following the onset of Mr. Bush's Great Recession in 2008.

So when the stock market dips, is that Barack or Trump?
Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse

Whatever, bro.

You mean you're ok with Trump being a disaster at foreign policy?

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems.

Certainly not as bad as Bush lying us into Iraq but wait, Trump isn't done yet.

What disaster? What? He crushed Obama's Elite ISIS forces. He's got the ChiComs talking. He did this


and this

Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse

Whatever, bro.

You mean you're ok with Trump being a disaster at foreign policy?

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems.

Certainly not as bad as Bush lying us into Iraq but wait, Trump isn't done yet.

What disaster? What? He crushed Obama's Elite ISIS forces. He's got the ChiComs talking. He did this


and this


Wack a mole
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

If any of that was true, he wouldn't have won a second term.

Record Job Growth Continues as Obama Leaves Trump a

Strong Economy

As we feared, given a choice of increasing our national debt by spending federal dollars on tax cuts for the already wealthy, or of helping the economy by passing a bill to repair our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, the Republican Congress and Donald Trump chose the former. No surprise there. As George W. Bush once said to a California audience of rich GOP donors, you are the real base of the party. And the donor class always seems to cash in.

And despite the initial headlines about one-time bonuses paid by some companies to their employees in the immediate aftermath of the tax cut (followed soon thereafter by some companies - like AT&T - laying off workers, thereby gaining back the cost of those bonuses), most of the corporate windfall so far seems to have been used to buy back their own company stock. Which, of course, benefits large shareholders in those corporations who, again, are the GOP's well-to-do donors; it does not benefit the average guy or gal.

There also appears to be no impact on the economy yet, despite the marketing effort the GOP put into selling the tax cut legislation as a jobs bill. The biggest effect we've seen so far is the growing fear that the resulting increase to the federal debt during a period of full employment will result in inflation and cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates more rapidly than they otherwise would have.

Add in Mr. Trump's mishandling of the tariff issue in such a way that we're looking at a full-blown trade war, and it looks like the Democrats are going to have to ride to the economic rescue once again. Let's just hope the pain isn't as severe this time as it was following the onset of Mr. Bush's Great Recession in 2008.

So when the stock market dips, is that Barack or Trump?

Maybe Bush and Trump the way these vapid bed wetters parrot their agitprop.
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

If any of that was true, he wouldn't have won a second term.

Record Job Growth Continues as Obama Leaves Trump a

Strong Economy

As we feared, given a choice of increasing our national debt by spending federal dollars on tax cuts for the already wealthy, or of helping the economy by passing a bill to repair our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, the Republican Congress and Donald Trump chose the former. No surprise there. As George W. Bush once said to a California audience of rich GOP donors, you are the real base of the party. And the donor class always seems to cash in.

And despite the initial headlines about one-time bonuses paid by some companies to their employees in the immediate aftermath of the tax cut (followed soon thereafter by some companies - like AT&T - laying off workers, thereby gaining back the cost of those bonuses), most of the corporate windfall so far seems to have been used to buy back their own company stock. Which, of course, benefits large shareholders in those corporations who, again, are the GOP's well-to-do donors; it does not benefit the average guy or gal.

There also appears to be no impact on the economy yet, despite the marketing effort the GOP put into selling the tax cut legislation as a jobs bill. The biggest effect we've seen so far is the growing fear that the resulting increase to the federal debt during a period of full employment will result in inflation and cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates more rapidly than they otherwise would have.

Add in Mr. Trump's mishandling of the tariff issue in such a way that we're looking at a full-blown trade war, and it looks like the Democrats are going to have to ride to the economic rescue once again. Let's just hope the pain isn't as severe this time as it was following the onset of Mr. Bush's Great Recession in 2008.

So when the stock market dips, is that Barack or Trump?

Maybe Bush and Trump the way these vapid bed wetters parrot their agitprop.

Don't forget when the stock market went up on Obama's watch, Republicans here said he didn't have anything to do with it.

But we know Trump's comments have the ability to make the market tank or go up. So, the answer is it all depends. If Trump starts a trade war with china or his beef with Iran causes gas prices to surge, it's his fault.
He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate

It was also due to his malignancy that we had a stagnant economy and consumer malaise for the entire 8 years of his abysmal tenure. It was due to his deliberate actions and strangulation of manufacturing that the chi-coms surpassed us in GDP while he polluted the WH. It was due to his utter incompetence that the middle east was nearly conquered by the "JV" ISIS jihadists who "uh... well uh... I ... uh... suppose uh... weren't uh... so uh... JV uhhh... after all ..." and a country AKA Libya, that was once a serious contributor to terrorism capitulated and was co-operative collapsed and is now in the same chaotic state that Somalia as been in since 1993.

That meat puppet faggot was an absolute disaster, everything he touched went to shit. There was never a period of global instability as great even during the height of WW2, the stagnation and malaise we felt for 8 years had not been seen since FDR mismanaged the country and allowed Stalin to conquer all of eastern europe. The continued deterioration of our cities is a testament to democrook policies being regressive, and those " uhh... shovel ready uhh... jobs... uh... weren't... uh... as uh... shovel... uh.. ready... uh... as ... uh... i .. uh... we... uhh.. thought they uh.... were... uh... because .... uh ... Bush uh... forgot too.... uhh... buy us... the uh... fuckin shovels.... uh...".

Obozo and every single malignant piece of shit that voted for it are pathetic excuses for oxygen thieves and are fugitives of natural selection. They would not be polluting the gene pool and wasting the efforts of plants if there were no child resistant lids or GFCI plugs.

If any of that was true, he wouldn't have won a second term.

Record Job Growth Continues as Obama Leaves Trump a

Strong Economy

As we feared, given a choice of increasing our national debt by spending federal dollars on tax cuts for the already wealthy, or of helping the economy by passing a bill to repair our nation's deteriorating infrastructure, the Republican Congress and Donald Trump chose the former. No surprise there. As George W. Bush once said to a California audience of rich GOP donors, you are the real base of the party. And the donor class always seems to cash in.

And despite the initial headlines about one-time bonuses paid by some companies to their employees in the immediate aftermath of the tax cut (followed soon thereafter by some companies - like AT&T - laying off workers, thereby gaining back the cost of those bonuses), most of the corporate windfall so far seems to have been used to buy back their own company stock. Which, of course, benefits large shareholders in those corporations who, again, are the GOP's well-to-do donors; it does not benefit the average guy or gal.

There also appears to be no impact on the economy yet, despite the marketing effort the GOP put into selling the tax cut legislation as a jobs bill. The biggest effect we've seen so far is the growing fear that the resulting increase to the federal debt during a period of full employment will result in inflation and cause the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates more rapidly than they otherwise would have.

Add in Mr. Trump's mishandling of the tariff issue in such a way that we're looking at a full-blown trade war, and it looks like the Democrats are going to have to ride to the economic rescue once again. Let's just hope the pain isn't as severe this time as it was following the onset of Mr. Bush's Great Recession in 2008.

So when the stock market dips, is that Barack or Trump?

Maybe Bush and Trump the way these vapid bed wetters parrot their agitprop.

Great example:

The Federal Reserve cut interest rates Wednesday for the second time in seven weeks, in an effort to prolong the decade-old economic expansion in the face of rising headwinds.

Tepid U.S. Jobs Report Adds To Economic Jitters
Business investment and exports have weakened, the Fed noted in a statement.

Feds are responding to signs of slowing economic growth, especially in the manufacturing sector which is sensitive to rising tariffs.

Uncertainty around trade policy is causing some companies to hold back now on investment.
Obama is a pussy. When Seal Team 6 was risking their LIVES, Barry was scared and played spades in another room with Reggie. Of course, once the good news was confirmed, Obama rushed to the cameras to take personal credit.

Obama is a pussy. When Seal Team 6 was risking their LIVES, Barry was scared and played spades in another room with Reggie. Of course, once the good news was confirmed, Obama rushed to the cameras to take personal credit.


Valerie Jarret green-lighted the raid when Barry was out hitting triple bogies on the golf course. When he got back he tried to stop it but Panetta told him it was too late. Then, when the news came they got him, Barry ran to the microphone to announce it, while bin-Laden's lieutenants scrurried off into hiding. The intel collected at the OBL's lair could have netted most of them if he'd waited 24 hours.....makes me wonder if his intention was letting them vanish.

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