Obama: I am not a Wuss

Can anybody even imagine FDR giving a speech that he was not weak? Truman? Eisenhower? JFK? LBJ? Nixon? Ford? Carter? Reagan? Bush 41? Bush 43? Okay, Clinton once mentioned in a press conference that he was relevant, but that's about as close as he ever came to saying he was not weak.

When a President has to go before the nation to declare that he is not weak, I think he has some pretty significant P.R. problems.
Can anybody even imagine FDR giving a speech that he was not weak? Truman? Eisenhower? JFK? LBJ? Nixon? Ford? Carter? Reagan? Bush 41? Bush 43? Okay, Clinton once mentioned in a press conference that he was relevant, but that's about as close as he ever came to saying he was not weak.

When a President has to go before the nation to declare that he is not weak, I think he has some pretty significant P.R. problems.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that people who Brag About How Wonderful They Are or Deny How Awful They Are...are actually confessing to the opposite.

If one truly IS something, one's actions speak for themselves; iow, one doesn't have to put on a Defensive Argument.
Can anybody even imagine FDR giving a speech that he was not weak? Truman? Eisenhower? JFK? LBJ? Nixon? Ford? Carter? Reagan? Bush 41? Bush 43? Okay, Clinton once mentioned in a press conference that he was relevant, but that's about as close as he ever came to saying he was not weak.

When a President has to go before the nation to declare that he is not weak, I think he has some pretty significant P.R. problems.
As many times as Bush 41 was called a wimp, I cannot recall a single time when he declared in public "I am not a wimp".

OTOH, we have Nixon, a crook, who famously declared "I'm not a crook".

So, I imagine that if Dear Leader has to come out and declare the he is not weak, the jury is already in with the verdict.
How embarassiing to have a CinC (in name only) to tell a class of warriors that they are the first class in a long time who won't have to serve in Iraq or Afganistan. These men and women have spent time studying war and are willing and able to defend our beloved country.

Of course, nobody wants a war, but Obama to tell the class that proves he is a wuss and doesn't know anything about inspiring our future military leaders.
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.
Obama West Pointless Speech.

"What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it's our willingness to affirm them through our actions. America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world, those who argue otherwise -- who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away -- are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics."

Um, no, Barry. What makes you even think that we "flout international norms and the rule of law" What possessed you to even say that? It's denigrating! You're the President of the USA, I know you don't believe it, but you are! Act like it!

You drew a red line in Syria, then you ignored it.

And he's just a total jackass on top of it all. No salute in return? Why didn't he bow to the cadet?


Or kiss his hand? That cadet is MORE of a man than Obama will EVER be.
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

He's the Commander and CHIEF of the US armed Forces dumbass.
And he's still a civilian.

Moreover, you don't salute unless in uniform and wearing your cover. At least that's the Navy/Marine rule. I'm not sure how Army and Air Force do it.
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

Really, Admiral?
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

Right but executing American teenagers with drones isn't "torture"

You Obama Fluffers spend so much time kneeling, it's a wonder you can still walk upright
It's not like the cadets were paying attention to him. Did you hear the thunderous applause when he was done? There wasn't any.
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

Maybe you should have a word with the HNIC.
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

It's because he didn't say anything of the kind. The right wing gave up telling the truth a long time ago...don't you know that?
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

It's because he didn't say anything of the kind. The right wing gave up telling the truth a long time ago...don't you know that?

Of course he did. But you have to read between the lines and understand sub-texts of comments. Which only happens if someone is smart. That's why you dont see it.
Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

It's because he didn't say anything of the kind. The right wing gave up telling the truth a long time ago...don't you know that?

Of course he did. But you have to read between the lines and understand sub-texts of comments. Which only happens if someone is smart. That's why you dont see it.

You have to be "smart enough" to see something that isn't there...gotcha.
It's because he didn't say anything of the kind. The right wing gave up telling the truth a long time ago...don't you know that?

Of course he did. But you have to read between the lines and understand sub-texts of comments. Which only happens if someone is smart. That's why you dont see it.

You have to be "smart enough" to see something that isn't there...gotcha.

Something that isn't apparent, is what you mean. Yes, you do.
But you aren't smart enough to figure out that Tab A goes in Slot B, so what could I expect?
No salute in return?

Being a civilian, the president should not return salutes. That's a dumb pretend-macho habit that Reagan started, and it should end.

Anyways, I missed the part where Obama said he wasn't weak. It appears the ODSers are simply lying about Obama again. You know, the usual. Someone here looks weak, pissy and dishonest, but it's not Obama.

It's also interesting to see Frank protesting the USA never violated international norms and has nothing to be sorry for. But then, if you're a psychopath, you won't see any problem with torture.

Maybe you should have a word with the HNIC.

looks as though the theory of presidents should NOT salute back is blown all to hell..., hummmm or maybe it is a "BLACK" thing ?

the man in uniform must be Army, look at his cover, sloppy and worn. :up: very fitting for the other guy in front of him.
Of course he did. But you have to read between the lines and understand sub-texts of comments. Which only happens if someone is smart. That's why you dont see it.

You have to be "smart enough" to see something that isn't there...gotcha.

Something that isn't apparent, is what you mean. Yes, you do.

So if I read between the lines of what you said, you see things that aren't there and draw conclusions based on seething hatred of all black people. I also see you have homosexual tendencies about talking about another man's penis.

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