Obama: I am not a Wuss

You have to be "smart enough" to see something that isn't there...gotcha.

Something that isn't apparent, is what you mean. Yes, you do.

So if I read between the lines of what you said, you see things that aren't there and draw conclusions based on seething hatred of all black people. I also see you have homosexual tendencies about talking about another man's penis.
That's called projection, not reading between the lines.
Try again. Or don't.
Something that isn't apparent, is what you mean. Yes, you do.

So if I read between the lines of what you said, you see things that aren't there and draw conclusions based on seething hatred of all black people. I also see you have homosexual tendencies about talking about another man's penis.
That's called projection, not reading between the lines.
Try again. Or don't.

You were talking about the size of another man's penis (see tag line below). If I'm reading between the lines, that means you're homosexual.

So if I read between the lines of what you said, you see things that aren't there and draw conclusions based on seething hatred of all black people. I also see you have homosexual tendencies about talking about another man's penis.
That's called projection, not reading between the lines.
Try again. Or don't.

You were talking about the size of another man's penis (see tag line below). If I'm reading between the lines, that means you're homosexual.

Actually I was pointing out he had one,because you were too fucking stupid to recognize that Reince Preibus is a man, not a woman as you suggested in your post on the topic.
Another fail. Don't even bother.
That's called projection, not reading between the lines.
Try again. Or don't.

You were talking about the size of another man's penis (see tag line below). If I'm reading between the lines, that means you're homosexual.

Actually I was pointing out he had one,because you were too fucking stupid to recognize that Reince Preibus is a man, not a woman as you suggested in your post on the topic.
Another fail. Don't even bother.

I'm not sure you're a man but since you did comment on another man's junk...seems pretty homosexual to me. If I'm reading between the lines.
Obama West Pointless Speech.

"What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it's our willingness to affirm them through our actions. America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world, those who argue otherwise -- who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away -- are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics."

Um, no, Barry. What makes you even think that we "flout international norms and the rule of law" What possessed you to even say that? It's denigrating! You're the President of the USA, I know you don't believe it, but you are! Act like it!

You drew a red line in Syria, then you ignored it.

And he's just a total jackass on top of it all. No salute in return? Why didn't he bow to the cadet?


Or kiss his hand? That cadet is MORE of a man than Obama will EVER be.
Fella's, President Obama won in 2008. He won in 2012. And on 20Jan17, he will be an ex-President, and all of you can deal with Hillary.

eh, the republican controlled congress will deal with her just fine.
Fella's, President Obama won in 2008. He won in 2012. And on 20Jan17, he will be an ex-President, and all of you can deal with Hillary.

eh, the republican controlled congress will deal with her just fine.

Pres Cruz will deal with Hillary by appointing a special prosecutor.

It will take someone like Cruz to hold these criminals accountable for what they have done. The rest of the republicrats seem to be scared to try.

Obama West Pointless Speech.

"What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it's our willingness to affirm them through our actions. America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world, those who argue otherwise -- who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away -- are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics."

Um, no, Barry. What makes you even think that we "flout international norms and the rule of law" What possessed you to even say that? It's denigrating! You're the President of the USA, I know you don't believe it, but you are! Act like it!

You drew a red line in Syria, then you ignored it.

And he's just a total jackass on top of it all. No salute in return? Why didn't he bow to the cadet?


Obama West Pointless Speech.

"What makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it's our willingness to affirm them through our actions. America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world, those who argue otherwise -- who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away -- are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics."

Um, no, Barry. What makes you even think that we "flout international norms and the rule of law" What possessed you to even say that? It's denigrating! You're the President of the USA, I know you don't believe it, but you are! Act like it!

You drew a red line in Syria, then you ignored it.

And he's just a total jackass on top of it all. No salute in return? Why didn't he bow to the cadet?


He's not a wuss.

When it comes to fighting his enemies here at home is is ruthless and lawless.

People just don't seem to realize part of beathing his enemies here at home, in strengthening our enemies over seas.

He's a sick sociopath.

He did throw the full weight of the US Intel agencies against his domestic "enemy", the Republican Presidential candidate
Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse
Be it as it may, Obama sounded a lot saner than the current generation of the democrats.
Bobo digs another 5 year old thread out of his crypt. :rolleyes:

S/he must have a very full and interesting life.
I do. Last night I took another young lady out on my boat and she brought her hoolahoop. Very hot. And this isn't my Belarian girlfriend I'm talking about. This is another 20 something year old I'm going to hook up with. Not bad for a 48 year old guy. She works at Blackrock so she's only available one night a week which is perfect because I only see my Belarussian girlfriend 2 days a week. I can totally juggle the two.

Trump looks weak

Here’s the thing: Trump is, as political scientists have been saying for some time, a very weak president. Congressional Republicans basically ignore his policy ideas. He loses battles to the executive-branch bureaucracy all the time. He’s been reduced to hiring flunkies and family members so he can get his way within the White House, and even they don’t seem to listen to him half the time. For those familiar with Richard Neustadt’s study of the presidency, this is no surprise: Trump is unpopular and has a poor professional reputation, so he’s not going to have very much influence.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump is stuck in a political box -- largely of his own making -- on Iran, a predicament that becomes more intractable with each alarming cycle of escalation.

In the aftermath of a sophisticated attack on a Saudi oilfield, Trump is being torn between two political and character traits that are starting to define his foreign policy.
He's desperate to avoid a new Middle East quagmire, but cannot bear to look weak.

Perched on his yellow armchair, next to the Crown Prince of Bahrain, Trump hardly seemed like a steely commander in chief "locked and loaded" for action -- an image he had promoted in a weekend tweet that put the world on edge.
"I'm not looking to get into new conflict but sometimes you have to," he said.
The man who tweeted in 2014 that "Saudi Arabia should fight their own wars" is now being asked as President to protect a kingdom that won his favor with ostentatious flattery on his first official trip abroad.

Even if Iran attacked Saudi Arabia's oil field, Trump's responsible for the fallout
The dangerous downward spiral in the Middle East stems from the U.S. scrapping the Iran nuclear deal without a strategy in place.

Congratulations, Mr. President. It took an extraordinary effort, but you finally managed to spark a serious global crisis. I know you don’t like to share credit, but don’t worry. The current mess in the Middle East centered around Iran is all yours.

It will go down in history as a textbook example of replacing a pretty major peace accord with pretty massive problems. Sure, the deal limiting Iran’s nuclear activity forged during the Obama administration was far from perfect. Tehran was still up to no good in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. But the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) verified that Iran was honoring the terms of the agreement made with world powers and had frozen its nuclear program.

Still, the Trump administration bulldozed and then backed over it for good measure. President Donald Trump employed his traditional bombast and bluster about the bad guys in Tehran. He withdrew the U.S. from the international agreement and pulled out his go-to move, slapping on sanctions. The administration threatened any country or company that continued to do business with Iran. This has pushed their economy to the brink. The problem is, pressure only works when there’s an obvious outlet you’re pushing toward, and it’s never been clear what exactly Washington wants, though the administration has vaguely referred to a tougher deal.

Iran rejected Trump’s overtures to renew negotiations — and instead predictably lashed out, most recently by firing cruise missiles on major Saudi Arabian oil sites, damaging a key part of the world’s oil supplies. And those were just warning shots. We are now precariously perched on the precipice of a deeply destructive conflict. Combustible fuel has been spread across the Persian Gulf, and one wrong move could set off a considerable conflagration that even savvy, strategic leaders would struggle to contain. Trump has proven himself to be neither.

Opinion | Trump finally deserves credit for something: Making the Middle East worse

Whatever, bro.

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