obama ignores police request to turn white house blue in honor of slain officers

If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
he put rainbow colors up for gay marriage. purple when Prince died. But not red white and blue on the 4th of July, or blue for murdered cops.

this asshole's agenda is very clear.
The problem is this. When ever he stands up for a cop he has to qualify his statement with the cop in some way deserved it.
If he puts a blue tint on the wh it doesn't send the message the officer deserved it.
That is a lie and you know it.


Donald and Hobbes
Trump must be living rent-free in your head.

What does Trump have to do with this subject anyway?
We the American people own Trump and will send him away badly beaten in November. The OP's lies and bias is reflected in his candidacy.

If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.
If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
As usual, you're making no fucking sense! Get someone to help you understand what you're trying to read and to test your comprehension before you make a fool of yourself by posting non-related gibberish, fool!
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

Did you even listen to that drivel that came out of Obama's mouth? It was pure politics... racial divisiveness. The civil rights act? Education? What a POS.
If he agreed to, would you support him turning the Whitehouse black every time a police officer is convicted of police brutality against a black person?

I know, I sound like a little child. .

Few little children are capable of that much hatred.

Have you ever looked in a mirror at yourself.... for more than a few seconds?
It might scare you.

And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

Did you even listen to that drivel that came out of Obama's mouth? It was pure politics... racial divisiveness. The civil rights act? Education? What a POS.
You're the worst ODS'er on this board.
If he agreed to, would you support him turning the Whitehouse black every time a police officer is convicted of police brutality against a black person?

I know, I sound like a little child. .

Few little children are capable of that much hatred.

Have you ever looked in a mirror at yourself.... for more than a few seconds?
It might scare you.

What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

Did you even listen to that drivel that came out of Obama's mouth? It was pure politics... racial divisiveness. The civil rights act? Education? What a POS.
You're the worst ODS'er on this board.

And you're the biggest Obama bootlicker on this board. The man could literally drop trow and shit on the floor and you'd jump up and down in amazement.
If he agreed to, would you support him turning the Whitehouse black every time a police officer is convicted of police brutality against a black person?

I know, I sound like a little child. .

Few little children are capable of that much hatred.

Have you ever looked in a mirror at yourself.... for more than a few seconds?
It might scare you.

And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

Did you even listen to that drivel that came out of Obama's mouth? It was pure politics... racial divisiveness. The civil rights act? Education? What a POS.
You're the worst ODS'er on this board.

And you're the biggest Obama bootlicker on this board. The man could literally drop trow and shit on the floor and you'd jump up and down in amazement.

Nice meltdown.

lol and note that his post starts with 'and', which signals he doesn't disagree with what I said.
I know, I sound like a little child. .

Few little children are capable of that much hatred.

Have you ever looked in a mirror at yourself.... for more than a few seconds?
It might scare you.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

Did you even listen to that drivel that came out of Obama's mouth? It was pure politics... racial divisiveness. The civil rights act? Education? What a POS.
You're the worst ODS'er on this board.

And you're the biggest Obama bootlicker on this board. The man could literally drop trow and shit on the floor and you'd jump up and down in amazement.

Nice meltdown.

Ouch! Got me!!!

Even in the SC video (one keeps posting) I point out perp ran from stop, tried to steal cop weapon and took off again. Bad shooting? Not necessarily....but it keeps getting posted.
Here, maybe the words from a San Francisco article will help you understand, and be aware many more articles are out there-
"We mourn fewer people today because of your brave actions," he said pointing at the audience filled with officers.

But for many in law enforcement, Obama's words, while welcome, are greeted with suspicion. Does he really believe it and feel it? They point to perceived slights dating back to his first term, and they believe he has helped stoke the flames of hatred for police.

Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama

If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
As usual, you're making no fucking sense! Get someone to help you understand what you're trying to read and to test your comprehension before you make a fool of yourself by posting non-related gibberish, fool!
If it is true that Obama REFUSED to turn on the blue lights for the murdered cops------I AM DISGUSTED. I am laughing at the responses of the idiots on this thread
The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose badly.

since you love the polls, have you watched as HRC's numbers have dropped in the last few days? Comey made the US voters the jury on her violations of national security laws. His non-indictment coupled with Lynch and Bubba meeting secretly on the tarmac is a gift to Trump and republicans.

Ya think maybe Comey secretly hates the Clintons and wants her to lose big time?
of course, the narcissist wouldn't be the center of attention like he could be in dallas

OBAMA IGNORES POLICE REQUEST – Won’t Turn White House ‘Blue’ in Honor of Slain Dallas Officers
But he will turn it rainbow colors, indicating his foreknowledge of how Obergefell was going to come down. Can't really totally blame him in bed with the US Supreme Court since Ginsburg always gushed and hugged him like a schoolgirl and was presiding over gay weddings as the question was pending before the Court.

Within not even one full day, mere hours after the Obergefell "Decision":

The left showing their care and concern...as usual
And your "deep concern" runs to using the slain police officers as pawns in your political gamesmanship. What a good, good Mormon you are, you bloody hypocrite!
What does bringing up guns as the cause of these murders mean to most people? Could it be a prime example of a progressive who can't resist an opportunity to politicize an memorial service?
The only reason Obama bothered to show up was obvious. Pissing on the memory of dead cops.
And that type of thinking undergirds Trump's campaign and clearly reveals why he will lose bdaly.

Why? By pointing out how Obama politicizes everything?

Obama is pond-scum.
Perhaps so, and Trump even more sol. No one at all is pissing on the dead cops. The far right however, as evidenced by the OP, is politicizing them big time.

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