Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State

Although the level of concern may not be high, which worries you more?


    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Climate Change

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
I must admit I never understood the migration across the Bering strait. Consider at that time the world was far for overpopulated why would there be a mass migration? Especially through harsh climate? The theory, I believe is that the ice packs held most of the water thus forming a land bridge. Which means it would have been cold as hell for most of the year. Those migrating would have to know that there was something on the other side to migrate too. A little off topic but I have wondered about why they would migrate.
The grass is always greener on the other side...
Did that help?

How does that help? How would they know there was even "greener" grass on the other side? They would have to transverse 1000 of mile of inhospitable land just to get to Canada.
As I've said in the past, if rush, levin, hannity and the rest the wingnut yakkers came out tomorrow and said global warming is for real, everyone of you naive, gullible tards would start screaming, "GLOBAL WARMING IS FOR REAL, AND OBAMA ISN'T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!"

If the libtards thought global warming was for real, they'd be pushing for nuclear power, instead of stupid windmills.

In our area we have a large coal fired station, it has been indefinitely shut down due to low energy prices, natural gas use, and the lack of demand due to the warm weather. NOTHING is without a price.
How does that help? How would they know there was even "greener" grass on the other side? They would have to transverse 1000 of mile of inhospitable land just to get to Canada.
Play along it was a joke.
i fail to understand how some people think they can change the climate/warming, the Earth has been warming and the climate has been changing ever since the glaciers that once covered most of the Earth North of the Tropic of Cancer for millions of years have melted back to their present stage.

anyone who thinks (FEEEEELS for libertards) humans can change the climate/G. warming is a fool and a brain damaged idiot!!!!!! :up:
As I've said in the past, if rush, levin, hannity and the rest the wingnut yakkers came out tomorrow and said global warming is for real, everyone of you naive, gullible tards would start screaming, "GLOBAL WARMING IS FOR REAL, AND OBAMA ISN'T DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!"

perfect example of a retard post by a libertard. :up:
Really? I am not that worried about either and I be damned if I am going to worry on the beautifully warm days we have had this last week. In my opinion, there is something wrong with Obama, and Mrs Tuluza Clinton who has said the same thing.

Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State
ISIS has minimal impact on Americans. Makes for nice headlines but it doesn't affect our daily lives. The idiot next door with a gun collection is a bigger threat to me than ISIS

Climate change will affect Americans (and the world) for centuries

Except one wants to kill you and the other doesn't. Since you're slow on the uptake, I 'll give you a hint. It's ISIS who is interested in killing you if he can work out the opportunity. Your next door neighbor is simply an enthusiast with a collection. He might have a deadly stamp collection too, so look out.

Exactly what WINGER said, lol. ISIS won't impact future generations, because when Obama leaves office and the new Republican President takes over, ISIS is a bunch of post toasties.

As far as climate change, if you look back in thread, you will notice the left is again, trying to legislate what we say, so nobody has a different point of view. Shall we start calling each other "comrade?"

It is time for the lefts machinations to be dismantled in Washington DC. I would vote for Moe Howard, before anyone on the left. The left has gone to far, and it is time they get slapped back into place. I believe most of the rest of the country concurs!
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Absolutely. It's been going on before the rise of mankind. It is cyclical. The dispute is about "man made climate change."
Really? I am not that worried about either and I be damned if I am going to worry on the beautifully warm days we have had this last week. In my opinion, there is something wrong with Obama, and Mrs Tuluza Clinton who has said the same thing.

Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State
ISIS has minimal impact on Americans. Makes for nice headlines but it doesn't affect our daily lives. The idiot next door with a gun collection is a bigger threat to me than ISIS

Climate change will affect Americans (and the world) for centuries

Except one wants to kill you and the other doesn't. Since you're slow on the uptake, I 'll give you a hint. It's ISIS who is interested in killing you if he can work out the opportunity. Your next door neighbor is simply an enthusiast with a collection. He might have a deadly stamp collection too, so look out.

Exactly what WINGER said, lol. ISIS won't impact future generations, because when Obama leaves office and the new Republican President takes over, ISIS is a bunch of post toasties.

As far as climate change, if you look back in thread, you will notice the left is again, trying to legislate what we say, so nobody has a different point of view. Shall we start calling each other "comrade?"

It is time for the lefts machinations to be dismantled in Washington DC. I would vote for Moe Howard, before anyone on the left. The left has gone to far, and it is time they get slapped back into place. I believe most of the rest of the country concurs!
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal

Tell it to the French, tell it to the hordes fleeing the ME because of ISIS.
...that's because you're an Islamic Extremist Sympathiser who has aided and abetted terrorists your entire time as President, Hussein!
Climate Change is real. It has been happening for 4.5 Billion years. Simply said, the Earth is going to do what it wants to do not because a bunch of White people in suburban America are driving SUVs.
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Absolutely. It's been going on before the rise of mankind. It is cyclical. The dispute is about "man made climate change."
I know and it has been accelerating in the last 100 years

But don't worry. The earth is tough as hell, it can take climate change without problem. It has done it before

It is the people I worry about
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Absolutely. It's been going on before the rise of mankind. It is cyclical. The dispute is about "man made climate change."
I know and it has been accelerating in the last 100 years

But don't worry. The earth is tough as hell, it can take climate change without problem. It has done it before

It is the people I worry about

I know and it has been accelerating in the last 100 years

Better than 100 years of advancing glaciers.

It is the people I worry about

You know what helps people dealing with unfavorable climate? Cheap, reliable energy.
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Absolutely. It's been going on before the rise of mankind. It is cyclical. The dispute is about "man made climate change."

There is no dispute. Just facts and a bunch of morons who ignore facts.
Climate change is real. The only ones to deny it are Republucans and oil companies
ISIS is a threat that mostly kills Muslims in the Middle East. The threat to Americans is minimal
Absolutely. It's been going on before the rise of mankind. It is cyclical. The dispute is about "man made climate change."

There is no dispute. Just facts and a bunch of morons who ignore facts.

Yes, but enough about those warmer morons.

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