Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State

Although the level of concern may not be high, which worries you more?


    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Climate Change

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
Really? I am not that worried about either and I be damned if I am going to worry on the beautifully warm days we have had this last week. In my opinion, there is something wrong with Obama, and Mrs Tuluza Clinton who has said the same thing.

Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State
Thus historians forever have the explanation of why terrorism skyrocketed under his watch.

Yeah tell it brother.....It wasn't the fact that we invaded and occupied an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose any kind of significant threat to the worlds remaining superpower. It wasn't the torture doled out at places like Abu Ghraib......it was all Obama and climate change.....
Sorry, but there was one act of terrorism in the Bush era after 9-11. It's a routine event here in the age of Obama.

Love you Islamo apologists.

Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Incorrect. No one denies that climate change is real. They deny that it is caused by man because there is conflicting science. Government supported scientists have been asked to supply proof of a notion. Independent scientists come up with different results.

No, they haven't.

Yes they have. You don't know it because (a) you have on blinders (b) the media won't report it and (c) there are leftwing politicians threatening to use RICO laws to shut up those who differ in their scientific findings. Pull you head out of your ass and get a dose of reality.

None of that is happening. Link to any international independent study that shows that man made climate change isn't real.

If you're going to keep your head up your ass all the time, you might want to check for polyps. Even though you'll find some excuse to deny this, here is the evidence you say doesn't exist.

Home - Climate Change Reconsidered

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds and created that site? Do you even care?

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds the global warming alarmist cults and their sites? Do you even care? Your scientists are awarded grants to produce preconceived results and have to modify the data to make the models match the predictions. Moron. You said no scientists are refuting the "settled" science. They are. It just doesn't match your bias. Go fish.
Denier Cultists, lying is your thing isn't it.

10,000 + scientists around the world agree Global Warming is real and accelerating, 195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

But a handful of Denier cult members on a message board think they are right. LOL The human mind has unlimited capacity to lie to itself.

195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

What action did they promise? Besides rich countries sending checks to poor countries?
Since you'll never hear it on Fox Noise etc, try Google, idiot. We're not your mother, dupe.

I tried Google idiot, it linked to your posts.
Denier Cultists, lying is your thing isn't it.

10,000 + scientists around the world agree Global Warming is real and accelerating, 195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

But a handful of Denier cult members on a message board think they are right. LOL The human mind has unlimited capacity to lie to itself.

195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

What action did they promise? Besides rich countries sending checks to poor countries?
Since you'll never hear it on Fox Noise etc, try Google, idiot. We're not your mother, dupe.

I tried Google idiot, it linked to your posts.
Denier Cultists, lying is your thing isn't it.

10,000 + scientists around the world agree Global Warming is real and accelerating, 195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

But a handful of Denier cult members on a message board think they are right. LOL The human mind has unlimited capacity to lie to itself.

195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

What action did they promise? Besides rich countries sending checks to poor countries?
Since you'll never hear it on Fox Noise etc, try Google, idiot. We're not your mother, dupe.

I tried Google idiot, it linked to your posts.
So you're a liar and a brainwashed functional moron...a hero to your fellows. LOL. You and your bought off/dupe party are a disgrace.

Why the Paris agreement could be the beginning of the end for global warming denial
No, they haven't.

Yes they have. You don't know it because (a) you have on blinders (b) the media won't report it and (c) there are leftwing politicians threatening to use RICO laws to shut up those who differ in their scientific findings. Pull you head out of your ass and get a dose of reality.

None of that is happening. Link to any international independent study that shows that man made climate change isn't real.

If you're going to keep your head up your ass all the time, you might want to check for polyps. Even though you'll find some excuse to deny this, here is the evidence you say doesn't exist.

Home - Climate Change Reconsidered

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds and created that site? Do you even care?

Holy shit. Seriously? Did you see who funds the global warming alarmist cults and their sites? Do you even care? Your scientists are awarded grants to produce preconceived results and have to modify the data to make the models match the predictions. Moron. You said no scientists are refuting the "settled" science. They are. It just doesn't match your bias. Go fish.
No clue about science at all, eh? Academics have no reason to lie, stupid, but your Big Oil scientists and Fox experts lol sure do. IDIOT.
Denier Cultists, lying is your thing isn't it.

10,000 + scientists around the world agree Global Warming is real and accelerating, 195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

But a handful of Denier cult members on a message board think they are right. LOL The human mind has unlimited capacity to lie to itself.

195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

What action did they promise? Besides rich countries sending checks to poor countries?
Since you'll never hear it on Fox Noise etc, try Google, idiot. We're not your mother, dupe.

I did what you suggested, "try Google, idiot." Your picture came up.
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Really? I am not that worried about either and I be damned if I am going to worry on the beautifully warm days we have had this last week. In my opinion, there is something wrong with Obama, and Mrs Tuluza Clinton who has said the same thing.

Obama: I’m more worried about climate change than the Islamic State
Thus historians forever have the explanation of why terrorism skyrocketed under his watch.

Yeah tell it brother.....It wasn't the fact that we invaded and occupied an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose any kind of significant threat to the worlds remaining superpower. It wasn't the torture doled out at places like Abu Ghraib......it was all Obama and climate change.....
Sorry, but there was one act of terrorism in the Bush era after 9-11. It's a routine event here in the age of Obama.

Love you Islamo apologists.

Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Denier Cultists, lying is your thing isn't it.

10,000 + scientists around the world agree Global Warming is real and accelerating, 195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

But a handful of Denier cult members on a message board think they are right. LOL The human mind has unlimited capacity to lie to itself.

195 countries around the world signed an agreement that Global Warming is a real threat and promised action.

What action did they promise? Besides rich countries sending checks to poor countries?
Since you'll never hear it on Fox Noise etc, try Google, idiot. We're not your mother, dupe.

I did what you suggested, "try Google, idiot. Your picture came up.
Poor you, functional moron. Change the channel.
Why the Paris agreement could be the beginning of the end for global warming denial
Thus historians forever have the explanation of why terrorism skyrocketed under his watch.

Yeah tell it brother.....It wasn't the fact that we invaded and occupied an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose any kind of significant threat to the worlds remaining superpower. It wasn't the torture doled out at places like Abu Ghraib......it was all Obama and climate change.....
Sorry, but there was one act of terrorism in the Bush era after 9-11. It's a routine event here in the age of Obama.

Love you Islamo apologists.

Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Yeah tell it brother.....It wasn't the fact that we invaded and occupied an oil rich Arab nation that did not attack us or pose any kind of significant threat to the worlds remaining superpower. It wasn't the torture doled out at places like Abu Ghraib......it was all Obama and climate change.....
Sorry, but there was one act of terrorism in the Bush era after 9-11. It's a routine event here in the age of Obama.

Love you Islamo apologists.

Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
Sorry, but there was one act of terrorism in the Bush era after 9-11. It's a routine event here in the age of Obama.

Love you Islamo apologists.

Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
Please . Psychos on a shooting spree is all on the republicans .
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
Head is firmly entrenched in your ass I see.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
You leftards are leftards because you are so naive and live in fantasy bubble worlds.

Senator Hillary Clinton's (Democrat, New York) address to the US Senate while voting YES to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.

This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
You leftards are leftards because you are so naive and live in fantasy bubble worlds.

Senator Hillary Clinton's (Democrat, New York) address to the US Senate while voting YES to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.

This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002

Seems you left out a bit of her speech.

Floor Speech of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (October 10, 2002) - Democratic Underground

Some people favor attacking Saddam Hussein now, with any allies we can muster, in the belief that one more round of weapons inspections would not produce the required disarmament, and that deposing Saddam would be a positive good for the Iraqi people and would create the possibility of a secular democratic state in the Middle East, one which could perhaps move the entire region toward democratic reform.

This view has appeal to some, because it would assure disarmament; because it would right old wrongs after our abandonment of the Shiites and Kurds in 1991, and our support for Saddam Hussein in the 1980's when he was using chemical weapons and terrorizing his people; and because it would give the Iraqi people a chance to build a future in freedom.

However, this course is fraught with danger. We and our NATO allies did not depose Mr. Milosevic, who was responsible for more than a quarter of a million people being killed in the 1990s. Instead, by stopping his aggression in Bosnia and Kosovo, and keeping on the tough sanctions, we created the conditions in which his own people threw him out and led to his being in the dock being tried for war crimes as we speak.

If we were to attack Iraq now, alone or with few allies, it would set a precedent that could come back to haunt us. In recent days, Russia has talked of an invasion of Georgia to attack Chechen rebels. India has mentioned the possibility of a pre-emptive strike on Pakistan. And what if China were to perceive a threat from Taiwan?

So Mr. President, for all its appeal, a unilateral attack, while it cannot be ruled out, on the present facts is not a good option.
Hilariously ironic. But thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, wrecking the ME and the world economy...and 7 years of mindless obstruction.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
You leftards are leftards because you are so naive and live in fantasy bubble worlds.

Senator Hillary Clinton's (Democrat, New York) address to the US Senate while voting YES to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.

This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002
And immediately reports started that those intelligence reports were cherry picked Pubcrappe. At any rate, Booooshie a-holes said the vote was to put added pressure on Reagan's pal Saddam, not for war. Pubs totally fos as usual, dupe.
Yeah, Hillary insisting al Queda was in Iraq and pushing for invasion made it easy, thanks.
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
You leftards are leftards because you are so naive and live in fantasy bubble worlds.

Senator Hillary Clinton's (Democrat, New York) address to the US Senate while voting YES to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.

This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002
And immediately reports started that those intelligence reports were cherry picked Pubcrappe. At any rate, Booooshie a-holes said the vote was to put added pressure on Reagan's pal Saddam, not for war. Pubs totally fos as usual, dupe.

And immediately reports started that those intelligence reports were cherry picked Pubcrappe.

That's funny, because Clinton was saying the same stuff before he left office.
Was he fooled by pubcrappe?
Hilarious. Lol link?
And when I do what then?

You're onto your next bullshit rant. The fact you don't even know this simple fact shows how ignorant you are.
There is no such link on Hillary, dupe.
You leftards are leftards because you are so naive and live in fantasy bubble worlds.

Senator Hillary Clinton's (Democrat, New York) address to the US Senate while voting YES to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members.

It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well, effects American security.

This is a very difficult vote, this is probably the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Any vote that might lead to war should be hard, but I cast it with conviction."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
Addressing the US Senate
October 10, 2002
And immediately reports started that those intelligence reports were cherry picked Pubcrappe. At any rate, Booooshie a-holes said the vote was to put added pressure on Reagan's pal Saddam, not for war. Pubs totally fos as usual, dupe.

And immediately reports started that those intelligence reports were cherry picked Pubcrappe.

That's funny, because Clinton was saying the same stuff before he left office.
Was he fooled by pubcrappe?
He was talking about chem/bio weapons, which we knew Saddam had, since Ronnie Raygun helped with them, not "mushroom cloud" bs, dupe. Great job, W Rummie Cheney. How'd that work out?

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