Obama: Immigration Reform?


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2014
What in the hell is doling out another amnesty supposed to "reform." The only thing it is likely to reform is the numbers of illegal invader scabs coming here. By increasing the likelihood of it. I know that most, if not all Mexicans would like to see things "reformed" to the point that the U.S. Mexico border no longer exists. They also talk about checking these people for criminal backgrounds. What kind of magical world does Obama live in where he thinks looking up such things and in the required numbers is an easy thing to do. Also, who is to tell how long many of these illegals have been here as a justification for their amnesty.

Another thing is the numbers of Mexicans who can just cross the border at any of the busy border crossings. From the vidoes I have seen of border crossings, thousands of people cross each way every day. But for some reason, there are shitloads of Mexicans who prefer to sneak across. Often taking very dangerous routs. (Saying this sarcastically) I wonder why!

I pointed out what is really going on in my thread, "A Freedom of Speech Test." What is really going on is that the elite capitalist scum who run this country just loves the shit out of scabs and wage slaves. As I said in that thread, the U.S. should start taking the illegals they catch and start sending them back across the border. Using catapults.
What in the hell is doling out another amnesty supposed to "reform." The only thing it is likely to reform is the numbers of illegal invader scabs coming here
That was the thug Obama's plan all along. How else is going to TRANSFORM US?
What in the hell is doling out another amnesty supposed to "reform." The only thing it is likely to reform is the numbers of illegal invader scabs coming here
That was the thug Obama's plan all along. How else is going to TRANSFORM US?
I don't know what this Cloward-Piven thing is. But I doubt if this country will ever go completely socialist or communist. For those who run this country, it is simply a matter of the poor never being poor enough. I talked about this subject in my thread, "Foreigners do it better." If you're interested, take a look at it.
What in the hell is doling out another amnesty supposed to "reform." The only thing it is likely to reform is the numbers of illegal invader scabs coming here
That was the thug Obama's plan all along. How else is going to TRANSFORM US?
I don't know what this Cloward-Piven thing is. But I doubt if this country will ever go completely socialist or communist. For those who run this country, it is simply a matter of the poor never being poor enough. I talked about this subject in my thread, "Foreigners do it better." If you're interested, take a look at it.

Do some research on it. Its very real.
Everything You Need To Know About Obama's Executive Amnesty
Conn Carroll|Nov 21, 2014

In a primetime address on November 20, President Obama made his sales pitch to the American people for a series of immigration executive actions he will sign on November 21 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Here is what you need to know:
What actions is Obama taking specifically?
The key to Obama's new immigration policyis the creation of one new amnesty program and the expansion of another.
Specifically, Obama's new amnesty program will give illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for at least five years, and who are parents of U.S. citizens or legal residents, a three year work permit. This permit will also allow them to obtain a Social Security number and get a driver's license. Pew estimates that 3.5 million current illegal immigrants will qualify for this program.
Obama is also expanding the existing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals amnesty program. Previously only those illegal immigrants who were born before 1981 and entered the U.S. as a minor before 2007 were eligible for benefits. Now all illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. as a minor before 2010 will be eligible for amnesty. Like the parents above, DACA recipients will also get work permits, Social Security numbers, and driver's licenses. Pew estimates that 235,00 illegal immigrants will gain eligibility for benefits through this program expansion.
Is this legal?
Obama didn't think so. As recently as this spring, and on more than 20 other occasions, Obama said he could not rewrite immigration law by executive action.
Specifically, this March Obamatold Univision, "But what I’ve said in the past remains true, which is until Congress passes a new law, then I am constrained in terms of what I am able to do. ... t at a certain point the reason that these deportations are taking place is, Congress said, ‘you have to enforce these laws.’ They fund the hiring of officials at the department that’s charged with enforcing. And I cannot ignore those laws any more than I could ignore, you know, any of the other laws that are on the books.
More damning, in 2011, Obama told the National Council of La Raza, "Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that's not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That's not how our Constitution is written."
How is Obama justifying this amnesty?

ALL of it here:
Everything You Need To Know About Obama s Executive Amnesty - Conn Carroll
What in the hell is doling out another amnesty supposed to "reform." The only thing it is likely to reform is the numbers of illegal invader scabs coming here
That was the thug Obama's plan all along. How else is going to TRANSFORM US?
I don't know what this Cloward-Piven thing is. But I doubt if this country will ever go completely socialist or communist. For those who run this country, it is simply a matter of the poor never being poor enough. I talked about this subject in my thread, "Foreigners do it better." If you're interested, take a look at it.

Do some research on it. Its very real.
There is more going on than the fate of capitalism. It may sound like a cliche, but what is really going on is the dominance of the Jewish "chosen of god." Christians support them as a way of proving the power of their iminagary god. The Jews at the same time support each other to prove that they are the "chosen of god."

One way they do this is by promoting interracial filth through their domination of the media. Because anthying they can do to destroy "whitie" helps them. Also, with there only being 14 million Jews in the world, it only helps their cause by appearing to be the "good guy" and supporting the underdogs. One of these underdogs are of course the illegal invader scabs coming over our southern border.
"Obama: Immigration Reform?"

The president's EO does not constitute 'reform,' nor is it 'amnesty.'

It's a policy designed to prioritize deportations by going after violent criminals and other serious offenders first.

It doesn't involve any of the policies you'd like to see implemented, such as herding human beings into cattle cars and sending them to death camps.
"Obama: Immigration Reform?"

The president's EO does not constitute 'reform,' nor is it 'amnesty.'

It's a policy designed to prioritize deportations by going after violent criminals and other serious offenders first.

It doesn't involve any of the policies you'd like to see implemented, such as herding human beings into cattle cars and sending them to death camps.
What Obama wants to do isn't reform. But it is amnesty. As for deporting violent criminals, I say deport them all and let god sort them out. Besides, they're being in this country illegally makes them criminals. (Along with many other unflattering things) I don't care what level of criminal they are.

Also, don't tell me what I would like to see. I'm not in favor of death camps. I'm in favor of sending them back over the border using catapults! That is at least enough of them to make them want to stop coming here. After that, what I am in favor of is dividing up this country. Giving Negroes and other non-whites a sizeable chunk of the southeast as their homeland. Also, giving injins, mestizos, latinos and other non-whites a sizeable chunk of the southwest.
"Obama: Immigration Reform?"

The president's EO does not constitute 'reform,' nor is it 'amnesty.'

It's a policy designed to prioritize deportations by going after violent criminals and other serious offenders first.

Is it the anonymity of the internet that makes you so comfortable with lying? The EO grants permanent legal status to millions of illegal aliens, who are therefore exempted from immigration enforcement actions. How is this different from amnesty?
"Obama: Immigration Reform?"

The president's EO does not constitute 'reform,' nor is it 'amnesty.'

It's a policy designed to prioritize deportations by going after violent criminals and other serious offenders first.

It doesn't involve any of the policies you'd like to see implemented, such as herding human beings into cattle cars and sending them to death camps.

Our immigration laws state that all illegal aliens are to be deported not prioritized. Who the hell is advocating for them to be herded in to cattle cars or sent to death camps? Lies and exaggerations do nothing to lend credence to your apparent pro-illegal, anti-American stance.
"Obama: Immigration Reform?"

The president's EO does not constitute 'reform,' nor is it 'amnesty.'

It's a policy designed to prioritize deportations by going after violent criminals and other serious offenders first.

It doesn't involve any of the policies you'd like to see implemented, such as herding human beings into cattle cars and sending them to death camps.

Our immigration laws state that all illegal aliens are to be deported not prioritized. Who the hell is advocating for them to be herded in to cattle cars or sent to death camps? Lies and exaggerations do nothing to lend credence to your apparent pro-illegal, anti-American stance.
Unfortunately, to those who want to believe them, lies and exaggerations being spoken is enough to make them credible. Also, don't completely take my word for what I next have to say. Because I could be wrong. But I seem to remember Adolf Hitler being quoted as saying that "The bigger the lie, the more likely people are to believe it."

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