Obama Importing Tuberculosis Into U.S.

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. .

What really makes your post outrageous is that fact of your extreme ignorance.

Most refugees are not Islamic refugees at all- let alone Syrian refugees, and we have been accepting legal refugees for decades.

Here are the countries with over 1,000 refugees in 2015

Burma 18,386
Iraq 12,676
Somalia 8,858
Dem. Rep. Congo 7,876
Bhutan 5,775
Iran 3,109
Syria 1,682
Eritrea 1,596
Sudan 1,578
Cuba 1,527
Ukraine 1,451
Burundi 1,186

Now if you want the United States to stop its decades long policy of accepting refugees- then go for it.

But the refugees arriving from Syria with TB are statistically unlikely to be the major source of TB

How many illegal aliens have crossed the border in the past few years and how were they screened?

I already answered how many were 'screened- here I will quote that again:

One of the problems in your OP is you referred to an article about TB among legal refugees in Vermont- which is what I was addressing.

And then you through in Illegal aliens- which are not the same as the legal refugees in Vermont and elsewhere.

Illegal aliens are of course not screened- and none of your citations about TB refer to illegal aliens
. If you want to argue about TB being a problem with illegal aliens- make that argument- supported with facts.

Legal refugees- which is who were discussed in your citation- are pre-screened, and there are follow up screenings. We have been accepting legal refugees since at least the end of the Vietnamese war, and as I pointed out in my other citation, there have been incidences of TB among refugees going back at least to the year 2000.

So why do you blame President Obama, and the mythical 'open borders"?

I used TB in VT as an example of the incredible risk Obama has foisted upon the U.S. Communicable diseases which were under control in the U.S. are now being imported to spread again. Add that to the loons who opposed vaccination, and we're going to see unnecessary and potential deadly outbreaks.

But as long as those are limited to poor out of work people with poor access to health care, then all the better to decrease the surplus population.
All Americans have to fear are Widows and Orphans...

'Nuff said.
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. .

What really makes your post outrageous is that fact of your extreme ignorance.

Most refugees are not Islamic refugees at all- let alone Syrian refugees, and we have been accepting legal refugees for decades.

Here are the countries with over 1,000 refugees in 2015

Burma 18,386
Iraq 12,676
Somalia 8,858
Dem. Rep. Congo 7,876
Bhutan 5,775
Iran 3,109
Syria 1,682
Eritrea 1,596
Sudan 1,578
Cuba 1,527
Ukraine 1,451
Burundi 1,186

Now if you want the United States to stop its decades long policy of accepting refugees- then go for it.

But the refugees arriving from Syria with TB are statistically unlikely to be the major source of TB

How many illegal aliens have crossed the border in the past few years and how were they screened?

I already answered how many were 'screened- here I will quote that again:

One of the problems in your OP is you referred to an article about TB among legal refugees in Vermont- which is what I was addressing.

And then you through in Illegal aliens- which are not the same as the legal refugees in Vermont and elsewhere.

Illegal aliens are of course not screened- and none of your citations about TB refer to illegal aliens
. If you want to argue about TB being a problem with illegal aliens- make that argument- supported with facts.

Legal refugees- which is who were discussed in your citation- are pre-screened, and there are follow up screenings. We have been accepting legal refugees since at least the end of the Vietnamese war, and as I pointed out in my other citation, there have been incidences of TB among refugees going back at least to the year 2000.

So why do you blame President Obama, and the mythical 'open borders"?

I used TB in VT as an example of the incredible risk Obama has foisted upon the U.S. Communicable diseases which were under control in the U.S. are now being imported to spread again. Add that to the loons who opposed vaccination, and we're going to see unnecessary and potential deadly outbreaks.

But as long as those are limited to poor out of work people with poor access to health care, then all the better to decrease the surplus population.

TB has been coming in with new immigrants- including refugees and illegal aliens long before President Obama was President.

This is your thread- you are the one who started a thread to blame President Obama for TB- and I pointed out that the only thing President Obama is guilty of is the same immigration policy we have had for decades.

Do you think we should prevent all risk of communicable disease? That would require not the prevention of immigrants- but of tourists and business travellers to the United States- and stopping Americans from travelling to foreign countries and bringing communicable diseases home.

So exactly what is the specific 'incredible risk Obama has foisted on the U.S.'?
Vast majority of Syrian refugees are Muslim. They are the ones raping boys and women in Germany, France and Great Britain.

The U.N. has been approving Muslim refugees over Christian refugees even though Christians are in far more danger in Syria and every other Muslim country.

The U.N. also admitted that the Muslim refugees are not in danger and they called them 'economic refugees.' Therefore, there is no rush. And it's downright suspicious the way they are seeding them across the world. It's not about looking for better schools for their children. They are spreading because they have a plan and they will be everywhere, which would make it much easier to carry out major attacks.

Don't forget that at least 10% of the Syrian refugees are likely ISIS members. That means 1,000 ISIS members will be here right off the bat. And if Obama and Hillary bring in 50,000 more, we will have at least 5,000 ISIS members or other terrorists. That number doesn't include radicalized Muslims who support the terrorist organizations. It only took a handful of terrorists to carry out the 9/11 attack. It only took a few to carry out the Paris attacks. Imagine what 5,000 or more can do in the states.

The people in other countries feel that their country has been invaded and now they are treated like the strangers in their own homeland. Many are afraid to go out because of the harassment and attacks. And the liberal governments tell the people to change their ways so they don't offend the invaders. It's such bullshit.

Diseases are another concern, but more people will be affected by rude refugees infiltrating their towns and making life miserable.

Some of the diseases are serious and if there is any outbreak, Obama can take credit because of the sheer numbers of unprocessed people pouring into this country. It doesn't matter whether they are bought in as "refugees" or they sneak in through Mexico. We have no idea who is already here or what danger they pose yet our government is willingly bringing in more and leaving the borders open so anyone can get in.

Yea, we had the problem before, but it's worse now than ever. It's like we had a small fire. Instead of putting it out, Obama threw gas on it and now we have a fire burning out of control. He gets credit for his part in this open borders disaster.
It's heeerrreeee!!!!!

Two-thirds of contagious tuberculosis carriers in the United States during 2015 were born overseas, up from one-fifth in 1986.
The government’s increased inflow of tuberculosis-carrying migrants appears to have reversed a 23-year decline of contagious tuberculosis cases inside the United States.

The jump in foreign-born cases from 22 percent in 1986 to 66 percent in 2015 is caused by the federal government’s policy of accepting more tuberculosis-infected migrants from countries with large-scale contagions of the deadly and debilitating disease. The disease spreads when carriers cough or exhale the TB bacteria.

In 1986, about 5,000 of the estimated 22,725 cases of contagious TB, or ‘active TB,’ reported in the United States were diagnosed in foreign-born patients, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The data appears in the CDC’s May 10, 1996 MMWR Weekly Report, “Tuberculosis Morbidity — United States, 1995.”

In 2015, 29 years later, the percentage of foreign born cases of active TB in the United States has tripled to 66 percent. The total number of active TB cases have declined to 9,563 in 2015 because of large-scale public health programs, but the number of foreign-born cases has increased from 5,000 up to 6,335. That is up by almost 20 percent since 1986.

American-born active TB cases have declined from an estimated 17,725 in 1986 to 3,201 in 2015. That is down 80 percent since 1986.

But federal immigration policy is pushing up the nation’s contagious TB cases. In 2015, for the first time in 23 years, the number of active TB cases in the United States increased rather than declined. It rose by 1.7 percent from the 9,421 cases diagnosed in 2014....

U.S. Tuberculosis Cases Rise as Foreign-Born Patients Triple 1986 Caseload Percentage - Breitbart

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