Obama Importing Tuberculosis Into U.S.

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org
"Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises...." Does that mean the refugees contacted TB after they arrived here?

It means that the U.S. government is allowing infected people into the U.S. and dumping them in states who then have to figure out what health issues have been imported.
Thanks for the answer. Now can we go back to the "Obama's open border policies"? What, when did the borders get declared "open" by the current admin, and when did the 'comprehensive health screenings' get dropped?
usually during election season...
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org
"Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises...." Does that mean the refugees contacted TB after they arrived here?

It means that the U.S. government is allowing infected people into the U.S. and dumping them in states who then have to figure out what health issues have been imported.
Thanks for the answer. Now can we go back to the "Obama's open border policies"? What, when did the borders get declared "open" by the current admin, and when did the 'comprehensive health screenings' get dropped?

Clearly, you live in a hard plastic (recycled?) bubble.

Obama has used Non-Enforcement of the law to open the borders.
I'm quoting:

"Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

This isn't an observation from would-be GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump or some wild-eyed rube -- it's a devastating criticism that comes from two public health experts at the government's own Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It comes as deadly diseases surface or make a comeback in the U.S. Among those ailments are tuberculosis, pneumonia, paralysis-causing acute flaccid myelitis, dengue fever, swine flu, and enterovirus D68"

Is the ..."Obama administration unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public?" Yes he is

Is ....."Obama rolling out a very long red carpet for people who have no right to be here and no desire to obey America's laws?" Yes indeed.

Who hates America? Hussein Obama does.

People here are out of work, many can't afford health insurance, and obama is flooding the country with those of many needs and few skills. The rejects from the third world. and it's a given that many have diseases that we will have to deal with that problem and expense. When America was great, we decided who should come here and sent the ones back who had diseases. Obama either hates this country or he's stupid.
I have the exact opposite, more work than I can handle and poor health....Ain't life a bitch?
I'm quoting:

"Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

This isn't an observation from would-be GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump or some wild-eyed rube -- it's a devastating criticism that comes from two public health experts at the government's own Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It comes as deadly diseases surface or make a comeback in the U.S. Among those ailments are tuberculosis, pneumonia, paralysis-causing acute flaccid myelitis, dengue fever, swine flu, and enterovirus D68"

Is the ..."Obama administration unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public?" Yes he is

Is ....."Obama rolling out a very long red carpet for people who have no right to be here and no desire to obey America's laws?" Yes indeed.

Who hates America? Hussein Obama does.

People here are out of work, many can't afford health insurance, and obama is flooding the country with those of many needs and few skills. The rejects from the third world. and it's a given that many have diseases that we will have to deal with that problem and expense. When America was great, we decided who should come here and sent the ones back who had diseases. Obama either hates this country or he's stupid.
In the 1850s the Irish suffered a potato famine that sent thousands scurrying to America or starve. Most of them were probably sickly too. And the hue and cry against these immigrants was their 'many needs and few skills' that took jobs away from the local populations. Now we hear the same old cries, over and over and over again. In the 1950s the Protestants in Ireland justified their hatred of Catholics by saying they are dirty, uneducated, breed like rabbits and will probably knife you if you get close. In 1963 that was the very condemnation used to justify denying civil rights to American Blacks by many who felt it is 'too soon' to give equality to citizens who were freed from slavery about 100 years prior to 1963. There's a certain sameness about hatred and bigotry, isn't there?.
Doesn't mean they have it. It means they've been exposed. If they aren't infectious then they're really lucky, they're immune.

From the insipid and overly inspired O/P's link:
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that tuberculosis is common worldwide, with one out of every three people carrying the bacteriumMycobacterium tuberculosis. In 2014, about 9.6 million people had active TB and 1.5 million people died from the disease. TB disease is rare in the United States, however, with just 9,421 active TB cases reported in 2014."

I really think some people have way too much time on their hands and just have to make shit up.
If it only kills a few thousand Americans its worth it. THAT's the justification for just about every left wing agenda item, like allowing illegals to flood into the country and kill over 3,000 American citizens each year.
And this certainly isn't going to enhance national health.

Judicial Watch: DHS Quietly Releasing Vanloads of Illegal Aliens Into the United States

Judicial Watch was on the ground when one of the white vans carrying a group of OTMs arrived at a Phoenix Greyhound station.

The OTMs are from Honduras, Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala and Border Patrol officials say this week’s batch was in custody for a couple of days and ordered to call family members in the U.S. so they could purchase a bus ticket for their upcoming trip from Phoenix. Authorities didn’t bother checking the identity of the U.S. relatives or if they’re in the country legally, according to a Border Patrol official directly involved in the matter. American taxpayers pick up the fare for those who claim to have a “credible fear,” Border Patrol sources told JW. None of the OTMs were issued official court appearance documents, but were told to “promise” they’d show up for a hearing when notified, said federal agents with firsthand knowledge of the operation.
A security company contracted by the U.S. government is driving the OTMs from the Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector where they were in custody to Phoenix, sources said. The firm is called G4S and claims to be the world’s leading security solutions group with operations in more than 100 countries and 610,000 employees. G4S has more than 50,000 employees in the U.S. and its domestic headquarters is in Jupiter, Florida. Judicial Watch is filing a number of public records requests to get more information involving the arrangement between G4S and the government, specifically the transport of illegal immigrants from the Mexican border to other parts of the country. The photo accompanying this story shows the uniformed G4S guard that transported the OTMs this week from Tucson to Phoenix.

Outraged Border Patrol agents and supervisors on the front lines say illegal immigrants are being released in droves because there’s no room to keep them in detention. “They’re telling us to put them on a bus and let them go,” said one law enforcement official in Arizona. “Just move those bodies across the country.” Officially, DHS denies this is occurring and in fact earlier this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner R. Gil Kerlikowske blasted Border Patrol union officials for denouncing this dangerous catch-and-release policy. Kerlikowske’s scolding came in response to the congressional testimony of Bandon Judd, chief of the National Border Patrol Council, the labor union that represents line agents. Judd told lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee that illegal immigrants without serious criminal convictions can be released immediately and disappear into the shadows. Kerlikowske shot back, telling a separate congressional committee: “I would not stand by if the Border Patrol was — releasing people without going through all of the formalities.”...

Judicial Watch: DHS Quietly Releasing Vanloads of Illegal Aliens Into the United States
i dont see how judicial watch lies will affect anyone's health...
I'm quoting:

"Even as exotic new diseases and nearly-eradicated old ones keep popping up across the nation, the Obama administration is unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public.

This isn't an observation from would-be GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump or some wild-eyed rube -- it's a devastating criticism that comes from two public health experts at the government's own Centers for Disease Control (CDC). It comes as deadly diseases surface or make a comeback in the U.S. Among those ailments are tuberculosis, pneumonia, paralysis-causing acute flaccid myelitis, dengue fever, swine flu, and enterovirus D68"

Is the ..."Obama administration unconcerned, or some would say, recklessly indifferent, to the public health threat that Third World illegal aliens pose to the American public?" Yes he is

Is ....."Obama rolling out a very long red carpet for people who have no right to be here and no desire to obey America's laws?" Yes indeed.

Who hates America? Hussein Obama does.

People here are out of work, many can't afford health insurance, and obama is flooding the country with those of many needs and few skills. The rejects from the third world. and it's a given that many have diseases that we will have to deal with that problem and expense. When America was great, we decided who should come here and sent the ones back who had diseases. Obama either hates this country or he's stupid.

you say: "Obama either hates this country or he's stupid"

I think it's both jasonnfree.

If it only kills a few thousand Americans its worth it. THAT's the justification for just about every left wing agenda item, like allowing illegals to flood into the country and kill over 3,000 American citizens each year.

A mass epidemic that killed off a bunch of poor, unemployed people with inadequate access to health care would be Very Convenient, especially now that the low skilled jobs are being eliminated in favor of ROBOTS.
If it only kills a few thousand Americans its worth it. THAT's the justification for just about every left wing agenda item, like allowing illegals to flood into the country and kill over 3,000 American citizens each year.
Illegals flood the nation during GOP and Dem control... Reagan gave them amnesty, was he a liberal, leftist, conservative?
If it only kills a few thousand Americans its worth it. THAT's the justification for just about every left wing agenda item, like allowing illegals to flood into the country and kill over 3,000 American citizens each year.

A mass epidemic that killed off a bunch of poor, unemployed people with inadequate access to health care would be Very Convenient, especially now that the low skilled jobs are being eliminated in favor of ROBOTS.
Many jobs have been replaced by automation for over a hundred years, got anymore weak theories?
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

Of course if it wasn't for President Obama we would haven no refugees coming into the United States......

We have no 'open border' policy- despite the idiotic claims.

Anyone who has crossed our Southern border would know that. It is harder to cross our Southern border now than it was when George Bush was President- fewer illegals are crossing now than before President Obama became President.

Refugees get screened for TB- but TB is tricky- tricky enough that I can't condense what the CDC takes a page to say

Domestic Tuberculosis Guidelines | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC

And the cases of TB?
Domestic Tuberculosis Guidelines | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC
From 2002- Thanks Obama!
In 2002, 51 percent of persons with tuberculosis in the United States were foreign-born; 19 percent of them had been in the United States for less than one year.1 To prevent persons with potentially infectious tuberculosis from entering the United States and to detect possible noninfectious tuberculosis, immigrants and refugees undergo tuberculosis screening overseas with the use of chest radiography.
Of 712 foreign-born persons with tuberculosis, 91 (13 percent) were newly arrived refugees. Using the states' total refugee arrivals as the denominator, the rate of tuberculosis disease among newly arrived refugees was 504 per 100,000 persons — a rate approximately 80 times the 2000 U.S. national rate (Table 1Table 1Cases of Tuberculosis and Estimated Incidence Rates among Newly Arrived Refugees in Minnesota, New York, Virginia, and Washington, October 1999 to September 2000.).1 Tuberculosis case rates were highest among refugees with active-tuberculosis classifications overseas, but rates of sputum-smear positivity for acid-fast bacilli were highest among refugees with a classification of inactive tuberculosis. Most refugees (82 percent) with smear-positive tuberculosis were screened within 6 months before departure to the United States, and 50 percent were given a diagnosis within 30 days after arrival in the United States.
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

And that's on top of the Ebola that has literally killed hundreds of thousands of white Republicans in the US since Obama didn't ban the direct flights (that didn't exist) from African countries with Ebola.
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. The U.N. already admitted that the Muslim refugees are not in danger and that they are economic refugees looking for better living conditions and education for their children. So, they can wait and go through a thorough screening process that includes health exams and background checks. Actually, there is no reason for them to be here. The "refugees" are pouring into countries all over the world and it seems clear that the real plan is to spread themselves around the world. The whole refugee crisis is nothing but bullshit. Not only are dangerous people invading countries but they are also spreading diseases. We need to just stop this.

If we are going to help people, we should focus on homeless Americans first. If we want to help people in other countries, maybe the ones who actually are in mortal danger should go to the head of the line over those who just want to spread and multiply.
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

Of course if it wasn't for President Obama we would haven no refugees coming into the United States......

We have no 'open border' policy- despite the idiotic claims.

Anyone who has crossed our Southern border would know that. It is harder to cross our Southern border now than it was when George Bush was President- fewer illegals are crossing now than before President Obama became President.

Refugees get screened for TB- but TB is tricky- tricky enough that I can't condense what the CDC takes a page to say

Domestic Tuberculosis Guidelines | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC

And the cases of TB?

Really? All the illegal immigrants sneaking across the border get screened and then released?

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

Of course if it wasn't for President Obama we would haven no refugees coming into the United States......

We have no 'open border' policy- despite the idiotic claims.

Anyone who has crossed our Southern border would know that. It is harder to cross our Southern border now than it was when George Bush was President- fewer illegals are crossing now than before President Obama became President.

Refugees get screened for TB- but TB is tricky- tricky enough that I can't condense what the CDC takes a page to say

Domestic Tuberculosis Guidelines | Immigrant and Refugee Health | CDC

And the cases of TB?

Really? All the illegal immigrants sneaking across the border get screened and then released?


Really? Where did I say that?

One of the problems in your OP is you referred to an article about TB among legal refugees in Vermont- which is what I was addressing.

And then you through in Illegal aliens- which are not the same as the legal refugees in Vermont and elsewhere.

Illegal aliens are of course not screened- and none of your citations about TB refer to illegal aliens. If you want to argue about TB being a problem with illegal aliens- make that argument- supported with facts.

Legal refugees- which is who were discussed in your citation- are pre-screened, and there are follow up screenings. We have been accepting legal refugees since at least the end of the Vietnamese war, and as I pointed out in my other citation, there have been incidences of TB among refugees going back at least to the year 2000.

So why do you blame President Obama, and the mythical 'open borders"?
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. .

What really makes your post outrageous is that fact of your extreme ignorance.

Most refugees are not Islamic refugees at all- let alone Syrian refugees, and we have been accepting legal refugees for decades.

Here are the countries with over 1,000 refugees in 2015

Burma 18,386
Iraq 12,676
Somalia 8,858
Dem. Rep. Congo 7,876
Bhutan 5,775
Iran 3,109
Syria 1,682
Eritrea 1,596
Sudan 1,578
Cuba 1,527
Ukraine 1,451
Burundi 1,186

Now if you want the United States to stop its decades long policy of accepting refugees- then go for it.

But the refugees arriving from Syria with TB are statistically unlikely to be the major source of TB
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. .

What really makes your post outrageous is that fact of your extreme ignorance.

Most refugees are not Islamic refugees at all- let alone Syrian refugees, and we have been accepting legal refugees for decades.

Here are the countries with over 1,000 refugees in 2015

Burma 18,386
Iraq 12,676
Somalia 8,858
Dem. Rep. Congo 7,876
Bhutan 5,775
Iran 3,109
Syria 1,682
Eritrea 1,596
Sudan 1,578
Cuba 1,527
Ukraine 1,451
Burundi 1,186

Now if you want the United States to stop its decades long policy of accepting refugees- then go for it.

But the refugees arriving from Syria with TB are statistically unlikely to be the major source of TB

How many illegal aliens have crossed the border in the past few years and how were they screened?
One of the reasons life expectancy in developed nations, including the U.S., has increased over the past few decades is that we have successfully combated infectious diseases. Obama's open border policies are undermining this progress. The waves of illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border certainly aren't being screened. And when "refugees" are examined:

Data from the Vermont Department of Health show that more than one-third of refugees resettled in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis.

Since 2013, about 900 refugees admitted to the Green Mountain State have been tested for tuberculosis, a potentially fatal infectious disease affecting the lungs. Of that number, 318 refugees, or 35.4 percent, tested positive.

Watchdog.org obtained the health data on Wednesday following reporting by Stateline that the disease may be making a comeback in the United States.

Refugees brought to the United States undergo TB tests as part of comprehensive health screenings. State health departments track the data to monitor cases and protect against public health crises....

More than one-third of refugees in Vermont test positive for tuberculosis - Watchdog.org

What really makes this outrageous is the fact that there is no need to rush getting refugees here. .

What really makes your post outrageous is that fact of your extreme ignorance.

Most refugees are not Islamic refugees at all- let alone Syrian refugees, and we have been accepting legal refugees for decades.

Here are the countries with over 1,000 refugees in 2015

Burma 18,386
Iraq 12,676
Somalia 8,858
Dem. Rep. Congo 7,876
Bhutan 5,775
Iran 3,109
Syria 1,682
Eritrea 1,596
Sudan 1,578
Cuba 1,527
Ukraine 1,451
Burundi 1,186

Now if you want the United States to stop its decades long policy of accepting refugees- then go for it.

But the refugees arriving from Syria with TB are statistically unlikely to be the major source of TB

How many illegal aliens have crossed the border in the past few years and how were they screened?

I already answered how many were 'screened- here I will quote that again:

One of the problems in your OP is you referred to an article about TB among legal refugees in Vermont- which is what I was addressing.

And then you through in Illegal aliens- which are not the same as the legal refugees in Vermont and elsewhere.

Illegal aliens are of course not screened- and none of your citations about TB refer to illegal aliens
. If you want to argue about TB being a problem with illegal aliens- make that argument- supported with facts.

Legal refugees- which is who were discussed in your citation- are pre-screened, and there are follow up screenings. We have been accepting legal refugees since at least the end of the Vietnamese war, and as I pointed out in my other citation, there have been incidences of TB among refugees going back at least to the year 2000.

So why do you blame President Obama, and the mythical 'open borders"?

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