Obama is doing so great why are we losing the middle class

great topic. & ironic link to nbc, the quizshow channel. :welcome:

the middle class is the ark of the covenant for liberals.
we never seem to focus on poor people.
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The majority of the middle class that is moving from the Middle Class to lower class are non-college educated whites.

Non-college educated whites blame Obama for their slide.

Why don't they get off their lazy white butts and get a college education and/or a sellable skill.
Read a little history that doesn't come from Alex Jones.

It will be generations before we dig out from under the load of shit piled on the US by reagan and the bushes.
The majority of the middle class that is moving from the Middle Class to lower class are non-college educated whites.

Non-college educated whites blame Obama for their slide.

Why don't they get off their lazy white butts and get a college education and/or a sellable skill.

BTW, non-college educated whites have a really hard time getting that free money that you guys like to give to black hookers and visiting jihadists. Just sayin.
We have imported tens of thousands of illiterate, impoverished village people that have changed the ratio. If we did not have immigration the way obama has been doing it, there would be a different percentage.
We have imported tens of thousands of illiterate, impoverished village people that have changed the ratio. If we did not have immigration the way obama has been doing it, there would be a different percentage.

As long as 1000/night come across southern border it will not get better. Mexico is sending worst of worst. They don't want to deal with them, so they "suggest" they get out of Dodge. Sick, mentally ill, criminal, rapist, molesters, drugs, guns and no money. Go north. Whitey is a fool, he will pay you.

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