Obama is sending troops into Syria!

He's wrong to do this,

but keep in mind, the Right wants him to be even more wrong.

The only WAR Obama ever won was the War on the Middle Class.
How did he do that, hater dupe?

Google it. The Middle Class is shrinking under Obama and the Democrat policies.

Here's a link for you: The Obama legacy: A shrinking middle class : Business
That's unreadable. Anyway, this will keep on until Reaganist pander to the rich policy, defended to the deathby Pubs, is changed. Blaming Obama is ridiculous, for dupes only. See sig pp1. That's from 2007 and got worse with the corrupt Booosh world depression.

Nice try. I clicked on it to check for myself whether it was readable or not. I read it fine.
The Right thinks Putin is a hero for doing so.

Obama, as a typical weak kneed liberal, wrecked Syria, Iraq, Libya Yemen, created ISIS, and now Putin and Iran have filled the vaccum. Great job on foreign policy! And great job on domestic too!! 2% GDP and incomes going down not up!!
That's Hillary's big lie, lol. She had on bulletproof armor, and they weren't hanging around because there were snipers in the area. Hardly compares to the whoppers Pubs are always telling. see sig pp 3.
The Right thinks Putin is a hero for doing so.

Obama, as a typical weak kneed liberal, wrecked Syria, Iraq, Libya Yemen, created ISIS, and now Putin and Iran have filled the vaccum. Great job on foreign policy! And great job on domestic too!! 2% GDP and incomes going down not up!!
Yup, has nothing to do with Booosh invading Iraq and wrecking the world economy. lol
The only WAR Obama ever won was the War on the Middle Class.
How did he do that, hater dupe?

Google it. The Middle Class is shrinking under Obama and the Democrat policies.

Here's a link for you: The Obama legacy: A shrinking middle class : Business
That's unreadable. Anyway, this will keep on until Reaganist pander to the rich policy, defended to the deathby Pubs, is changed. Blaming Obama is ridiculous, for dupes only. See sig pp1. That's from 2007 and got worse with the corrupt Booosh world depression.

Nice try. I clicked on it to check for myself whether it was readable or not. I read it fine.
Do you subscribe to that paper?
These are supposed to be 50 special forces operators who are being sent to advise and train moderate rebels isn't this what we have been doing for 3-4 years now without much to show for it?
How did he do that, hater dupe?

Google it. The Middle Class is shrinking under Obama and the Democrat policies.

Here's a link for you: The Obama legacy: A shrinking middle class : Business
That's unreadable. Anyway, this will keep on until Reaganist pander to the rich policy, defended to the deathby Pubs, is changed. Blaming Obama is ridiculous, for dupes only. See sig pp1. That's from 2007 and got worse with the corrupt Booosh world depression.

Nice try. I clicked on it to check for myself whether it was readable or not. I read it fine.
Do you subscribe to that paper?

No, that was one of a dozen or so hits I got when I searched. I didn't lie about not being able to read it either.
These are supposed to be 50 special forces operators who are being sent to advise and train moderate rebels isn't this what we have been doing for 3-4 years now without much to show for it?

yes in fact there were already 2000 + special forces in the area
Google it. The Middle Class is shrinking under Obama and the Democrat policies.

Here's a link for you: The Obama legacy: A shrinking middle class : Business
That's unreadable. Anyway, this will keep on until Reaganist pander to the rich policy, defended to the deathby Pubs, is changed. Blaming Obama is ridiculous, for dupes only. See sig pp1. That's from 2007 and got worse with the corrupt Booosh world depression.

Nice try. I clicked on it to check for myself whether it was readable or not. I read it fine.
Do you subscribe to that paper?

No, that was one of a dozen or so hits I got when I searched. I didn't lie about not being able to read it either.
Unlike dupes, I don't call everyone liars. Ironic. You repeating bs nonstop. Anything to distract from your heroes' POLICIES.
Not to worry though, they are just military advisors. What could possibly go wrong? LOL


Since disclosing Israel's nukes this is President's Obama's worst fuck up.

If you're only sending 50 guys you don't have a press conference. Better yet, if sending troops some place you don't say shit about it. What kind of bullshit is that? "Ya we're sending less thna a company to this base, they'll arrive at this time, and there's only a few guys." What could possibly go wrong?
Not to worry though, they are just military advisors. What could possibly go wrong? LOL


Not only that, they're fighting on the wrong side, they are helping ISIS. If W did this it would be a leftist and media meltdown, but hey, it's Obama.

None of the liberals can even tell me why we're fighting with ISIS to take out a Shiite Syrian government, they just are told what to think, and they think it
Isn't that bizarre, conservatives love the czar of Russia but hate our own president and for no reason other than he's black. I wonder when the last time Bush called to chat with 'Pooty Poot'.
Hey cupcake how about YOU explain WHY this is OUR war?
Go ahead.
It's not, obviously. Though BOOOSH caused all this, AND the depression that makes all this possible...great job.
More Francocrape...........................Your side elected Obama...Shows some balls and OWN IT
He's doing great, tyvm. lol. Helping the moderates and blowing up the a-holes is ok with me. You GOPers elected the biggest disaster ever, and should own THAT and sthu lol.
Why is this OUR war?

I'm on the side of the Russians, they are fighting against ISIS, not with them, like Obama
The Right thinks Putin is a hero for doing so.

Isn't that bizarre, conservatives love the czar of Russia but hate our own president and for no reason other than he's black. I wonder when the last time Bush called to chat with 'Pooty Poot'.

Right, conservatives support white liberals. What a stupid pussy you are.

I have a serious question though. Why do you support Obama helping ISIS take out the Shiite Syrian government? Is it because Putin is white?
He's wrong to do this,

but keep in mind, the Right wants him to be even more wrong.

The only WAR Obama ever won was the War on the Middle Class.
How did he do that, hater dupe?

Google it. The Middle Class is shrinking under Obama and the Democrat policies.

Here's a link for you: The Obama legacy: A shrinking middle class : Business

And then there's a more honest picture:

The Middle Class Has Gotten Smaller In Every State Since 2000

The Middle Class Has Gotten Smaller In Every State Since 2000

You left out the Bush legacy.

Or, perhaps more accurately, you left out about 40 years of decline.

I'm glad none of those 50 Sp.-Ops troops aren't related to me. A political move, steeped in tokenism.

Also glad, that I didn't vote for our current Idiot-in-Chief!

If any come home in body-bags...........I gotz no guilt.........only sympathy.......for whatz thatz worth.......which......ain't much.
Hey cupcake how about YOU explain WHY this is OUR war?
Go ahead.
It's not, obviously. Though BOOOSH caused all this, AND the depression that makes all this possible...great job.
More Francocrape...........................Your side elected Obama...Shows some balls and OWN IT
He's doing great, tyvm. lol. Helping the moderates and blowing up the a-holes is ok with me. You GOPers elected the biggest disaster ever, and should own THAT and sthu lol.
Why is this OUR war?

I'm on the side of the Russians, they are fighting against ISIS, not with them, like Obama
Link to that tripe? This latest set of talks with Russia and Iran could lead to something stable, as opposed to W's chicken hawk idiocy.

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