Obama is the worst leader in history

He's had no choice with the bougt off obstructionists, only had control for six months- the general "knowledge"- that he had 2 years, is pure Pubcrappe big lie... an AMAZING sign of BS propaganda's power...a disgrace.The biggest number of poor Pub dupes I've seen- the lying cheating scumbags.

The Blue Dogs kept them from having a filibusters proof majority anyway. I still think he caved in too early and didn't get enough concessions from the other side.
After the stimulus, the Pubs never conceded anything, and never will LOL. They won't even vote for Pub style bills, just no chance electioneering "bills". Perhaps the Dems should do more of that, but they don't have a propaganda machine to spin it endlessly...
He's had no choice with the bougt off obstructionists, only had control for six months- the general "knowledge"- that he had 2 years, is pure Pubcrappe big lie... an AMAZING sign of BS propaganda's power...a disgrace.The biggest number of poor Pub dupes I've seen- the lying cheating scumbags.

The Blue Dogs kept them from having a filibusters proof majority anyway. I still think he caved in too early and didn't get enough concessions from the other side.

Well I don't remember blue dogs doing that- though they did hold out for "special deals" on health care reform...the twits lol.
He's had no choice with the bougt off obstructionists, only had control for six months- the general "knowledge"- that he had 2 years, is pure Pubcrappe big lie... an AMAZING sign of BS propaganda's power...a disgrace.The biggest number of poor Pub dupes I've seen- the lying cheating scumbags.

The Blue Dogs kept them from having a filibusters proof majority anyway. I still think he caved in too early and didn't get enough concessions from the other side.

I agree but Ill take it one further.

Obama has been weak. He has capitulated far too much to the radical right wingers when he should have been reaching out to the moderate Republicans far more often to find consensus. He has been and will continue to be ( if re elected ) a weak President.

But the alternative is Mitt Romney...sigh...
Absolute BULLSHYTTE. Even Collins and Snowe weren't allowed to EVER vote with Obama, only pretend they could, and stall health reform for months. You can't lead people who don't exist.
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Absolute BULLSHYTTE. Even Collins and Snowe weren't allowed to EVER vote with Obama, only pretend they could and stall health reform for months. You can't lead people who don't exist.

I disagree. I think that they exist but are living in fear of the radical right. look at the glee the radicals are taking as removing Hagel.

There are moderate Republicans in uncontestable seats. Meaning Democrats arent going to be able to take those districts from the Republicans. BUT...if the Democrats supported more moderate Republicans when they took a stand, then maybe those moderates wouldnt have to keep looking over their shoudler worried about a primary challenge from a radical.

Im just saying there are strategies that could be employed, but it takes balls to take risks like that.
Balls those Pubs will never have. Many surveys have said there are no moderate Pubs in congress now. McConnel said they're only interested in getting Obama out, and they're not kidding.Those imaginary Pubs can quit or change parties- that's all.

No compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP...PERIOD.
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Advocate for intelligence, Pub victims, the Environment, everything good. Pub dupes!!

Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, 9/11, the worst BS propaganda machine ever here, and total congressional disfunction. Great job!!
Advocate for intelligence, Pub victims, the Environment, everything good. Pub dupes!!

Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, 9/11, the worst BS propaganda machine ever here, and total congressional disfunction. Great job!!

If he is such a fine advocate for intelligence and everything good, why hasn't his message swayed you?
Great job, Chris- took the words right out of my mouth!

I'm more into screaming at the brainwashed dupes/haters/morons/BAD CITIZENS. Nothing works in 5 years of this,they're just too thick/bought off/tools LOL!

hey Frankie?.....ill ask you this because your brother Chris ignores me every time i ask him this....if Obama gets re-elected and 3 years from now things are worse or just the same.....will you be here telling us how great the guy is?.....or will you then start putting some blame on the President and the Democrats?....

Afraid of the present ???

Bush Administrations last year - Start of the Great Recession: Compared to the present - positive GDP (Growth) since June of 09.

the best reason for asking your question 3 years from now ...
sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....
Great job, Chris- took the words right out of my mouth!

I'm more into screaming at the brainwashed dupes/haters/morons/BAD CITIZENS. Nothing works in 5 years of this,they're just too thick/bought off/tools LOL!

hey Frankie?.....ill ask you this because your brother Chris ignores me every time i ask him this....if Obama gets re-elected and 3 years from now things are worse or just the same.....will you be here telling us how great the guy is?.....or will you then start putting some blame on the President and the Democrats?....

Yes, I would consider that- VERY hypothetical. Things always get better under DEMS, and without the corrupt bubble and bust Pubs always have.

Obama has enjoyed 100% non-cooperation and fear mongering from Pubs, who made this mess. They and their BS propaganda machine are a sneering, hateful disgrace...change the channel.
at least you were honest Frankie....and yes it was a Hypothetical Question....
He's had no choice with the bougt off obstructionists, only had control for six months- the general "knowledge"- that he had 2 years, is pure Pubcrappe big lie... an AMAZING sign of BS propaganda's power...a disgrace.The biggest number of poor Pub dupes I've seen- the lying cheating scumbags.

How long did the right run their frivilous lawsuit against the Goofy senator from up north?
hey Frankie?.....ill ask you this because your brother Chris ignores me every time i ask him this....if Obama gets re-elected and 3 years from now things are worse or just the same.....will you be here telling us how great the guy is?.....or will you then start putting some blame on the President and the Democrats?....

Afraid of the present ???

Bush Administrations last year - Start of the Great Recession: Compared to the present - positive GDP (Growth) since June of 09.

the best reason for asking your question 3 years from now ...
sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....

Prolly about the same timespan that righties quit blaming FDR and umm Carter and Clinton?
Advocate for intelligence, Pub victims, the Environment, everything good. Pub dupes!!

Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, 9/11, the worst BS propaganda machine ever here, and total congressional disfunction. Great job!!

got anything new Frankie?....this is getting to be repeated as often as your brother Deans 90% white shit......
Afraid of the present ???

Bush Administrations last year - Start of the Great Recession: Compared to the present - positive GDP (Growth) since June of 09.

the best reason for asking your question 3 years from now ...
sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....

Prolly about the same timespan that righties quit blaming FDR and umm Carter and Clinton?

is this a question?...anyway people that live in the real world not the fantasy world of the Far Right and Left start blaming those in power today after a reasonable amount of time.....
Advocate for intelligence, Pub victims, the Environment, everything good. Pub dupes!!

Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, 9/11, the worst BS propaganda machine ever here, and total congressional disfunction. Great job!!

got anything new Frankie?....this is getting to be repeated as often as your brother Deans 90% white shit......

Truth is so repetitive and boring eh, dupe. Better stick with the RW infotainment/horseshytte/demagogery.

BTW, we're blaming the no compromise, "un-American" Tea Party GOP now- record number of filibusters, fear mongering Propaganda Machine etc etc (TRUTH is a biotch!), but you'll always have our thanks for your non stop Reagan/Booosh catastrophes and BS LOL see sig...
hey Frankie?.....ill ask you this because your brother Chris ignores me every time i ask him this....if Obama gets re-elected and 3 years from now things are worse or just the same.....will you be here telling us how great the guy is?.....or will you then start putting some blame on the President and the Democrats?....

Afraid of the present ???

Bush Administrations last year - Start of the Great Recession: Compared to the present - positive GDP (Growth) since June of 09.

the best reason for asking your question 3 years from now ...
sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....

when the obstructionist supply side pro corporate welfare nanny state neocons are defeated and new policies are in place. If things dont get better then, Ill switch to your side.
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sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....

Prolly about the same timespan that righties quit blaming FDR and umm Carter and Clinton?

is this a question?...anyway people that live in the real world not the fantasy world of the Far Right and Left start blaming those in power today after a reasonable amount of time.....

those in power today ...

Comparison not blame is what you are missing.

What in comparison did the Republicans accomplish 02-08 to that of the historical National Healthcare Reform and the curtailment of a Great Recession in only the first two years in office by the present Administration opposed to the eight years in office for the Republicans?

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