Obama Is What Americans Are: Trump Is What They Want To Be

Born into massive wealth and never having to interact with the American peasantry? Sure I guess I'd take that.
So is "community organizer" now a prerequisite for a president?

No, Trump connected with the American "peasantry" very well indeed. The elite are still incensed.


Trump is the elite! He's been money spoiled and money soiled since the day he was born. He went bankrupt three times before he learned how to handle money. Phuck Im
And now, for our daily dose of right wing racism:

obama is a dishonest and disreputable parasite who played being black. It was only a circumstance that obama wasn't in prison early on and a career criminal.

And that was racist how?

Amazing that even the most basic of concepts have to be explained to you.

Amazing that you are unable to explain what you consider the most basic concepts.

Probably because the basic concept here is call anyone who disagrees with you racist no matter what they actually say. That way somehow you avoid addressing the point they did or did not make without doing a thing because they are just racist.

The problem with that is when its your first instinct to name call to "win" an argument you never actually get to practice any of the communication tools you need to actually teach and win
Obama is a n honorable man who came up from nothing . His background shows that he cares for his fellow Americans .

Trump is a self centered con man cad who cares only for himself . That's what you want America to be ?

In his book he wrote about Jeremiah Wright's influence on his life. Even went as far as to say he was like a father. Yet, when the scandal about him came out, Obama threw him under the bus and denied going to the church very often and put forward the notion that their relationship was limited. That after everyone knows it was Wright who used his influence that elevated Obama's rise in Chicago's political machine. Indeed, one could make the argument that without Wright - Obama may have never garnered the attention that catapulted him into the white house. Yet Obama turned his back on him.
Obama has had virtually no relationship with his family, including his own mother. His version of his mother, and their relationship is quite different than every single one of his family members who describe her and his relationship with her very differently. Now either he is exaggerating, or just flat out lying because what is known about her life contrast completely with his written version of her.
Is this honorable?

You want to compare personal lives ? Lol! Trump is a serial cheat and had a bastrad child . He'd burst into flame if stepped in a church . That's the tip of the iceberg .

No I don't...you said Obama was honorable...how he compares to trump has nothing to do with his own honorability
I expect Trump to do fantastic. As for a view of the country's future I picture Atlantic City.
Which part, The glittering waterfront, or the Obaman shit hole in the backstreets?

The boom and bust. I don't see a government imposed manufacturing base as any more sustainable than a government imposed $15 minimum wage. I've got more faith in capitalism than government.

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