Obama isn't fit to be President

The housing crisis was the consequences of the fitly government putting tremendous pressure on the lending institutions to give credit to people that had neither the means nor the inclination to pay the money and then promising to bail them out when everything failed.

Except that most of the sub prime mortgages that failed were issued by institutions that were not subject to the CRA.

He even said the Iraq War was a success after fighting it for three years.

All troops were required by the Bush SOFA to withdraw from the Cities and Villages and be stationed somewhere else.

All troops were required to withdraw by the end of 2011 under that same agreement.
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...
I don't think it's worse than FDR, but maybe a close second.

I'd say Woodrow Wilson is right behind FDR. Lincoln is up there too. But yeah, Obama's in the running too
We had a separate thread on this -- popularity of the presidents.

Then the next Sunday BHO talked about this in one of his tv interviews with either Chuck Todd or John Dickerson. So I am guessing it was a BHO advisor who ran the poll here.

Top 3 turned out to be FDR, BHO, and LBJ. Mostly because of their safety nets.

Lincoln was a war president, saved the union, freed the slaves. But that was pre-FDR when the whole world changed and capitalism ruined life with its greed and speculation.

My measure isn't "popularity" of a President. As bad as FDR and Woodrow Wilson were, truth be told, Lincoln was probably the worst.

The consent of the governed is the whole premise of the validity of the US government. How is forcing States to remain in the union "consent" of anything? It's a Constitutional abomination because it goes against the whole justification of the foundation of our laws

Pretty sure ya'll lost that one, permanently. But yeah, interesting to contemplate if the slavers had been told to just fuck off and leave. Especially given how dependent they are on the govt for handouts.

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?
The housing crisis was the consequences of the fitly government putting tremendous pressure on the lending institutions to give credit to people that had neither the means nor the inclination to pay the money and then promising to bail them out when everything failed.

Except that most of the sub prime mortgages that failed were issued by institutions that were not subject to the CRA.

He even said the Iraq War was a success after fighting it for three years.

All troops were required by the Bush SOFA to withdraw from the Cities and Villages and be stationed somewhere else.

All troops were required to withdraw by the end of 2011 under that same agreement.

Except that the government put pressure on the lending institutions to give credit to people that neither had the means nor the inclination to pay back the money. You know, for social justices reason and all that Libtard bullshit. What could possibly go wrong?

Jimmy Carter and the filthy ass Democrats thought that if they force the lending institutions to give credit to the welfare queens then they would get more votes in the elections.

It would be nice and honest if the Moon Bats would, for once in their life, take responsibility for the consequences of really dumbass Progressive ideas.

However, instead of being both intellectual and morally honest they are chickenshits and either go denial big time (like you are doing) or try to blame the consequences on somebody else.
The current unemployment rate is 4.9%.
Read the link, you Fustilarian.

Why? I know what the current unemployment rate is.
As I thought, you're the type of person that's not interested in debating, being informed, or breaking away from what CNN tells them. Comfortable and complacent in your own ignorance, you're nothing but a left-wing drone. You wanted proof, I gave you proof, you refused to look at said proof. Begone, Knave.

You want to use a different measure for the U-3 unemployment rate, fine.

Tell us what measure you want to use.
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Fustilarian Knave.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
Missing Workers: The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story

Your "Big Lie" link is dated from a year and a half ago, Miss Pumpkin. And one would have to know who is funding the research for the EPI, but I would guess it's a right wing think tank.

Edited: Looking at the graph of "Missing Workers", the largest group is people in their 50's. This is not a surprise, businesses are laying off middle-age workers and replacing them with younger people who will work for half the salary and who do not put such a heavy hit on the company's health insurance plan. This is not the fault of Obama, discriminating against workers for their age is a chronic societal problem.
Last edited:
The housing crisis was the consequences of the fitly government putting tremendous pressure on the lending institutions to give credit to people that had neither the means nor the inclination to pay the money and then promising to bail them out when everything failed.

Except that most of the sub prime mortgages that failed were issued by institutions that were not subject to the CRA.

He even said the Iraq War was a success after fighting it for three years.

All troops were required by the Bush SOFA to withdraw from the Cities and Villages and be stationed somewhere else.

All troops were required to withdraw by the end of 2011 under that same agreement.

Except that the government put pressure on the lending institutions to give credit to people that neither had the means nor the inclination to pay back the money. You know, for social justices reason and all that Libtard bullshit. What could possibly go wrong?

Jimmy Carter and the filthy ass Democrats thought that if they force the lending institutions to give credit to the welfare queens then they would get more votes in the elections.

It would be nice and honest if the Moon Bats would, for once in their life, take responsibility for the consequences of really dumbass Progressive ideas.

However, instead of being both intellectual and morally honest they are chickenshits and either go denial big time (like you are doing) or try to blame the consequences on somebody else.

Wrong again. Countrywide mortgage? Read and be enlightened.

How the roof fell in on Countrywide
Read the link, you Fustilarian.

Why? I know what the current unemployment rate is.
As I thought, you're the type of person that's not interested in debating, being informed, or breaking away from what CNN tells them. Comfortable and complacent in your own ignorance, you're nothing but a left-wing drone. You wanted proof, I gave you proof, you refused to look at said proof. Begone, Knave.

You want to use a different measure for the U-3 unemployment rate, fine.

Tell us what measure you want to use.
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Fustilarian Knave.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
Missing Workers: The Missing Part of the Unemployment Story

Your "Big Lie" link is dated from a year and a half ago, Miss Pumpkin. And one would have to know who is funding the research for the EPI, but I would guess it's a right wing think tank.

Edited: Looking at the graph of "Missing Workers", the largest group is people in their 50's. This is not a surprise, businesses are laying off middle-age workers and replacing them with younger people who will work for half the salary and who do not put such a heavy hit on the company's health insurance plan. This is not the fault of Obama, discriminating against workers for their age is a chronic societal problem.
The ARTICLE is dated a year and a half ago, the statistics are updated every so often. The explanation doesn't need updated, because it still applies today.

They aren't the only group. As it explains, people are being laid off across the board. Also, regardless of age, the amount is increasing, due to the economy.

The missing workers: how many are there and who are they?
Large chunks of the population are missing workers, and regardless of what the majority are, there are lots of "Prime age" workers not in the labor force.
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...
I don't think it's worse than FDR, but maybe a close second.

I'd say Woodrow Wilson is right behind FDR. Lincoln is up there too. But yeah, Obama's in the running too
We had a separate thread on this -- popularity of the presidents.

Then the next Sunday BHO talked about this in one of his tv interviews with either Chuck Todd or John Dickerson. So I am guessing it was a BHO advisor who ran the poll here.

Top 3 turned out to be FDR, BHO, and LBJ. Mostly because of their safety nets.

Lincoln was a war president, saved the union, freed the slaves. But that was pre-FDR when the whole world changed and capitalism ruined life with its greed and speculation.

My measure isn't "popularity" of a President. As bad as FDR and Woodrow Wilson were, truth be told, Lincoln was probably the worst.

The consent of the governed is the whole premise of the validity of the US government. How is forcing States to remain in the union "consent" of anything? It's a Constitutional abomination because it goes against the whole justification of the foundation of our laws

Pretty sure ya'll lost that one, permanently. But yeah, interesting to contemplate if the slavers had been told to just fuck off and leave. Especially given how dependent they are on the govt for handouts.

Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?

We were founded on the principle of the consent of the governed, that's what the Constitution is all about.

I don't get your point on red states telling to you take your money and fuck off. Can you clarify the point of your gibberish?
Why? I know what the current unemployment rate is.
As I thought, you're the type of person that's not interested in debating, being informed, or breaking away from what CNN tells them. Comfortable and complacent in your own ignorance, you're nothing but a left-wing drone. You wanted proof, I gave you proof, you refused to look at said proof. Begone, Knave.

You want to use a different measure for the U-3 unemployment rate, fine.

Tell us what measure you want to use.
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Knave.

Here are the BLS's different measures of unemployment.

Tell us which one you want to use in this discussion:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

At this point, I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post, my links, or even your own link.

Ok, so we use U-6 and you think that supports your claim that unemployment is as bad or worse now as it was during the 'crash', or at the end of Bush's presidency?

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

As you can see on the U-6 chart, the U6 rate at the end of Bush's term was 14.2

The current U-6 rate is 9.7.

So your claim is ruled FALSE.
Yes...Obama is a failure, worst President EVER, Empty Chair

Republicans have been chanting it since a few weeks after his inauguration

Meanwhile, Obama keeps chugging along,,,doing what he was elected to do
Pass a healthcare bill, get us out of war, save the economy, protect gay rights, protect the environment. The very things that enrage Republicans

But Obama did what he set out to do.....no wonder Republicans consider him a failure

If you want to talk failure, what have Republicans accomplished in the last eight years?
As I thought, you're the type of person that's not interested in debating, being informed, or breaking away from what CNN tells them. Comfortable and complacent in your own ignorance, you're nothing but a left-wing drone. You wanted proof, I gave you proof, you refused to look at said proof. Begone, Knave.

You want to use a different measure for the U-3 unemployment rate, fine.

Tell us what measure you want to use.
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Knave.

Here are the BLS's different measures of unemployment.

Tell us which one you want to use in this discussion:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

At this point, I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post, my links, or even your own link.

Ok, so we use U-6 and you think that supports your claim that unemployment is as bad or worse now as it was during the 'crash', or at the end of Bush's presidency?

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

As you can see on the U-6 chart, the U6 rate at the end of Bush's term was 14.2

The current U-6 rate is 9.7.

So your claim is ruled FALSE.
You ignored literally everything else I cited. I also pointed out, with the Gallup link that you also ignored, that the current unemployment rate ignored underemployed people, and missing workers. I also, since you clearly didn't read my posts, stated that the ECONOMY is roughly the same, not Unemployment. Also this:

"There's another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you're an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 -- maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn -- you're not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this."

Another reason I was saying that I wasn't using any of the listings in your link. Had they actually covered what I was referring to, then I'd have linked them to start with. You know you're wrong, and that's why you refuse to address any of my links.

In other words, you refuse to break away from anything the Establishment is telling you.
You want to use a different measure for the U-3 unemployment rate, fine.

Tell us what measure you want to use.
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Knave.

Here are the BLS's different measures of unemployment.

Tell us which one you want to use in this discussion:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

At this point, I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post, my links, or even your own link.

Ok, so we use U-6 and you think that supports your claim that unemployment is as bad or worse now as it was during the 'crash', or at the end of Bush's presidency?

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

As you can see on the U-6 chart, the U6 rate at the end of Bush's term was 14.2

The current U-6 rate is 9.7.

So your claim is ruled FALSE.
You ignored literally everything else I cited. I also pointed out, with the Gallup link that you also ignored, that the current unemployment rate ignored underemployed people, and missing workers. I also, since you clearly didn't read my posts, stated that the ECONOMY is roughly the same, not Unemployment. Also this:

"There's another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you're an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 -- maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn -- you're not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this."

Another reason I was saying that I wasn't using any of the listings in your link. Had they actually covered what I was referring to, then I'd have linked them to start with. You know you're wrong, and that's why you refuse to address any of my links.

In other words, you refuse to break away from anything the Establishment is telling you.

I proved you wrong or dishonest, take your pick. In the meantime stop babbling like a mental patient.
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...

You must really be stupid. Obama pulled this country out of the toilet where your previous doofus put it. Unemployment is down, the economy is up and he's rating is above 50% as he prepares to leave office, unlike G W Bush, whose final rating was 22%.

Trump has been found to be unfit even by Republicans. He has scammed people, insulted women, Muslims, Jews, blacks and even babies. He has threatened to do things that are unconstitutional. We knew that Trump supporters were uneducated, but apparently some of them are plain ignorant.

President Obama’s latest approval ratings show that he’s not only cementing his legacy - he could also be helping Hillary Clinton in the process.

The President’s approval rating keeps going up - with 52% of Americans approving of his performance in the White House, a new poll finds.

President Obama approval rating rises to 52%, new poll shows
It's not a "different measurement", it's an explanation as to why during Obama's presidency the Unemployment Rate has been used for political expediency. The Unemployment Rate doesn't take into account the actual amount of work being done and the people that have stopped looking for working. As it is, being employed is anyone making any amount of money, and working as little as an hour. The statistics I linked that you completely ignored, because you knew that it would disprove what you've been told to think by the Liberal media, explain how the current unemployment rate is misleading, and I also linked the Labor Force Participation and Missing Workers. If you were actually interested in actually debating, you'd have been happy to read the links, instead of defending your position by refusing to look at any other. Your actions only go to show that you don't believe enough in your stance to read arguments against it. If you can't debate over your stance, it's not one worth holding. Knave.

Here are the BLS's different measures of unemployment.

Tell us which one you want to use in this discussion:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

At this point, I'm pretty sure you didn't read my post, my links, or even your own link.

Ok, so we use U-6 and you think that supports your claim that unemployment is as bad or worse now as it was during the 'crash', or at the end of Bush's presidency?

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

As you can see on the U-6 chart, the U6 rate at the end of Bush's term was 14.2

The current U-6 rate is 9.7.

So your claim is ruled FALSE.
You ignored literally everything else I cited. I also pointed out, with the Gallup link that you also ignored, that the current unemployment rate ignored underemployed people, and missing workers. I also, since you clearly didn't read my posts, stated that the ECONOMY is roughly the same, not Unemployment. Also this:

"There's another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you're an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 -- maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn -- you're not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this."

Another reason I was saying that I wasn't using any of the listings in your link. Had they actually covered what I was referring to, then I'd have linked them to start with. You know you're wrong, and that's why you refuse to address any of my links.

In other words, you refuse to break away from anything the Establishment is telling you.

I proved you wrong or dishonest, take your pick. In the meantime stop babbling like a mental patient.

In order to have proven me wrong, you would have to have dressed anything I mentioned. I never specified that the unemployment rate was worse, I specified that the ECONOMY was the same or worse. Rather than address anything I mentioned, you ignored all of my cited evidence of the economy being worse, turned the topic to UNEMPLOYMENT, ignored more evidence and cited links, then told me something completely unrelated to the topic at hand, that I never claimed the contrary to. IF in your mind, you were to convince yourself that the definition of those words were contrary to the dictionary definition, you could have a case, but seeing as you never proved any statement I made wrong, you don't. You'd also better understand what I'm saying about the unemployment rate specifically if you read any one of my links, but you're in the dark because you don't want to be informed.
Last edited:
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...

You must really be stupid. Obama pulled this country out of the toilet where your previous doofus put it. Unemployment is down, the economy is up and he's rating is above 50% as he prepares to leave office, unlike G W Bush, whose final rating was 22%.

Trump has been found to be unfit even by Republicans. He has scammed people, insulted women, Muslims, Jews, blacks and even babies. He has threatened to do things that are unconstitutional. We knew that Trump supporters were uneducated, but apparently some of them are plain ignorant.

President Obama’s latest approval ratings show that he’s not only cementing his legacy - he could also be helping Hillary Clinton in the process.

The President’s approval rating keeps going up - with 52% of Americans approving of his performance in the White House, a new poll finds.

President Obama approval rating rises to 52%, new poll shows

This is a funny post. Let's forget about lowest gdps in history, record numbers on welfare, 100 million unemployed, 20 trillion in debt. Unparalleled success I guess if you're a democrat.
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...

You must really be stupid. Obama pulled this country out of the toilet where your previous doofus put it. Unemployment is down, the economy is up and he's rating is above 50% as he prepares to leave office, unlike G W Bush, whose final rating was 22%.

Trump has been found to be unfit even by Republicans. He has scammed people, insulted women, Muslims, Jews, blacks and even babies. He has threatened to do things that are unconstitutional. We knew that Trump supporters were uneducated, but apparently some of them are plain ignorant.

President Obama’s latest approval ratings show that he’s not only cementing his legacy - he could also be helping Hillary Clinton in the process.

The President’s approval rating keeps going up - with 52% of Americans approving of his performance in the White House, a new poll finds.

President Obama approval rating rises to 52%, new poll shows

This is a funny post. Let's forget about lowest gdps in history, record numbers on welfare, 100 million unemployed, 20 trillion in debt. Unparalleled success I guess if you're a democrat.

I was going to refute...but it just got too stupid
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...
So obviously you are ignoring the actual BHO legacy.

Although he was not able to accomplish much with Boehner as the Speaker, what BHO did get done with Nancy as the speaker is phenomenal. The 2008 crash was at least weathered even though there are still a couple of years to go in the recovery, ACA was enacted, and UBL is dead.

Ultimately the Nation and world will also thank BHO for helping to stop Trump.

Never Trump.

OH, God, the recession was ... the Republicans! Not a penis in Obama's pants, is there?
The 2008 recession was triggered on GW's watch.

In case you did not know that you need to check who was president in 2008.

BHO did not take office until 2009.

You are a dumb sh!t.

Agreed. But the two parties did it in a lip lock. It's on them both
The most unfit president in United States history is good at projection.
OK, let's face it Trump sucks. He's not a capitalist, he's anti free markets. He walks endlessly into the obvious traps of the leftists and their military wing, the left stream media.

But seriously, the guy who has no qualifications to be President and has spent seven and a half years of failure declares Trump "not fit to be President?"


Obama was a "community organizer." I don't even know what the fuck that means. Putin spent eight years bitch slapping him. He has the worst economic results of any President in American history.

And he's judging Trumps fitness to be President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, that is hilarious. What a stupid douche. Like his first Secretary of State ...

You must really be stupid. Obama pulled this country out of the toilet where your previous doofus put it. Unemployment is down, the economy is up and he's rating is above 50% as he prepares to leave office, unlike G W Bush, whose final rating was 22%.

Trump has been found to be unfit even by Republicans. He has scammed people, insulted women, Muslims, Jews, blacks and even babies. He has threatened to do things that are unconstitutional. We knew that Trump supporters were uneducated, but apparently some of them are plain ignorant.

President Obama’s latest approval ratings show that he’s not only cementing his legacy - he could also be helping Hillary Clinton in the process.

The President’s approval rating keeps going up - with 52% of Americans approving of his performance in the White House, a new poll finds.

President Obama approval rating rises to 52%, new poll shows

You must be really stupid. Obama continued W's policies. That you can see the same policies as both the cause and solution to the recession is the airheaded twit that you are

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