Obama: Jesus would support tax-the-rich policy

obama is the voice of God on earth. Disagree and you are a racist, unpatriotic and soon to be heretic as well.

And soon to be re-elected. :clap2:

To do what for the next four years? Make further excuses about why he can't get anything done? Why even bother if that's what he's going to give us? Run Hillary or even Al "I invented the internet" Gore for Christ's sake...at least they'd give us SOME competence. You can polish a turd for three years but even if it's REALLY shiny...it's still a turd. Trying to burnish Barack Obama's reputation so he can sit in the Oval Office for another four years trying to come up with some viable plan to create jobs is a wasted effort.
obama is the voice of God on earth. Disagree and you are a racist, unpatriotic and soon to be heretic as well.

And soon to be re-elected. :clap2:

To do what for the next four years? Make further excuses about why he can't get anything done? Why even bother if that's what he's going to give us? Run Hillary or even Al "I invented the internet" Gore for Christ's sake...at least they'd give us SOME competence. You can polish a turd for three years but even if it's REALLY shiny...it's still a turd. Trying to burnish Barack Obama's reputation so he can sit in the Oval Office for another four years trying to come up with some viable plan to create jobs is a wasted effort.

As proven by MythBusters...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiJ9fy1qSFI]Mythbusters Polishing a Turd - YouTube[/ame]
Obama understands Jesus well.

Jesus would support taxing the rich.

In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. First Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments. When the man responds that he already observes them, Jesus adds:

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The Gospel of Luke has a similar episode and states that:

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

This is how I understand that part: a rich man is going thru the motions of being "good". He really secretly "worships" his wealth. When he speaks to the Savior, the Savior sees into his heart and explains to him that he will have to shed his adoration of the false god, wealth. (The Savior gave many sermons and many parables, and in no other instance did He instruct the wealty to "give it all away") The rich man was very sad, because he could not reject his sin (like many of us that live in sinful ways), his love of money.

The second part (heard this from a radio teaching): A camel can carry over 1000 POUNDS! That is a lot of stuff (baggage, luggage, goods, garbage, etc). The "eye of a needle" was a gate in the city of Jerusalem that was open at night (the main gates were closed for protection). A camel could pass thru that gate, but only if it had no (that is NO) cargo. This is according to the Savior's teachings that you must be pure at heart to make it to heaven (no baggage, luggage, goods, garbage, etc).

I am sure you will disregard this because it goes against your agenda. The Savior wanted us to be responsible for ourselves (against Obama's agenda). He wanted us to do the best we could with what we had (the master giving 3 servants money..., the instruction not to put our lamps/light under a basket, etc). But if you are interested, you can read the Gospels and try to comprehend it both ways and see which one makes more sense.
The disciples were of the mindset that if a man was rich, God must have blessed him—hence he was favored by God and would surely have a prominent role in the kingdom of heaven.

On the contrary, Jesus observed that more often than not, a rich man’s wealth is an impediment to faith, not the result of it. The accumulation of wealth can, in this sinful world, result just as easily from greed and aggression as it can from God’s blessings upon our labors. As He pointed out, one cannot serve two masters.

The illustration of the camel going through the eye of a needle (Greek raphis, a sewing needle) gets to the heart of the matter. The Aramaic word Jesus probably used, gamla, can mean either camel or rope (since ropes were made from camels’ hair). Either way, the point is not (as is often taught) that the camel must be unloaded—the wealth put down—before one can enter; rather, the point is the utter impossibility of man entering the kingdom of heaven through his own efforts. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t work his way in, and no matter how rich he is, he can’t buy his way in. Only God can provide access to God.
In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. First Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments. When the man responds that he already observes them, Jesus adds:

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The Gospel of Luke has a similar episode and states that:

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Rich men can still enter heaven. All one has to do is accept Christ. Rich or poor. Ill or healthy. A runner or a lame man. An old man or a child. A woman or a man. And nothing we do in this lifetime counts on getting a ticket to heaven.

You miss the point entirely Chris.

It's called 3:16.

No, you miss the point.

Jesus told the young man to sell his possessions and give them to the poor.

ie...the Buffett Rule plus the earned income tax credit....

Did Jesus tell the Government to steal the rich guy's stuff, sell it and give it to the poor? No. He told the rich guy to do it voluntarily.

This is where the Dems lose the 'Jesus' argument. Jesus wants each of us to do with willingly.... not have it forced on us by others.

Thank you - and thanks to Obama - for displaying an utter and complete lack of knowledge about Christianity.
For serious. Anyone who wants to "love thy neighbor" shoud feel free to go next door and make an offering. Asking the federal government to stop by and collect $5 and give $2.50 to the guy next door is completely unnecessary.

Progressive can not grasp that government has nothing to offer that it does not steal from someone else first. It''s the entire reason we have to argue the same old points over and over.
Rich men can still enter heaven. All one has to do is accept Christ. Rich or poor. Ill or healthy. A runner or a lame man. An old man or a child. A woman or a man. And nothing we do in this lifetime counts on getting a ticket to heaven.

You miss the point entirely Chris.

It's called 3:16.

No, you miss the point.

Jesus told the young man to sell his possessions and give them to the poor.

ie...the Buffett Rule plus the earned income tax credit....

Did Jesus tell the Government to steal the rich guy's stuff, sell it and give it to the poor? No. He told the rich guy to do it voluntarily.

This is where the Dems lose the 'Jesus' argument. Jesus wants each of us to do with willingly.... not have it forced on us by others.

Thank you - and thanks to Obama - for displaying an utter and complete lack of knowledge about Christianity.

Obamas spech writers absolutely spun the words of the bible.

Truth is...look at the thousands of foundations VOLUNTARILY set up by wealthy people...it is exactly what the bible says man should do.

The fact that Obama allowed his speechwriters spin the words of the bible is, in itself, dispicable. He should fire all of them and apologize for repeating the words they wrote.

But he wont.
In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. First Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments. When the man responds that he already observes them, Jesus adds:

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The Gospel of Luke has a similar episode and states that:

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Hmmmm, did Jesus advocate the man voluntarily give up his possessions (charity) or is he advocating government take all his possessions?
Rich men can still enter heaven. All one has to do is accept Christ. Rich or poor. Ill or healthy. A runner or a lame man. An old man or a child. A woman or a man. And nothing we do in this lifetime counts on getting a ticket to heaven.

You miss the point entirely Chris.

It's called 3:16.

No, you miss the point.

Jesus told the young man to sell his possessions and give them to the poor.

ie...the Buffett Rule plus the earned income tax credit....

Did Jesus tell the Government to steal the rich guy's stuff, sell it and give it to the poor? No. He told the rich guy to do it voluntarily.

This is where the Dems lose the 'Jesus' argument. Jesus wants each of us to do with willingly.... not have it forced on us by others.

Thank you - and thanks to Obama - for displaying an utter and complete lack of knowledge about Christianity.

Damn, I need to read more posts before I post myself and sound like a broken record.

Would rep again if i could :clap2:.
No, you miss the point.

Jesus told the young man to sell his possessions and give them to the poor.

ie...the Buffett Rule plus the earned income tax credit....

Did Jesus tell the Government to steal the rich guy's stuff, sell it and give it to the poor? No. He told the rich guy to do it voluntarily.

This is where the Dems lose the 'Jesus' argument. Jesus wants each of us to do with willingly.... not have it forced on us by others.

Thank you - and thanks to Obama - for displaying an utter and complete lack of knowledge about Christianity.

Damn, I need to read more posts before I post myself and sound like a broken record.

Would rep again if i could :clap2:.

The more it gets repeated, the better. Some people need to have this stuff repeated - often - before they get the point.
Did Jesus tell the Government to steal the rich guy's stuff, sell it and give it to the poor? No. He told the rich guy to do it voluntarily.

This is where the Dems lose the 'Jesus' argument. Jesus wants each of us to do with willingly.... not have it forced on us by others.

Thank you - and thanks to Obama - for displaying an utter and complete lack of knowledge about Christianity.

Damn, I need to read more posts before I post myself and sound like a broken record.

Would rep again if i could :clap2:.

The more it gets repeated, the better. Some people need to have this stuff repeated - often - before they get the point.

Thanks for the rep.

I never understand why people have such a hard time reading this portion of Jesus's message. In the Bible he advises and encourages people to give charitably, which is exactly what us small gov't conservatives advise and encourage.

I never remember reading he wanted gov't to force the possessions away from those who have them in order to give them to others. But then again progressives may know this, but just lie in an attempt to guilt people into following their agenda.
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Obama understands Jesus well.

Jesus would support taxing the rich.

In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. First Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments. When the man responds that he already observes them, Jesus adds:

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The Gospel of Luke has a similar episode and states that:

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

This is how I understand that part: a rich man is going thru the motions of being "good". He really secretly "worships" his wealth. When he speaks to the Savior, the Savior sees into his heart and explains to him that he will have to shed his adoration of the false god, wealth. (The Savior gave many sermons and many parables, and in no other instance did He instruct the wealty to "give it all away") The rich man was very sad, because he could not reject his sin (like many of us that live in sinful ways), his love of money.

The second part (heard this from a radio teaching): A camel can carry over 1000 POUNDS! That is a lot of stuff (baggage, luggage, goods, garbage, etc). The "eye of a needle" was a gate in the city of Jerusalem that was open at night (the main gates were closed for protection). A camel could pass thru that gate, but only if it had no (that is NO) cargo. This is according to the Savior's teachings that you must be pure at heart to make it to heaven (no baggage, luggage, goods, garbage, etc).

I am sure you will disregard this because it goes against your agenda. The Savior wanted us to be responsible for ourselves (against Obama's agenda). He wanted us to do the best we could with what we had (the master giving 3 servants money..., the instruction not to put our lamps/light under a basket, etc). But if you are interested, you can read the Gospels and try to comprehend it both ways and see which one makes more sense.
The disciples were of the mindset that if a man was rich, God must have blessed him—hence he was favored by God and would surely have a prominent role in the kingdom of heaven.

On the contrary, Jesus observed that more often than not, a rich man’s wealth is an impediment to faith, not the result of it. The accumulation of wealth can, in this sinful world, result just as easily from greed and aggression as it can from God’s blessings upon our labors. As He pointed out, one cannot serve two masters.

The illustration of the camel going through the eye of a needle (Greek raphis, a sewing needle) gets to the heart of the matter. The Aramaic word Jesus probably used, gamla, can mean either camel or rope (since ropes were made from camels’ hair). Either way, the point is not (as is often taught) that the camel must be unloaded—the wealth put down—before one can enter; rather, the point is the utter impossibility of man entering the kingdom of heaven through his own efforts. No matter how hard he tries, he can’t work his way in, and no matter how rich he is, he can’t buy his way in. Only God can provide access to God.

Sooo .... what is your point? ..."The accumulation of wealth can, in this sinful world, result just as easily from greed and aggression as it can from God’s blessings upon our labors." ..
You don't know where it came from, so that gives you (your elected officials and their appointed minions) the "right" to take it? Why don't you guys start with the mob and the drug dealers (you know they took that money using sinful methods)? How about cleaning out the pimps, and houses of prostitution? Oh yeah, that would be hard to do, so you target peaceful, fairly moral people to rob (much like a leader or two in the last couple of hundred years, and we can read history to see how that worked.
See Papa Obama is only doing the Lord's work

God and Jesus would like us to take care of ourselves so someone else won't have to. Jesus lived along time ago in a different time and circumstance. In America today 80% of the population can and should be taking care of themselves but then the Dems would not be necessary....boooohoooo
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Obama understands Jesus well.

Jesus would support taxing the rich.

In the Gospel of Matthew, a rich young man asks Jesus what actions bring eternal life. First Jesus advises the man to obey the commandments. When the man responds that he already observes them, Jesus adds:

If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.

The Gospel of Luke has a similar episode and states that:

When he heard this, he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth. Jesus looked at him and said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Nope!! this talks NOTHING about taxing anyone let alone a rich guy,this is a terrible attempt at some kind of justification.

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