obama Just Simply Lied About Threat To Bergdahl's Life


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
When NBC News goes over to the other side, dims got a problem

How many lies is this from one president?

Off the scale. He has set a new low for this Country. One that has never been reached, even during the dark days of Watergate, and one that will never be surpassed.

This guy just lies like Ducks quack.
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How does a threat to Bergdahl's life change the fact that he is a deserter?

This was the excuse obama gave for not notifying Congress of the release of the five War Criminals.... That they had to act quickly and they had to keep it secret because, the Liar in Chief said that if it leaked, the Taliban would kill Bergdahl.

It's just one lie after another coming out of obama.

But, he's a dimocrap.

dimocraps lie. Every.Single.One.Of.Them is a lying scumbag
OT, but it's my thread so, what the hell?

Not yet confirmed. So far just a 'report'

Robert Bergdahl Watched & Favorited YouTube Video From Al Qaeda…

Islamically inclined…


Robert “Afghan Bob” Bergdahl is the father of U.S Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl who was held in captivity for five years by a mixture of Haqqani Network terrorists and the Taliban.

Robert has been scrutinized a lot lately for his activities on social media platforms such as Twitter and YouTube. Today, scanning through his YouTube favorites list, a reader and I came upon something strange.

A video Robert favorited a few months after he began his YouTube account – which believe me, is rife with favorites of various terror groups.

Enter Anwar Al-Awlaki, the English speaking, American-born jihadist and recruiter for Al-Qaeda.


If you are hard of seeing – it says “Why the World Hates America – By Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki”

In case you had any doubts about maybe this being reposted to YouTube by someone looking to show you what nutjobs terrorists are. Let me disabuse you of that.


The account name that posted the video is “HayaAlaJihad”

My Arabic-speaking friend who is a U.S Marine tells me that “Hayaa Ala Jihad” is incorrect spelling of the phrase “hayya alal jihad” but roughly means “All must come to Jihad”.
Here's the latest lie coming out of that cesspool of the white house

New Excuse: White House Tells Lawmakers Taliban Commanders Released For Bergdahl Aren’t Dangerous…


Keep digging.

Via Foreign Policy:
White House: The Taliban Five Aren't As Bad As You Think

Facing growing skepticism on Capitol Hill about its decision to swap five Taliban prisoners for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the White House told lawmakers at a classified briefing late Monday night that some of the freed militants were political figures, not hardened soldiers, according to lawmakers who attended the session.

In the past several days, the administration has rolled out a number of reasons to justify swapping Bergdahl, a potential deserter, for the five Taliban officials. White House officials said they had concerns about Berdgahl’s health, felt an obligation to never leave a soldier on the battlefield, and feared the militants were preparing to kill the missing soldier. But House lawmakers exiting a late Monday briefing said the administration was now shifting to a new defense that emphasized the lack of threat posed by the individuals that were released as part of the deal.

They discussed “the dangerousness of the individuals,” or lack thereof, said Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) in an interview, referring to Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Noori, Mullah Mohammad Fazi, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa and Mohammad Nabi Omari, otherwise known as the “Taliban Five.” While Turner said he didn’t trust the way the administration characterized their rap sheets, other Democratic lawmakers were convinced that claims about the Taliban Five being “hardcore” terrorists were exaggerated.

“They don’t seem to have been combatants at all,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), who attended Monday’s briefing. “The guys we traded, you hear all kinds of things about ‘they killed Americans.’ Three of them were governors of provinces under the Taliban government…They were governors.”

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), who also attended the briefing, agreed. “Who are these people? As it turns out … they were government officials. They weren’t soldiers, and they aren’t soldiers now.”

The takeaway from Democrats appeared to differ with the supposed characterization of the Taliban Five offered by intelligence officials last week in a briefing with Senate lawmakers, according to a report by the Daily Beast. In that story, a senior intelligence official allegedly told lawmakers that he expected four out of the five Taliban members to return to the battlefield.
Here a lie, there a lie, it doesn't matter...

Funny thing... After parading Bergdahl's mom and dad out to the press, after making a big deal about "his" decision to trade the terrorists for Bowe, after the big "hey look at me, look what I did, ain't it great" moment of the announcement, after all that, after taking credit for the move... All it took was a little unhappy pushback for Obama to say "WASN"T ME! NOT MY IDEA! SOMEONE ELSE MADE THE DECISION!"

Now the White House says Hagel made final call on Bergdahl as criticism of Obama over prisoner swap mounts | Mail Online

If only Obama was half as good a President as he is a campaigner...
and another headline like obama Just Simply Lied About Threat To Bergdahl's Life drives more voters to the Democratic Party
dimocraps are lying scum

State Department Refuses to Say if Cash Payoff Was Part of Bergdahl Hostage Deal
Ace of Spades HQ

"Prisoner of war."

A State Department spokeswoman on Monday would not say whether any cash ransom was paid for the release of Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

The question came in the midst of a flurry of questions about the circumstances surrounding the deal. A high-level intelligence officer familiar with the years-long hunt for Bergdahl told the Washington Free Beacon last week that a ransom was almost surely paid.

“I have not heard anything about cash, I’m happy to check,” said State spokeswoman Marie Harf when asked about the prospect at Monday’s press briefing.

It was at least the third time since last week that State has refused to confirm or deny that any cash changed hands.

This woman, Marie Larf, seems to be the White Susan Rice, except even dumber and more preposterous. She'll claim anything on camera. And even when you catch her lying (as Andrew Mitchell, of all people, did in that clip), she just pretends that that was the point that she was trying to make all along.

See this video for another preposterous performance by Larf.

This woman seems extremely dim to me.

There's a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that cash was part of the deal for this "prisoner."

Prior to his release, Bowe Bergdahl was being held by members of the Haqqani network, a US-designated terrorist organization. Haqqani and the Taliban are not one in the same, with the former group acting as a crime syndicate with a radical Islamist agenda. They're "80 percent Tony Soprano and 20 percent Al Qaeda," is how [author Brad] Thor put it in a telephone conversation last week. According to this official, Haqqani would be more interested in being compensated monetarily than in a prisoner/hostage trade, especially one in which they were not the primary beneficiary. Recall that of the five jihadi commanders freed in the deal, four were Taliban, and only one was (arguably) primarily Haqqani. Fox News also reported that the US paying a cash ransom for Bergdahl was under discussion as recently as December....

The ransom plan was reportedly abandoned, but the intelligence official insisted that there is reason to believe that cash changed hands as part of the deal....

Lachlan Markay's report also mentions the fact that higher-ranking Haqqanis were not included in the trade, which raises additional questions about how exactly that group benefitted from the swap.
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It was too time critical to notify Congress as required by law but not time critical enough to avoid notifying 80-90 members of the administration.
The administration's account of this affair is morphing every hour. Rather than fess up and say they screwed up they will lie and then lie about the lies. They are simply parodies of themselves. How can anyone believe anything this administrations says?
Here a lie, there a lie, it doesn't matter...

Funny thing... After parading Bergdahl's mom and dad out to the press, after making a big deal about "his" decision to trade the terrorists for Bowe, after the big "hey look at me, look what I did, ain't it great" moment of the announcement, after all that, after taking credit for the move... All it took was a little unhappy pushback for Obama to say "WASN"T ME! NOT MY IDEA! SOMEONE ELSE MADE THE DECISION!"

Now the White House says Hagel made final call on Bergdahl as criticism of Obama over prisoner swap mounts | Mail Online

If only Obama was half as good a President as he is a campaigner...

So which is it? We should have left that American to die over there at the hands of religious extremists or trade him for 5 guys who haven't seen a battlefield for 12 years whose jobs have been taken by other, younger guys. 5 guys who may not even know what a "drone" is. 5 guys who were part of the Taliban, not al Qaeda. You know. al Qaeda. The group that actually attacked us.

Please tell us your choice.

I wonder what they look like today. I think this administration is making a mistake showing 12 year old pictures.
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