Obama: Latinos can't be trusted with forks

It just goes to show what a scumbag the president is and the lengths his brown shirts will go to protect him.

Actually, this thread and responses like yours go to show how completely idiotic the USMB wingnut brigade really is.
the thread was about Latinos not being trusted with forks.....so your post must be as equal a deflection as mine....is what i said true or not?.....
Are you telling me that Latinos are stupid enough to believe the thread title?

I hope not.

let me put it this way.....im sure they were talking in Spanish making jokes about how El Presidente does not trust the Brownies....podríamos apuñalar a lo.....they get it.....

No offense, but :rolleyes:
and did Obama pull this stunt at a recent muslim or black event? or is it just down to the latino events cause he sees all latinos as insane and violent?

There is no stereotyping by looking for sharp object on latinos, naaaaaaah

It does seem odd on the Democrats part

After all, when Michelle "dines" with poor people they let them keep their
cellphones. Those can be used as weapons

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I read the story. I listened to the video. If it is true that standard procedure dictates that you disarm large crowds from potential weapons such as cutlery- then this is a non story. That said, it was handled in a very stupid way. According to the article it is not typical to tell the crowd they are being disarmed. Seriously, that is just asking for criticism.

Chalk one up to moronic move. But we want our president protected in a day and age of nuts.
I read the story. I listened to the video. If it is true that standard procedure dictates that you disarm large crowds from potential weapons such as cutlery- then this is a non story. That said, it was handled in a very stupid way. According to the article it is not typical to tell the crowd they are being disarmed. Seriously, that is just asking for criticism.

Chalk one up to moronic move. But we want our president protected in a day and age of nuts.

Well the way it was handled is the story

At least they didn't give them plastic "sporks" to eat with

Well the way it was handled is the story

At least they didn't give them plastic "sporks" to eat with

The emphasis of the story was about singling out Latino's and wishing to disarm them. It was further implied that this is because Latino's are seen as dangerous.

look at thesse fools actually thinking they have some issue with which to attract Latinos to the R party
Well the way it was handled is the story

At least they didn't give them plastic "sporks" to eat with

The emphasis of the story was about singling out Latino's and wishing to disarm them. It was further implied that this is because Latino's are seen as dangerous.

In no way was that emphasized or implied by the quoted story; just by the guy who posted it and apparently didn't read his own link.

look at thesse fools actually thinking they have some issue with which to attract Latinos to the R party

Obama, with a Super Majority for two years, has offered the Latino community what?
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Well the way it was handled is the story

At least they didn't give them plastic "sporks" to eat with

The emphasis of the story was about singling out Latino's and wishing to disarm them. It was further implied that this is because Latino's are seen as dangerous.

In no way was that emphasized or implied by the quoted story; just by the guy who posted it and apparently didn't read his own link.

No, the story implied it as well- the fact of the matter is that it was handled by Obama's sexuality in a moronic manner.

look at thesse fools actually thinking they have some issue with which to attract Latinos to the R party

Nah. We're just making fun of Obama for treating Mexicans like criminals. The GOP doesn't need racial gimmicks. We invite anybody with moral fiber to join our party.
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

Sooo, Obama TELLS his Secret Service personnel HOW to conduct his security? Wow...

Anyone who reads the article can clearly see that this is a non-event. There should be a minimum age for posters.
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

Sooo, Obama TELLS his Secret Service personnel HOW to conduct his security? Wow...

Anyone who reads the article can clearly see that this is a non-event. There should be a minimum age for posters.

Obama likely has daily security briefings. I just love how libs want to pretend that he has no control of the security who he is directly dealing with. It makes me wonder if they've lived a day in the real world.
No, this thread is about your chronic lack of honesty sonny. It has been proven over and over by the way. And you continue to dig your own grave. Thats your problem.

Uh huh. It's about Obama racially profiling Mexicans and not trusting them with forks.

Again, you repeat the lie. It was the Secret Service; not the President.

If Romney told me that he didn't trust me with a fork, I wouldn't be apologizing and deflecting for him.

And I'm doing neither for Obama.

I brought up your use of the term, "The Kenyan President" as an example of an obvious lie you told on a different thread.

You now say you have evidence that supports his being born in Kenya but of course, you won't produce it. To call you "my bitch" is likely the understatement of the week.

What, you didn't see the interview with Obama's grandma that was all over the net about her being there when he was born? She's never left Kenya, if she was there when he was born, then he had to have been born in Kenya. As for those claiming the translator got it wrong, I watched it with some Kenyans and they said that Grandma was defiantly talking about the guy that is now our president, not his father.
Uh huh. It's about Obama racially profiling Mexicans and not trusting them with forks.

Again, you repeat the lie. It was the Secret Service; not the President.

If Romney told me that he didn't trust me with a fork, I wouldn't be apologizing and deflecting for him.

And I'm doing neither for Obama.

I brought up your use of the term, "The Kenyan President" as an example of an obvious lie you told on a different thread.

You now say you have evidence that supports his being born in Kenya but of course, you won't produce it. To call you "my bitch" is likely the understatement of the week.

What, you didn't see the interview with Obama's grandma that was all over the net about her being there when he was born? She's never left Kenya, if she was there when he was born, then he had to have been born in Kenya. As for those claiming the translator got it wrong, I watched it with some Kenyans and they said that Grandma was defiantly talking about the guy that is now our president, not his father.

I didn't even know about that. It was already solid in my mind that he was born in Kenya; but that's just more proof.


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