Obama: Latinos can't be trusted with forks

It just goes to show what a scumbag the president is and the lengths his brown shirts will go to protect him.

Actually, this thread and responses like yours go to show how completely idiotic the USMB wingnut brigade really is.

You're as wingnut as they come dude.

Dude, you're one of the dumbest motherfuckers on this entire board. Calling the POTUS racist for the SS making sure nobody has sharp objects around the POTUS? Seriously, you are one really really really stupid little man.

look at thesse fools actually thinking they have some issue with which to attract Latinos to the R party

Obama, with a Super Majority for two years, has offered the Latino community what?

More than the GOP has, apparently. He's up by 30 points over Romneybot. BUt, hey, you go with this "scandal". I'm sure it'll close that astronomical gap. :lol::lol::lol:
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

Sooo, Obama TELLS his Secret Service personnel HOW to conduct his security? Wow...

Anyone who reads the article can clearly see that this is a non-event. There should be a minimum age for posters.

Or in the Gaspipe's case, a minimum IQ requirement. Though, to be fair to him, it would have to be no more then 75.
Calling the POTUS racist for the SS making sure nobody has sharp objects around the POTUS? Seriously, you are one really really really stupid little man.

Why didnt they take the forks from his rich white supporters at Sarah Parker's dinner party ?
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

I had no idea the President reviewed every minute detail of the Secret Service's activities. Makes you wonder how he has time to lead the country.
A Secret Service spokesman confirmed that the agency made the request, but said such requirements are common at large events where the president speaks at about the same time people are dining.

You hate Obama. We get it already.
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Why didn't they just give the diners plastic utensils? Common sense doesn't seem to be a trait of the obamallama people.

Hey why don't we use paper plates, too, and skip the napkins and just have people wipe their hands on their clothes? I dunno, you get back to us on your decision, as its obviously your place to plan Obama's fund raisers for him.
Obama has different security for different demographics.

White, rich = Sharp pointy things are cool.

Hispanic, ordinary = Look out for shanks.
Secret Services confiscates cutlery at Obama event - POLITICO.com

In the first place, Latinos weren't allowed knives b/c Obama wanted to treat them like potential criminals. But worse, they weren't even allowed forks.

Yup, Obama can treat you Latinos like shit. Who else you going to vote for? Right? You get what you pay for.

Mr. President......FORK YOU!!!!!!

Or in Spanish......"Vete a la mierda"

Well ive never made a white dude who tried to shank me then again i never met Hispanic who tried that either only blacks have ever tried to do that in my experience, Hispanics usually prefer Baseball Bats.
Obama has different security for different demographics.

White, rich = Sharp pointy things are cool.

Hispanic, ordinary = Look out for shanks.

No he doesn't you fucking moron. My lord you are gullible.

He damn sure ain't taking Michael Moore's or Oprah's fork at rich fundraisers.

You'll have to forgive the Secret Service for trusting people its actually vetted more than total strangers.

Tell you what, why don't we make YOU head of the Secret Service?
The emphasis of the story was about singling out Latino's and wishing to disarm them. It was further implied that this is because Latino's are seen as dangerous.

In no way was that emphasized or implied by the quoted story; just by the guy who posted it and apparently didn't read his own link.

No, the story implied it as well- the fact of the matter is that it was handled by Obama's sexuality in a moronic manner.

Freudian slip?

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