Obama Legacy: White Racists March in Streets of Charlottesville with Torches (VIDEO)

North Korea? ISIS? Wow what a way to deflect from the Charlottesville situation.

It's not a deflection. It's illustrating the history of what is either deliberate and malicious endeavors, or the criminal negligence of the sociopaths you're a sycophant of. It's a pattern of regressives from as far back as the bolsheviks and their mass murders to the disintegration of venezuela and you sniveling insipid bed wetting parasites refuse to acknowledge it.

You're just stupid enough to defend your democrook political whores, kinda like the sheep who keep voting for the shepherd that feeds them even after he fucks them and sends them off to slaughter.
Obama Legacy: White Racists March in Streets of Charlottesville with Torches (VIDEO)

Obama built this.
Barack Obama was the most divisive president in US history.
His support for radical black racist groups and his attacks on US history, culture and tradition led to the rise of white supremacist groups.

Obama met with leaders of the Black Lives Matter terror group in the White House on several occasions.

Obama nurtured the radical and violent Black Lives Matter movement in America.

Obama’s words and actions created an environment for white supremacist groups to flourish.

On Saturday white racists with torches marched through the streets of Charlottesville chanting, “You will not replace us.”
Could this be more threatening?
These extremists believed the media's propaganda abou

It will take the United States several years to recover from the Obama years of hatred and divisiveness.

These extrrmists believed the media's propaganda about Trump being on their side. This foaming at the mouth fanaticism is their reaction to what they see as Trump's betrayal.
Nope, it's the absolute truth. I live in a perfect microcosm of democrat racial division.
Diversity trumps assimilation and blacks only concern themselves with issues framed in blackness as they continue to segregate themselves and destroy communities with depleted family structure.

nope ------there is a social phenomenon that you are ignoring-----it is found all over the world in
all large groups of human beans-------BIRDS OF A FEATHER, FLOCK TOGETHER
And democrats create those birds. American blacks segregate themselves from black hispanics.

democrats have CREATED the animosity that some Hispanics and some blacks including some
black hisparnics have for each other? How about the animosity between Puerto Ricans and
Dominicans? DEMOCRATS again? Poles in my town do not like blacks.
I thought we were talking about Americans??

So, you support racial segregation. Which are they; Poles, Puerto Ricans, blacks or Americans?
If it rains tomorrow and cancels a Right Wing clam bake, it'll be Obama's fault. If some racist Right Winger's daughter fails her geometry exam, it'll be Obama's fault. If some racist stubs his toe in the middle of the night as he staggers around in his double wide, Obama will be to blame.

And when a White Supremacist drives his Toyota into a crowd, who can they scapegoat? My guess is Obama.
North Korea? ISIS? Wow what a way to deflect from the Charlottesville situation.

It's not a deflection. It's illustrating the history of what is either deliberate and malicious endeavors, or the criminal negligence of the sociopaths you're a sycophant of. It's a pattern of regressives from as far back as the bolsheviks and their mass murders to the disintegration of venezuela and you sniveling insipid bed wetting parasites refuse to acknowledge it.

You're just stupid enough to defend your democrook political whores, kinda like the sheep who keep voting for the shepherd that feeds them even after he fucks them and sends them off to slaughter.
Yes, hypothetically we should not have to defend 'our' race, but government contract set asides, Affirmative Action, and the legal standards now used in court that use 'reasonable minority' standards instead of reasonable person standards have compelled us to view our rights through a racial filter.

Either we will have a color blind society or we will have a racial Identitarian society and whites will dominate it.

You cant set up a racial system of law and deny whites the right to represent their own interests.
Obama! Obama! He done broke my tractor and killed my hound dog!
Obama! Obama! He went and caused me to be an opiod addict!
Obama! Obama! He done made me have no responsibility and blame him for everything!
All problems be because.....Obama!
nope ------there is a social phenomenon that you are ignoring-----it is found all over the world in
all large groups of human beans-------BIRDS OF A FEATHER, FLOCK TOGETHER
And democrats create those birds. American blacks segregate themselves from black hispanics.

democrats have CREATED the animosity that some Hispanics and some blacks including some
black hisparnics have for each other? How about the animosity between Puerto Ricans and
Dominicans? DEMOCRATS again? Poles in my town do not like blacks.
I thought we were talking about Americans??

So, you support racial segregation. Which are they; Poles, Puerto Ricans, blacks or Americans?

where do you see "support of racial segregation"? That persons of similar background tend
to gather together in urban setting is a social phenomenon-----I did not create it.
North Korea? ISIS? Wow what a way to deflect from the Charlottesville situation.

It's not a deflection. It's illustrating the history of what is either deliberate and malicious endeavors, or the criminal negligence of the sociopaths you're a sycophant of. It's a pattern of regressives from as far back as the bolsheviks and their mass murders to the disintegration of venezuela and you sniveling insipid bed wetting parasites refuse to acknowledge it.

You're just stupid enough to defend your democrook political whores, kinda like the sheep who keep voting for the shepherd that feeds them even after he fucks them and sends them off to slaughter.
Yes, hypothetically we should not have to defend 'our' race, but government contract set asides, Affirmative Action, and the legal standards now used in court that use 'reasonable minority' standards instead of reasonable person standards have compelled us to view our rights through a racial filter.

Either we will have a color blind society or we will have a racial Identitarian society and whites will dominate it.

You cant set up a racial system of law and deny whites the right to represent their own interests.

A boring personal anecdote------LONG ago-----I was a kid----my elder brother----the first in a sibship of five-----was four years old than I. He wrote a "letter to the editor" as a kid of about 16---making me ----`12. He wrote in
SUPPORT of affirmative action -----which he described as sorta philosophically abhorrent----but FULLY JUSTIFIED. based on history and the rightful attempt to bring justice to oppressed minority "colored
people" I read it-----AND AGREED------explaining the historical injustice that had to be-----sorta compensated.
He have gotten lots of NEGATIVE feedback for his "opinion" in our all white school. I remember it because I kinda idolized my elder brother and was delighted that he found my opinion----a LOT MORE ENLIGHTENED than his high school colleagues It was the early 1960s
Obama! Obama! He done broke my tractor and killed my hound dog!
Obama! Obama! He went and caused me to be an opiod addict!
Obama! Obama! He done made me have no responsibility and blame him for everything!
All problems be because.....Obama!


See what I did there?

The deterioration of race relations was a deliberate strategy by Obama to create chaos and division.

did he have a logical reason for this strange motive?


A logical person would not work to undermine our society, I will assert not one goddamn leftist parasite is a logical person.
Ah so, you declare your hatred of a President that worked hard enough to prevent the Second Great Republican Depression, simply because he is black. And then call him racist. You cocksucks are so transparent.

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