Obama lied about the Newtown shooting - who among his supporters will call Him on it?

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.“
Obama: Newtown children killed with 'fully automatic weapon' | The Daily Caller
The Obama very clearly intended to use the term "fully automatic weapon" as He corrected Himself after saying "semiautomatic weapon" - so, this was no slip of the tongue.

The Obama also certainly knows that there is a difference between semi- and full-auto weapons, though He likely could not tell you which is which by looking at them or seeing/hearing their names; he just as certainly knows that the Newtwon shooting involved a semi-auto weapon.

So, the Obama -lied- about the Newtown shooing being done with a full-auto weapon - that is, he intentionally and knowingly used use the incorrect term.

Who among you, His supporters, will take the Obama to task for His lie?
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Good luck,you might see some really convoluted excuse for him from one of the real BHO butt kissers,but that will be it.
What weapons were actually used?
That's classified since the only automatic weapon he had was found locked inside his car trunk, unused, after the carnage was over.

He had an ar-15, a semi automatic rifle that happens to look like an M16. he also had a shotgun and 2 pistols, none of which were fully automatic.

You can legally buy a fully automatic weapon in 37 States IF you get a federal license for it. If you do you are required by law to keep the cops informed where it is stored.

I do not believe a fully automatic weapon has been legally purchased and used in a crime since the 40's. In fact they are pretty useless for most crimes. And would be a waste in a mass shooting where you systematically gun down helpless children laying on the ground.

Obama chose to lie and the left not only doesn't care they defend him. Or make excuses. As for the main stream press they did not call him on the lie either. And they know for a fake no fully automatic weapon was used in the shooting.
What weapons were actually used?

Lanza brought 4 weapons with him to the school. 2 semi automatic handguns, a semi automatic rifle and a shotgun. There were no fully automatic weapons employed whatsoever.

There was some initial confusion in reporting the story early on. Some reports indicated that the rifle was found in th trunk of Lanza's car, but this seems to be a misunderstanding. Film footage of the removal of the firearm from the trunk show it to be a shotgun. Apparently intial police reports were to the effect that a "long gun" was in the car, leading some news reporters to conclude that the rifle was in the car and was not used in the shooting. This claim persisted in mainstream media for at least a day. Subsequent reports indicate that Lanza had the rifle and two handguns when he burst into the school and used the rifle exclusively to murder his victims. Then he used one of his handguns to kill himself.
What weapons were actually used?
That's classified since the only automatic weapon he had was found locked inside his car trunk, unused, after the carnage was over.

He had an ar-15, a semi automatic rifle that happens to look like an M16. he also had a shotgun and 2 pistols, none of which were fully automatic.

You can legally buy a fully automatic weapon in 37 States IF you get a federal license for it. If you do you are required by law to keep the cops informed where it is stored.

I do not believe a fully automatic weapon has been legally purchased and used in a crime since the 40's. In fact they are pretty useless for most crimes. And would be a waste in a mass shooting where you systematically gun down helpless children laying on the ground.

Obama chose to lie and the left not only doesn't care they defend him. Or make excuses. As for the main stream press they did not call him on the lie either. And they know for a fake no fully automatic weapon was used in the shooting.
Thank you for the correction, Gunny.
No Obama supporter will take The Obama to task for His lie?
Not one?
Why did you put this up in the clean debate zone. Not kidding.

Put this front and center in Politics and I can back you. I have his speech .
Why did you put this up in the clean debate zone. Not kidding.

Put this front and center in Politics and I can back you. I have his speech .
There's already a similar subject. It is primarily filled with trolling and willful idiocy.
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You won't see any liberal take him to task for anything, ever.
It would be nice to see more informed and intelligent debate over gun control but this thread is unlikely to inspire it.

Start with a stronger premise and focus on the core issue, and I imagine you'll get more and better responses.
Ok, name something liberals take Obama to task for.

Not a problem...................right now they're taking him to task for chained CPI and connecting it to Social Security.
Well, I know you're not very good at posting documentation :)eusa_whistle:) but post a link or shut up.

Do your own research via Google. Many dems are pissed at Obama for the chained CPI thing.

Matter of fact, I heard Sen. Bernie Sanders speak badly about Obama this evening on Bill Maher over the very same thing.
Not a problem...................right now they're taking him to task for chained CPI and connecting it to Social Security.
Well, I know you're not very good at posting documentation :)eusa_whistle:) but post a link or shut up.

Do your own research via Google. Many dems are pissed at Obama for the chained CPI thing.

Matter of fact, I heard Sen. Bernie Sanders speak badly about Obama this evening on Bill Maher over the very same thing.
Here's how it works, asshole. You make a claim, you post the link. You're either lazy or you're full of shit. Maybe a little of both, huh?

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