Obama Living In An Alternate Universe


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

President Perfect

“I can’t resist a basketball analogy,” Obama told the crowd, according to a White House pool report. “We are in the fourth quarter. We’re up by a few points but the other side is coming on strong and they play a little dirty.” - Barack Obama

This guy is living in fantasyland.

I really think he thinks one of two things, ether everything his campaign has been saying about Romney and Ryan has nothing to do with him, calling them murderers and brown-nosers, or.......he thinks he can get away with acting like he's just a nice guy that has no control over what is said on his behalf.

After what we've been seeing coming out of his campaign, from accusations of murder, accusations of criminal acts such as income-tax evasion and rape, felonious assault, animal cruelty, I mean.....how can this jerk claim that the other side is 'dirty'. It simply boggles the mind.

They actually have tried to accuse Ryan of being of the same mindset as Todd Akin. They even have been floating the idea that the GOP supports rape. :lame2:

And regardless how lame these silly accusations are the trolls on the internet lap it up and his media cronies are having a field day making fools of themselves in the process. But are people buying this crappola?

I don't think so, but he's clever when he acts like he's not a part of it. His mindset is revealed when he actually has the gall to accuse his opponents of playing dirty. Personally I think it's as dishonest as hell, but it seems to be one of the things his supporters love about him. They don't want to face reality because reality is bad news for Obama and his wasted Presidency.

A side note; Madiline Albright was asked the other day how long they intended on blaming Bush for everything bad that happens. She responded truthfully.


Yes, these people are off their friggen rockers.

What do you think?

Obama: Team Romney coming on strong, playing dirty, time to
They actually have tried to accuse Ryan of being of the same mindset as Todd Akin.

Despite sponsoring numerous pieces of extreme anti-choice legislation together (yes, including some that attempt to parse different "types" of rape), they're not exactly of the same mind. Ryan is more extreme. Akin once dipped below a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee; Ryan never has.
They actually have tried to accuse Ryan of being of the same mindset as Todd Akin.

Despite sponsoring numerous pieces of extreme anti-choice legislation together (yes, including some that attempt to parse different "types" of rape), they're not exactly of the same mind. Ryan is more extreme. Akin once dipped below a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee; Ryan never has.

Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.
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Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.

Co-sponsoring multiple pieces of insane legislation with Akin on exactly the subject he tipped his hand on this week isn't an attempt to tie Ryan with Akin.

It's pointing out that they're two extremist peas in a pod. Ryan's a rightwing nutjob who thinks there's some unique category of "forcible" (legitimate?) rape that deserves protections that others do not. Yet another knuckledragger the party has brought to prominence.
Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.

Co-sponsoring multiple pieces of insane legislation with Akin on exactly the subject he tipped his hand on this week isn't an attempt to tie Ryan with Akin.

It's pointing out that they're two extremist peas in a pod. Ryan's a rightwing nutjob who thinks there's some unique category of "forcible" (legitimate?) rape that deserves protections that others do not. Yet another knuckledragger the party has brought to prominence.

Yes, and according to you Ryan is exactly the same as Akin.:slap:

And every gun owner is exactly the same as John Holme, the "Batman" killer.


I think that partisan ideologues tend to build a little world for themselves, exposing themselves primarily to opinions and information with which they agree. They block out all contrary data, and learn how to automatically respond to such data with spin, diversion, denial, distortion, hyperbole, straw man arguments and outright lies, essentially as a matter of second nature.

Such a world creates a closed-minded, narcissistic, bigoted, blank-eyed zealot whose world view is so organically distorted that they're impossible to communicate with on a mature, civil, intellectually honest platform.

Political affiliation irrelevant.

Just my two cents there.

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I think that partisan ideologues tend to build a little world for themselves, exposing themselves primarily to opinions and information with which they agree. They block out all contrary data, and learn how to automatically respond to such data with spin, diversion, denial, distortion, hyperbole, straw man arguments and outright lies, essentially as a matter of second nature.

Such a world creates a closed-minded, narcissistic, bigoted, blank-eyed zealot whose world view is so organically distorted that they're impossible to communicate with on a mature, civil, intellectually honest platform.

Political affiliation irrelevant.

Just my two cents there.


Money well spent.:clap2:
Yes, and according to you Ryan is exactly the same as Akin.:slap:

Only in their shared radical backwardness on women's health issues.

I couldn't say offhand what Akin's stance on destroying Medicare is.


Only person destroying Medicare is Obama.

Sorry, your silly analogy is intellectually dense as well as dishonest. Saying Ryan thinks rape is legit is beyond ridiculous. You're simply trying to tie something totally unrelated into Romney/Ryan. A more legit comparison would be Obama and Hugo Chavez, but then that would be resorting to the same kind of character assassination as the Obama campaign practices.
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Two can play that game.
Obama works with Joe Biden
From now on everything Biden says, nomatter how stupid is as if Obama said it.
Shit, Obama has been playing by "prison rules" since his political career started......
Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.

Co-sponsoring multiple pieces of insane legislation with Akin on exactly the subject he tipped his hand on this week isn't an attempt to tie Ryan with Akin.

It's pointing out that they're two extremist peas in a pod. Ryan's a rightwing nutjob who thinks there's some unique category of "forcible" (legitimate?) rape that deserves protections that others do not. Yet another knuckledragger the party has brought to prominence.

Yes, and according to you Ryan is exactly the same as Akin.:slap:

No, Ryan is not exactly the same as Akin.

He's is to the right of Akin regarding a woman's right to choose.
Obama has to campaign to shore up Blacks, 90+% of which voted for him in 2008?

Oh it must be FAR worse than we're being told.
Get this; Barbara Boxer got into the act.

'If they don't like tax-increases they must not like their mothers!"

These people are dangerously insane.
Get this; Barbara Boxer got into the act.

'If they don't like tax-increases they must not like their mothers!"

These people are dangerously insane.

As Boxer said they don't like their mothers or their first wives.

Boxer must be scouring the countryside looking for first wives for Romney and Ryan.
Two can play that game.
Obama works with Joe Biden
From now on everything Biden says, nomatter how stupid is as if Obama said it.

How stupid, or how partisan must you be to either not understand, or simply disregard the FACT that Paul Ryan has used Todd Akin to co-author every single attempt he has made to either limit a woman's reproductive rights, or to redefine what rape really is?
They actually have tried to accuse Ryan of being of the same mindset as Todd Akin.

Despite sponsoring numerous pieces of extreme anti-choice legislation together (yes, including some that attempt to parse different "types" of rape), they're not exactly of the same mind. Ryan is more extreme. Akin once dipped below a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee; Ryan never has.

Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.

No attempt needed. It's in black and white on the bill they co-sponsored trying to separate
"normal" rape from "forcible" rape.

Despite sponsoring numerous pieces of extreme anti-choice legislation together (yes, including some that attempt to parse different "types" of rape), they're not exactly of the same mind. Ryan is more extreme. Akin once dipped below a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee; Ryan never has.

Being an extremist yourself you sure have some nerve to judge others.

Sorry, this is an extremely lame attempt to tie Ryan in with Akin. Any rational person will see right through this trick.

No attempt needed. It's in black and white on the bill they co-sponsored trying to separate
"normal" rape from "forcible" rape.


Normal meaning stagitory?

I seriously doubt he used normal.

I'm gonna need a quote with supporting links.

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