Obama & Michelle TOLD us they were going to change our traditions...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
— Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

“We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
— Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008

Obama: Transforming America | RealClearPolitics

Examples of this transformation?
ACA. That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color, actually praising a foriegn dictator for the invasion of a smaller, weaker neighbor, ie, Putin.
Was the French Resistance treasonous when it remained loyal to France rather than the Vichy government that transformed the nation?
ACA. That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color, actually praising a foriegn dictator for the invasion of a smaller, weaker neighbor, ie, Putin.

Yes, it you disagree with Obama you're a racist!

That's the only possible explanation.

If you disagree with Palin, you hate women
That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color...


What the hell are you talking about? Are you really doing the "anyone opposed to obama politically, ideologically, or according to his public behavior is racist" thing? Seriously?
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.
That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color...


What the hell are you talking about? Are you really doing the "anyone opposed to obama politically, ideologically, or according to his public behavior is racist" thing? Seriously?

OR is predicatable
Everyone who didn't vote for Dukakis hates Greeks! Anyone who didn't vote for Kerry hates ketchup! Anyone who didn't vote for Dole hates handicapped veterans! Anyone who didn't vote for Gore hates...um...fat...?
Barack Obama is a failure on so many levels. To list the host of scandals here, and then describe them in detail, would be just an exhausting task that not only would be time consuming, but quite the downer as well.

I see the Oval Office circling the drain getting wrapped into that Coriolis effect. :badgrin:

ACA. That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color, actually praising a foriegn dictator for the invasion of a smaller, weaker neighbor, ie, Putin.

Just a personal observation Old Rocks...
When you type your comments, do you see a little red dotted line under misspelled words.. ("i.e. not ie" or "foriegn" ...)?
I just don't understand the laziness of people who don't pay attention to this little details EXCEPT it does prove the below, i.e. you and others didn't pay any attention
to the little "details" about Obama as exemplified by the below!...

In 2008 of all the black voters 4% DID NOT vote skin color as I did not vote for skin color. I like them voted against an incompetent and definitely inexperienced person.
In 2012 of all the black voters 7% DID NOT vote skin color as did I not vote because of skin color.

Obviously a large percentage of Obama voters like you had ONLY one reason to vote for Obama i.e. skin color.

Obviously a large % of Obama voters also like Obama hate our military because Obama told the enemy/terrorists that our
"military air-raiding villages killing civilians" as well as appointing another military hater who called our Iraq soldiers terrorists.

So Obviously YOU voted strictly on color hate the military and more then anything else YOU like Obama can't do simple math.
YOU like Obama still think there were 46 million uninsured WHEN and NO one has REFUTED these facts that:
1) 10 million of the "uninsured" are not citizens... and now AFTER using 46 million to get ACA passed Obama AGREES! Says there are 36 million!
2) 14 million were people that Obama screwed up and didn't get HIS MEDICAID to register them... YET he and YOU BLATANTLY call them "uninsured"!
3) 18 million DON"T WANT insurance! Can afford it. Refuse their employers' health plan. Why because they are under 34, make over $50k and spend less then employers' plan.

So when you and Obama voters voted YOU voted for a totally inept at math such as you are in you were
A) uninformed of the 42 million that should NEVER have been counted as "uninsured"
B) Obviously totally ignorant of the $850 billion doctors spend simply because they fear being sued... (You are ok with that because YOU think that is ????)
C) Obviously ignorant that Medicare pays sometimes 6,000% more then necessary all because of EMTALA... another "feel good now..pay consequences later!... passed under Reagan no less! (You'd think people would learn!)...
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.

How about people who reflexively demonize President Bush but defend obama with hysterical levels of emotion when he does many of the exact same things President Bush did? I seem to recall obama and his media minions having a nice, self-important chortle at some of the things McCain said during the campaign, and then hearing obama say the same things, almost verbatim, shortly after the election.

You can't be a hypocrite and self-righteous at the same time, champ.
That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color...


What the hell are you talking about? Are you really doing the "anyone opposed to obama politically, ideologically, or according to his public behavior is racist" thing? Seriously?

To paraphrase: "At this point what difference does it make"?

..."racism" is all they have.
Everyone who didn't vote for Dukakis hates Greeks! Anyone who didn't vote for Kerry hates ketchup! Anyone who didn't vote for Dole hates handicapped veterans! Anyone who didn't vote for Gore hates...um...fat...?

...and so, using their logic that white people who disagree with obama are "racists", then it would follow; every black person in history who ever disagreed with a white president is/was therefore a "racist".
That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color...


What the hell are you talking about? Are you really doing the "anyone opposed to obama politically, ideologically, or according to his public behavior is racist" thing? Seriously?

Yes he is.
that's what they use to shut down anyone criticizing what he is doing to us
change traditions like segregation, jim crow, homophobia, sexism, racism, ageism, and all that.

You betcha wink wink
change traditions like segregation, jim crow, homophobia, sexism, racism, ageism, and all that.

You betcha wink wink

Segregation ended by government force decades ago.

Jim crow ended decades ago.

You like that word homophobia. It implies fear and that makes you feel strong.....LMAO..Not many people are afraid of homosexuals.

They disagree with their morals. That isn't "fear"..but you guys have to use semantic distortion to frame every argument and label your opponents.
No one is fooled.

Sexism, racism, ageism...are all human reactions.

Humans are flawed creatures and those (sexism,racism, etc)...will never "end"...especially not by any government programs or politicians.
The very idea is comical.
change traditions like segregation, jim crow, homophobia, sexism, racism, ageism, and all that.

You betcha wink wink

you've become nothing but a joke...We've moved past all that a long time ago..It's people like you and the Obama's who wants to keep using it for the agenda they have for our country
how the hell you plan changing HUMAN nature? homophobia- for people who wanted to just be left alone and it's no ones business what they do in their bedrooms, this and they are sure in our face constantly..., sexism- you on the left has that one bad, just look how you treated Sarah palin..vile hateful ugliest I have ever seen.
ageism- is that what your brain is or something...?
Are you planning shock treatment for everyone? whippings, caning?
You're the knower of everything progressive and what the Obama's plans are, can you give us a hint?
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I've said before the Obama's are evil people who hates us and our country

but what's truly frightening is how many people could fall for it though they were telling right to their faces what they had planned...

both sat in a church that was , black liberation (look it up) for 20 years, Obama said in his book he gave up talking about his WHITE side of the family because he felt it was "ingratiating" himself to white people

my gawd are we paying dearly for them and it's not over yet..I see things getting worse so get prepared

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