Obama Mocked Trump For Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S.

Tax dollars well spent so other Americans can have jobs.
We hope. Man, gotta get used to republicans saying things like that

Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.

1300 jobs are still going to Mexico. Bring on the 35% tariff.
...and Obama is pissed off that he couldn't get ALL those jobs moved to Mexico...and the unemployed American Carrier workers on the government dole voting D.
We hope. Man, gotta get used to republicans saying things like that

Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.
Most of the jobs still are moving to Mexico. The government also made a deal with Carrier in 2011 to keep these jobs. Carrier ended up paying back the money they saved from the "business friendly" deal to ship the jobs away anyways. Which they'll do again in a heartbeat if they see a better opportunity than what the government is offering them.

And of course they are outdated skill sets. There are people willing to do their work for $3 an hour. Time for these people to learn a better skill.

So liberals want to pay people $15 an hour but are so quick to ship "outdated" skill set jobs to people for $3 an hour. OldSchool, your not doing well in the debate at all.
Conservatives used to fight liberals on their stupid fiscal bullshit. If you cons are going to go populist on us now, then we're doomed as a nation.
We hope. Man, gotta get used to republicans saying things like that

Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.

1300 jobs are still going to Mexico. Bring on the 35% tariff.
...and Obama is pissed off that he couldn't get ALL those jobs moved to Mexico...and the unemployed American Carrier workers on the government dole voting D.

I have no idea what you are tying to say, but Trump promised tariffs for companies sending jobs to other countries. Carrier is still sending 1300 jobs to Mexico. Bring on the tariffs.
Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.
Most of the jobs still are moving to Mexico. The government also made a deal with Carrier in 2011 to keep these jobs. Carrier ended up paying back the money they saved from the "business friendly" deal to ship the jobs away anyways. Which they'll do again in a heartbeat if they see a better opportunity than what the government is offering them.

And of course they are outdated skill sets. There are people willing to do their work for $3 an hour. Time for these people to learn a better skill.

There are people willing to do EVERY single job in America for cheaper than Americans are doing them.

Does that mean we should give up on all jobs?
Can they do the jobs better and cheaper? Then we should bring them on over. America wasn't built by lazy fucks who felt they were entitled to be paid for whatever skill they have, and it sure as hell won't remain the leader of the free world if that attitude takes over.

Yes, they can.

And no we should NOT bring them over.

This nation's policies should be crafted to serve the interests of it's citizens.

Wanting to have a job that pays more than what a starving Haitian thinks is a good wage, is not being "lazy" or "entitled".

And having workers that can feed families is more important than being Leader of the Free World.

Keep in mind we didn't become Leader of the Free World by worrying about being Leader of the Free World.

We did it by building a great nation for Americans to prosper in.
Republicans don't mind paying taxes as long as it isn't wasted on entitlement shit. These people are working for a living.
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.

1300 jobs are still going to Mexico. Bring on the 35% tariff.
...and Obama is pissed off that he couldn't get ALL those jobs moved to Mexico...and the unemployed American Carrier workers on the government dole voting D.
I have no idea what you are tying to say, but Trump promised tariffs for companies sending jobs to other countries. Carrier is still sending 1300 jobs to Mexico. Bring on the tariffs.
Sorry but I can't help you if you are illiterate.
Well if dog and pony show about 1k jobs impress Trumpsters just wait till he is able to pull off something like this:


Another far left drone chart that is a lie!


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Wanting to have a job that pays more than what a starving Haitian thinks is a good wage, is not being "lazy" or "entitled".

If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.
This is pretty embarrassing for Obama. Here's what he said in regards to Trump saying he could keep Carrier jobs in the US:

"There’s — there’s no answer to it. He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, how — what — how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?

Holy shit. This makes him look like the inexperienced community organizer we always knew he was. Stunning. Trump isn't even sworn in yet and he did what Obama thought was impossible.

WATCH: Obama Mocked Trump For Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S. | The Sean Hannity Show
Barry is lying sack of shit, best to be ignored...
Paying a company to keep jobs that it doesn't need and hurts their bottom line is an entitlement. I hope the people who's jobs were "saved" tell their kids to get an education and learn a skill the is needed in 21st century America so the government doesn't have to step in to support them.

Uh, the jobs were moving to Mexico. They weren't being eliminated due to outdated skill sets. The government isn't supporting them. They government is making the US business friendly so jobs stay here.

1300 jobs are still going to Mexico. Bring on the 35% tariff.
...and Obama is pissed off that he couldn't get ALL those jobs moved to Mexico...and the unemployed American Carrier workers on the government dole voting D.
I have no idea what you are tying to say, but Trump promised tariffs for companies sending jobs to other countries. Carrier is still sending 1300 jobs to Mexico. Bring on the tariffs.
Sorry but I can't help you if you are illiterate.

That's fine. I don't think anyone could expect much from you anyway.
Wanting to have a job that pays more than what a starving Haitian thinks is a good wage, is not being "lazy" or "entitled".

If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.

Your compassion for your fellow Americans is truly breathtaking.

And your "education" mantra is debunked by the Left's support of High Tech worker visas.

I got a better idea than giving up on all or even most jobs. Lets shut down immigration and let Americans do them.

I have an American who does my landscaping. Is that high tech? NO.

Is there something wrong with an American making a living on doing that, when I'm sure that there is some Third Worlder somewhere willing to do it for less?

I could save a couple of bucks. My American landscaper would be out of a job. The Third World would have a shit job, live in squalor, bring over 5 close relatives who would each bring over 5 close relatives, they would all put other Americans out of work, and fill the schools with kids who can't speak english, some of which would grow up to be criminals, and who would all vote for the politics they are used to, shitty Third World politics, ie Dems.

Wanting to have a job that pays more than what a starving Haitian thinks is a good wage, is not being "lazy" or "entitled".

If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.

Your compassion for your fellow Americans is truly breathtaking.

And your "education" mantra is debunked by the Left's support of High Tech worker visas.

I got a better idea than giving up on all or even most jobs. Lets shut down immigration and let Americans do them.

I have an American who does my landscaping. Is that high tech? NO.

Is there something wrong with an American making a living on doing that, when I'm sure that there is some Third Worlder somewhere willing to do it for less?

I could save a couple of bucks. My American landscaper would be out of a job. The Third World would have a shit job, live in squalor, bring over 5 close relatives who would each bring over 5 close relatives, they would all put other Americans out of work, and fill the schools with kids who can't speak english, some of which would grow up to be criminals, and who would all vote for the politics they are used to, shitty Third World politics, ie Dems.


If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.[/QUOTE]

I have an American who does my landscaping. Is that high tech? NO. There are other American who can do what he's doing. Why don't you pay them instead? You monster. You must have no compassion.

Is there something wrong with an American making a living on doing that, when I'm sure that there is some Third Worlder somewhere willing to do it for less? There are Americans who will do it for less. Why aren't you paying them? You monster. You must have no compassion.

I could save a couple of bucks. My American landscaper would be out of a job. The Third World would have a shit job, live in squalor, bring over 5 close relatives who would each bring over 5 close relatives, they would all put other Americans out of work, and fill the schools with kids who can't speak english, some of which would grow up to be criminals, and who would all vote for the politics they are used to, shitty Third World politics, ie Dems. You mean like the people who built this nation did?
"The jobs Americans won't do" Clearly something liberals made up to explain their open border policy and their need to export jobs to foreign workers making $3 an hour.
This is pretty embarrassing for Obama. Here's what he said in regards to Trump saying he could keep Carrier jobs in the US:

"There’s — there’s no answer to it. He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, how — what — how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?

Holy shit. This makes him look like the inexperienced community organizer we always knew he was. Stunning. Trump isn't even sworn in yet and he did what Obama thought was impossible.

WATCH: Obama Mocked Trump For Saying He'd Keep Carrier Jobs In The U.S. | The Sean Hannity Show

Has a sitting President ever gone out of his way to mock the incoming President Elect as Obama has done?
Wanting to have a job that pays more than what a starving Haitian thinks is a good wage, is not being "lazy" or "entitled".

If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.

Your compassion for your fellow Americans is truly breathtaking.

And your "education" mantra is debunked by the Left's support of High Tech worker visas.

I got a better idea than giving up on all or even most jobs. Lets shut down immigration and let Americans do them.

I have an American who does my landscaping. Is that high tech? NO.

Is there something wrong with an American making a living on doing that, when I'm sure that there is some Third Worlder somewhere willing to do it for less?

I could save a couple of bucks. My American landscaper would be out of a job. The Third World would have a shit job, live in squalor, bring over 5 close relatives who would each bring over 5 close relatives, they would all put other Americans out of work, and fill the schools with kids who can't speak english, some of which would grow up to be criminals, and who would all vote for the politics they are used to, shitty Third World politics, ie Dems.


If you were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest nation in the world, and a starving Haitian can do your job, then stop dicking around and better yourself. This country was built by people who yearned for more, not ones who wanted to sit on their asses and convince people to settle for less.

I have an American who does my landscaping. Is that high tech? NO. There are other American who can do what he's doing. Why don't you pay them instead? You monster. You must have no compassion.

Is there something wrong with an American making a living on doing that, when I'm sure that there is some Third Worlder somewhere willing to do it for less? There are Americans who will do it for less. Why aren't you paying them? You monster. You must have no compassion.

I could save a couple of bucks. My American landscaper would be out of a job. The Third World would have a shit job, live in squalor, bring over 5 close relatives who would each bring over 5 close relatives, they would all put other Americans out of work, and fill the schools with kids who can't speak english, some of which would grow up to be criminals, and who would all vote for the politics they are used to, shitty Third World politics, ie Dems. You mean like the people who built this nation did? [/QUOTE]

1. Choosing one particular American to do a job at a reasonable rate opposed to other Americans who might do the job slightly less, is not equal to importing a non-American to undercut them all.

Your attempt to conflate two very different scenarios fails.

My point stands.

Just because it is not a high tech job, there is nothing wrong with that man making a living doing landscaping.

There is little to be gained, and much to be lost by flooding the landscaping industry with cheap third world labor.

2. Sort of. I mean, I certainly don't want my world rolled over like what happened to the Indians. DO you?
Liberal mindset - We demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, but lets ship our air conditioning skill set to Mexico for $3 an hour. The war on Hispanics.
Butthurt Hussaine Obama has been pwnd so much by The Donald...and The Donald has not even rescinded Hussaine's executive orders and Hussaine's crowning achievement Obamacare yet! The fake news douchebags like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow of the MSM are going to go crazy and Hussaine will go down as the worst President in US history just like The Donald said he was!
1. Choosing one particular American to do a job at a reasonable rate opposed to other Americans who might do the job slightly less, is not equal to importing a non-American to undercut them all.

Your attempt to conflate two very different scenarios fails.

My point stands.

Just because it is not a high tech job, there is nothing wrong with that man making a living doing landscaping.

There is little to be gained, and much to be lost by flooding the landscaping industry with cheap third world labor.

2. Sort of. I mean, I certainly don't want my world rolled over like what happened to the Indians. DO you?

Is he a really good landscaper? Or are you just paying him to mow your lawn and sprinkle some crap on the grass?

Maybe where you live everything is really cheap. Illegals probably don't want to go there so you have nothing to worry about.
Liberal mindset - We demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, but lets ship our air conditioning skill set to Mexico for $3 an hour. The war on Hispanics.
Conservatives used to fight liberals on their stupid fiscal bullshit. If you cons are going to go populist on us now, then we're doomed as a nation.
Liberal mindset - We demand $15 an hour to flip burgers, but lets ship our air conditioning skill set to Mexico for $3 an hour. The war on Hispanics.
Conservatives used to fight liberals on their stupid fiscal bullshit. If you cons are going to go populist on us now, then we're doomed as a nation.

It's becoming obvious Liberals pretended to represent the middle class merely for votes. Trump has delivered to the middle class and hasn't taken office yet. Obama must feel pretty stupid right now. What next, Obama is going to blame FoxNews? Oh wait, he actually did.

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