Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides

Obama doesn't have enough on his plate he needs to stick his face in whatever the bees are up to.
Anyone else get the feeling that Stephanie is a high school student or college student? Just seems very immature. Obviously doesn't comprehend how many things we need the Bee for.

she said she was really old, so naturally bees are too complex a creature for her to understand.

You know because, boo obama and stuff.

Stephanie just sees the name OBAMA and she freaks out.

Rabble rabble Obama.
You said that lefty's never agree with you. Give me an opportunity to show you that we can. All you have to do is say something that is true.

Let's do this.

all lefties, it doesnt matter even if they are moderate and conservative ones.... are far lefties to this guy....all they have to do is disagree with him on something.... im waiting for him to call me a far left Obama drone....

It's part of the labelling scheme...anything or anyone not on the extreme right wing conservative agenda is "far left" and usually "obama drone"

it works that way with the far left too.....i have been called an extreme right winger by a few far lefties here just because i had the gall and audacity to disagree with them....
The companies that sell the pesticides in question were already considering not selling them. Also, there have been a lot of stories on this and many people are choosing not to buy the pesticides that kill the honey bees. Information is good. I realize that some don't think people are smart enough to keep up with things and make good decisions. We don't need to spend millions on studying the pesticides since we already know that some are worse than they need to be. The honey bees around here are as busy as ever. They love my flower beds and they don't bother me. As for the wasps and hornets, that is another matter.

I would rather that the administration and congress focus on more urgent things.

Food is one of our most major concerns..For some reason we need it to survive...

i hear ya....i think i may be addicted....
This man is frikken Insane...we have a crisis in the middle east/Iraq, our borders are being INVADED and he'S out to save a fucking bee...and they plan to spend Millions doing it...we are being HOSED by this administration and every damn government agency He is in charge of now it's a, PoLLINATOR HEALTH TASK FORCE...


President Obama on Friday announced plans to save endangered honey bees and other pollinators, for the first time ordering a probe into new types of pesticides that some local governments and 15 European Union nations have restricted or banned.

The long-awaited plan creates a “Pollinator Health Task Force” that has 180 days to come up with a plan to save bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The goal is to rid fields of harmful pesticides while planting food for the bugs, even on military bases an along railroad tracks. Virtually every Cabinet department will be included on the task force.

A key victory for the honey bee industry is Obama’s mention of “neonicotinoids,” a new type of pesticide product that many blame for the shocking loss of bees in the epidemic called “colony collapse disorder.”

In the six-page presidential memo, the White House singled out what it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to do:

“The Environmental Protection Agency shall assess the effect of pesticides, including neonicotinoids, on bee and other pollinator health and take action, as appropriate, to protect pollinators; engage state and tribal environmental, agricultural, and wildlife agencies in the development of state and tribal pollinator protection plans; encourage the incorporation of pollinator protection and habitat planting activities into green infrastructure and Superfund projects; and expedite review of registration applications for new products targeting pests harmful to pollinators.”

Some members of the EU voted last year to restrict the use of pesticides that include neuroactive neonicotinoid chemicals. Three are in use: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam.

Pollinators, mostly bees, are responsible for much of what grows on farms.

In a related move, the Agriculture Department said it would spend $8 million to establish new habitats for honey bees in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

all of it here:
Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides | WashingtonExaminer.com

You DO know that as the honey bees go, so goes agriculture, right?
Wait till you see what we have in store for those cute adorable lady bugs....
And don't get me fucking started on butterflies....

This shit ain't gonna be pretty.

Do you always inspect your bowl movements??

Have to....
Doctor's orders...

The Doctor I don't see anymore thanks to O Care... :mad:

Well you should have dropped your doc whenever he wanted you to watch your shit all the time...You have to break from tradition and have a free day!
Obama doesn't have enough on his plate he needs to stick his face in whatever the bees are up to.

oh please, if Obama didn't make some kind of action on bees all the nutty conservatives would knee-jerk and blabber "OMG Obama is just ignoring the bees! He's not addressing this urgent issue!! OMG OMG OMG!! Impeach him!!!"
The companies that sell the pesticides in question were already considering not selling them. Also, there have been a lot of stories on this and many people are choosing not to buy the pesticides that kill the honey bees. Information is good. I realize that some don't think people are smart enough to keep up with things and make good decisions. We don't need to spend millions on studying the pesticides since we already know that some are worse than they need to be. The honey bees around here are as busy as ever. They love my flower beds and they don't bother me. As for the wasps and hornets, that is another matter.

I would rather that the administration and congress focus on more urgent things.

Food is one of our most major concerns..For some reason we need it to survive...

i hear ya....i think i may be addicted....

I know my stomach is, my ass, not so much...
Obama wants to save the bees...

Which means Conservatives insist on killing them

there is a bee keeper out here in OC RW who is a pretty Conservative person .....i met him when my brother in law was buying some honey from him....so there goes your theory.....sorry....oh and his Bees look like he takes care of them.....
Obama wants to save the bees...

Which means Conservatives insist on killing them

there is a bee keeper out here in OC RW who is a pretty Conservative person .....i met him when my brother in law was buying some honey from him....so there goes your theory.....sorry....oh and his Bees look like he takes care of them.....

I think it's more a satire on how anti-Obama conservatives have become on anything he does at all.
Time for some good ol'rightwing honeybee denial

1. Honeybee dying is a liberal myth
2. Honeybees have been dying for thousands of years
3. How do you know it is man killing them?
4. We need to study more before we do anything
5. Saving honeybees will cost jobs

6. We need taxcuts to save honeybees
7. If only liberals would sign up to our "Kill Obamacare honeybee survival" Bill
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Did I really read where a few rabid right wingers actually admitted that one of those major corporations (that I've been told are looking out for me and you) has put a product on the market that is known to be harmful and refuses to modify or remove this product because this major corporation is making major profit off the sale of this product?

Good God, what will happen next? We've found a point of agreement. Honeybees are important. Food is good. People need to eat. Mumm, water good too.

And corporations will fuck us in a heartbeat for a dollar of profit. IF we let them.
Honeybee disease is being politicized with obama finding the "cure". YAAY.

obama can find the cure, which is banning something because that always works, as long as sane people keep working at finding a cure for the virus or a way to deal with the virus. In the US government grant money might be able to stop research into finding a cure and direct into something politically expedient. Thankfully such insanity isn't world wide. Scientists in the UK (which may not use the pesticides blamed for the condition and have nothing to blame) are working on curing the virus before it spreads from honeybees to wild bumblebees.


according to the show by National Geographic its already spread to the wild and they were talking to Bee Keepers in the UK who were the ones saying this....the wild Bee Pop. is doing worse than the Domestic Pop. because most of the work on stopping this is with the Domestic Bees....

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