Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides

And they prove my point for me...

The far left is incapable of admitting that Obama is part of the problem..

Come on, man! Just say something that is indisputably true. I will agree with you. I am really hoping that we can see eye to eye on so something.

Let me give you an example.

America's economy is improving. You can agree with that statement, can't you?

Once again the far left can not admit Obama is a failure and they keep proving each and every time they post..

The far left id the problem and should not now or ever be in charge of anything.

Being a far left Obama drone, are you going to admit that Obama is a failure?

You said that lefty's never agree with you. Give me an opportunity to show you that we can. All you have to do is say something that is true.

Let's do this.
Deepening honey bee crisis creates worry over food supply

(CBS News) Honey bees have been dying in large numbers in recent years, and there's new evidence of a drastic increase in the death rate. Some experts say the latest population drop poses a threat to our nation's food supply.

According to commercial beekeeper James Doan, "A third of all our food is pollinated by honey bees."

Doan makes a living renting out thousands of hives to farmers up and down the East Coast. His bees are part of a crucial lifeblood to U.S. agriculture. Doan said, "I think people just need to really be aware that bees are so important, not just for honey production, but for pollination in the United States."

Bees pollinate the majority of our fruit and vegetable supply: from apples and pears to green beans, pumpkins, and squash. And the list goes on.

But something is killing the bees at an increasingly alarming rate. Doan said, "Every day and you'll look and you'll see 100 to 200 bees dead in front of the hive. Maybe even to the point of 40 to 50,000 bees laying out in the front of the hive, which is not normal."

U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers say early indications suggest this winter will mark the highest death rate they've ever documented, and consumers could eventually feel the effects.

Doan said, "Without them you're gonna have higher prices that you're going to pay for fruits and vegetables. And those higher prices are not going to mean better products."

Bees used to die at a rate of 5 to 10 percent a year. Then, around 2006, that rate more than tripled in a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder. Now, some beekeepers say they're losing up to 50 percent of their hives.

Many blame a class of pesticide called neonicotinoids, or "neonics." Doan said, "They block the nerve endings of the bee, and so the bee is paralyzed and then what happens is they starve to death, so you see the bee shaking, and it's a very horrific way of dying for a bee."

Doan joined a coalition of beekeepers, environmentalists and consumer groups that recently sued the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to ban these chemicals. The lawsuit claims the "EPA is well aware of recent studies and reports illustrating the risks to honey bees...but has refused to take any regulatory action."

"We're finding these chemicals in the beehives," Doan said. "We know they're there. We're finding them in the bees. So we know they're killing bees."

CBS News

Well good, I hope the government bans all pesticides even ones you use for mosquitos

you see folks our world under this administration is all of sudden going to END and we are all going to STARVE to death
that should make Michelle happy she's claims we are all fat anyway
Come on, man! Just say something that is indisputably true. I will agree with you. I am really hoping that we can see eye to eye on so something.

Let me give you an example.

America's economy is improving. You can agree with that statement, can't you?

Once again the far left can not admit Obama is a failure and they keep proving each and every time they post..

The far left id the problem and should not now or ever be in charge of anything.

Being a far left Obama drone, are you going to admit that Obama is a failure?

You said that lefty's never agree with you. Give me an opportunity to show you that we can. All you have to do is say something that is true.

Let's do this.

No I did not say that, that is what the far left matrix interpreted for you.

I said that the far left can not admit that Obama is part of the problem..

Another far left poster not able to understand anything outside their talking points..
It is about Obama:

Obama signs bill that protects makers of genetically engineered crops from federal courts

Obama signs bill that protects makers of genetically engineered crops from federal courts | Fox News

yea well Gun Companies are protected too.....people who develop things should be protected unless they are doing something intentionally to harm people.....food crops have been modified and genetically altered for years and as long as people are starving because of over population and a lack of technology i think it will still be that way for years to come....

See a far left references in your comments and it does not come close to acknowledging the problem..

So I know you did not read the article..

Just took a political far left pot shot at something and does not want to admit it..

it acknowledges your problem Kosh.....anyone who disagrees with you is a Far Lefty.....just look at your fucking posts.....every time a lefty comments on what you say.....your response?....."another post from a far left Obama drone" or some such nonsense...it takes more than just being a lefty to be considered far left....
Deepening honey bee crisis creates worry over food supply

(CBS News) Honey bees have been dying in large numbers in recent years, and there's new evidence of a drastic increase in the death rate. Some experts say the latest population drop poses a threat to our nation's food supply.

According to commercial beekeeper James Doan, "A third of all our food is pollinated by honey bees."

Doan makes a living renting out thousands of hives to farmers up and down the East Coast. His bees are part of a crucial lifeblood to U.S. agriculture. Doan said, "I think people just need to really be aware that bees are so important, not just for honey production, but for pollination in the United States."

Bees pollinate the majority of our fruit and vegetable supply: from apples and pears to green beans, pumpkins, and squash. And the list goes on.

But something is killing the bees at an increasingly alarming rate. Doan said, "Every day and you'll look and you'll see 100 to 200 bees dead in front of the hive. Maybe even to the point of 40 to 50,000 bees laying out in the front of the hive, which is not normal."

U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers say early indications suggest this winter will mark the highest death rate they've ever documented, and consumers could eventually feel the effects.

Doan said, "Without them you're gonna have higher prices that you're going to pay for fruits and vegetables. And those higher prices are not going to mean better products."

Bees used to die at a rate of 5 to 10 percent a year. Then, around 2006, that rate more than tripled in a phenomenon known as colony collapse disorder. Now, some beekeepers say they're losing up to 50 percent of their hives.

Many blame a class of pesticide called neonicotinoids, or "neonics." Doan said, "They block the nerve endings of the bee, and so the bee is paralyzed and then what happens is they starve to death, so you see the bee shaking, and it's a very horrific way of dying for a bee."

Doan joined a coalition of beekeepers, environmentalists and consumer groups that recently sued the Environmental Protection Agency for failing to ban these chemicals. The lawsuit claims the "EPA is well aware of recent studies and reports illustrating the risks to honey bees...but has refused to take any regulatory action."

"We're finding these chemicals in the beehives," Doan said. "We know they're there. We're finding them in the bees. So we know they're killing bees."

CBS News

Well good, I hope the government bans all pesticides even ones you use for mosquitos

you see folks our world under this administration is all of sudden going to END and we are all going to STARVE to death
that should make Michelle happy she's claims we are all fat anyway

Perfect example the far left mindset.

As others have said, this is a valid concern. No pollinators, no food.
Come on, man! Just say something that is indisputably true. I will agree with you. I am really hoping that we can see eye to eye on so something.

Let me give you an example.

America's economy is improving. You can agree with that statement, can't you?

Once again the far left can not admit Obama is a failure and they keep proving each and every time they post..

The far left id the problem and should not now or ever be in charge of anything.

Being a far left Obama drone, are you going to admit that Obama is a failure?

You said that lefty's never agree with you. Give me an opportunity to show you that we can. All you have to do is say something that is true.

Let's do this.

all lefties, it doesnt matter even if they are moderate and conservative ones.... are far lefties to this guy....all they have to do is disagree with him on something.... im waiting for him to call me a far left Obama drone....
I cant wait for the day Obama comes out against snake bites and watch the right embrace snake handling
The companies that sell the pesticides in question were already considering not selling them. Also, there have been a lot of stories on this and many people are choosing not to buy the pesticides that kill the honey bees. Information is good. I realize that some don't think people are smart enough to keep up with things and make good decisions. We don't need to spend millions on studying the pesticides since we already know that some are worse than they need to be. The honey bees around here are as busy as ever. They love my flower beds and they don't bother me. As for the wasps and hornets, that is another matter.

I would rather that the administration and congress focus on more urgent things.
This man is frikken Insane...we have a crisis in the middle east/Iraq, our borders are being INVADED and he'S out to save a fucking bee...and they plan to spend Millions doing it...we are being HOSED by this administration and every damn government agency He is in charge of now it's a, PoLLINATOR HEALTH TASK FORCE...


President Obama on Friday announced plans to save endangered honey bees and other pollinators, for the first time ordering a probe into new types of pesticides that some local governments and 15 European Union nations have restricted or banned.

The long-awaited plan creates a “Pollinator Health Task Force” that has 180 days to come up with a plan to save bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The goal is to rid fields of harmful pesticides while planting food for the bugs, even on military bases an along railroad tracks. Virtually every Cabinet department will be included on the task force.

A key victory for the honey bee industry is Obama’s mention of “neonicotinoids,” a new type of pesticide product that many blame for the shocking loss of bees in the epidemic called “colony collapse disorder.”

In the six-page presidential memo, the White House singled out what it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to do:

“The Environmental Protection Agency shall assess the effect of pesticides, including neonicotinoids, on bee and other pollinator health and take action, as appropriate, to protect pollinators; engage state and tribal environmental, agricultural, and wildlife agencies in the development of state and tribal pollinator protection plans; encourage the incorporation of pollinator protection and habitat planting activities into green infrastructure and Superfund projects; and expedite review of registration applications for new products targeting pests harmful to pollinators.”

Some members of the EU voted last year to restrict the use of pesticides that include neuroactive neonicotinoid chemicals. Three are in use: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam.

Pollinators, mostly bees, are responsible for much of what grows on farms.

In a related move, the Agriculture Department said it would spend $8 million to establish new habitats for honey bees in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

all of it here:
Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides | WashingtonExaminer.com

This proves you have the intelligence level of a rock. You really are ignorant to say the least.
They already know what is killing the bees.

It's a combination of mites, viruses, and the pesticide imidacloprid.
I'm going to send a binaca can with pesticides in it to Staph. Usually it'll cause mental retardation but shes safe in this case
Saving bees is WAAAY more important to me then getting money into defense contractor's pockets, of course I really don't think Stephanie understands this, to her bees are just little flies that can sting you...
This man is frikken Insane...we have a crisis in the middle east/Iraq, our borders are being INVADED and he'S out to save a fucking bee...and they plan to spend Millions doing it...we are being HOSED by this administration and every damn government agency He is in charge of now it's a, PoLLINATOR HEALTH TASK FORCE...


President Obama on Friday announced plans to save endangered honey bees and other pollinators, for the first time ordering a probe into new types of pesticides that some local governments and 15 European Union nations have restricted or banned.

The long-awaited plan creates a “Pollinator Health Task Force” that has 180 days to come up with a plan to save bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The goal is to rid fields of harmful pesticides while planting food for the bugs, even on military bases an along railroad tracks. Virtually every Cabinet department will be included on the task force.

A key victory for the honey bee industry is Obama’s mention of “neonicotinoids,” a new type of pesticide product that many blame for the shocking loss of bees in the epidemic called “colony collapse disorder.”

In the six-page presidential memo, the White House singled out what it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to do:

“The Environmental Protection Agency shall assess the effect of pesticides, including neonicotinoids, on bee and other pollinator health and take action, as appropriate, to protect pollinators; engage state and tribal environmental, agricultural, and wildlife agencies in the development of state and tribal pollinator protection plans; encourage the incorporation of pollinator protection and habitat planting activities into green infrastructure and Superfund projects; and expedite review of registration applications for new products targeting pests harmful to pollinators.”

Some members of the EU voted last year to restrict the use of pesticides that include neuroactive neonicotinoid chemicals. Three are in use: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam.

Pollinators, mostly bees, are responsible for much of what grows on farms.

In a related move, the Agriculture Department said it would spend $8 million to establish new habitats for honey bees in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

all of it here:
Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides | WashingtonExaminer.com

This proves you have the intelligence level of a rock. You really are ignorant to say the least.

really, and you prove you have nothing but insults and a rock is probably nice than you too...maybe you should hit yourself in the head with the rock nice might rub off on you

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