Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

Translation: No! I have my petty fears and bias and there are not facts in the world that will sway me from those.

:lol: Carry on, pants shitter.

Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?
Try and put 2 and 2 together. One poll says that 48% of Muslims believe their religious leaders have NOT done enough to quell islamic terrorism. ANOTHER poll says that 52% of American Muslims believe that Sharia law is their RIGHT.

That second poll's methodology has been thoroughly discredited. Let's try to stick to Pew since they have a good reputation.

You not adding 2 and 2. You are putting apples and oranges together and trying to convince us they are the same.

If 48% American Muslims believe their religious leaders have not done enough to quell Islamic terrorism, that does not mean that the rest believe in instituting Sharia. Let's try to be logical.

Again, we are talking about importing Muslims from other parts of the world. Did you look at the results from the other countries when it comes to belief and support of Sharia law? Some are up there around 90% of the people showing support.
Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

Says you. I don't believe you one bit. You are probably a Muslim man.
Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

With less than 1% of the population in America being Muslims, all one has to do is look at the problems they've caused here in America. Anyone can see that if you import MORE, then the violence is going to pick up. Do you deny this?
Translation: No! I have my petty fears and bias and there are not facts in the world that will sway me from those.

:lol: Carry on, pants shitter.

Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Nobody is "making excuses" for religious extremism, quite the opposite in fact.

Islam isn't the cult, ISIL is.

Islam is a cult that was invented by a man who was a pedophile and a war lord.


But it's the mooooolims that are the idoologial extremists. :lol:
Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Nobody is "making excuses" for religious extremism, quite the opposite in fact.

Islam isn't the cult, ISIL is.

Islam is a cult that was invented by a man who was a pedophile and a war lord.


But it's the mooooolims that are the idoologial extremists. :lol:

Are you saying it's not true? Sorry, the founder of Islam was a pedophilic war lord. That's a fact.
And most blacks "associated with gang activity" either. For god's sake, just be consistent. If you want to first go with mental illness, that's fine, it's a problem, but it's the same problem whether the individual is white, black, Muslim or whatever. If you want to go with violent extremism, fine, just apply it equally regardless of who perpetrates it. If you want to call Orlando "religious extremism" or " ideological extremism", fine, but also call the Planned Parenthood shooter, the Sandy Hook shooter or the South Carolina shooter "ideological extremism" as well.

No! There is no need to import terrorism and regressive ideologies to OUR country. I am consistent. You are not, since you claim to be for equal rights for women and gays, yet support this regressive ideology. Traitor and liar is what you are!

Translation: No! I have my petty fears and bias and there are not facts in the world that will sway me from those.

:lol: Carry on, pants shitter.

Petty fears? You must really hate women.

:lol: Yes, I am a lesbian that just hates women. I don't think you could be more stupid if you tried.

So you say. I don't believe you are a woman. No woman would invite this ideology into her country. Not any with brains who value their status in American society anyways. You are an enemy to ALL women.
You are beginning to sound like the flip side of those patriarchal jack ass muslim men....telling a woman how she should behave.
Translation: No! I have my petty fears and bias and there are not facts in the world that will sway me from those.

:lol: Carry on, pants shitter.

Petty fears? You must really hate women.

If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Perhaps because this is what you posted:
What's your point? This does not negate the FACT that more than half of so-called "Muslim Americans" prefer Sharia law. Fuck you and your ideology. I'm not willing to take chances with OUR sovereignty based on your silly ideological dream land.

Or maybe, because, the topic title is specifically about American Muslims.

In addition...perhaps you didn't realize this about the American Muslims polled by Pew:

Just over half of the projected growth of the American Muslim population from 2010 to 2015 is due to immigration. Over the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of Muslim immigrants coming to the U.S. The number of Muslim immigrants currently represents about 10% of all legal immigrants arriving in the U.S., and a significantly smaller percentage of unauthorized immigrants.

The other main cause of Islam’s recent growth is natural increase. American Muslims tend to have more children than Americans of other religious faiths. Muslims also tend to be younger than the general public, so a larger share of Muslims will soon be at the point in their lives when people begin having children.

There has been little net change in the size of the American Muslim population in recent years due to conversion. About one-in-five American Muslim adults were raised in a different faith or none at all. At the same time, a similar number of people who were raised Muslim no longer identify with the faith. About as many Americans become Muslim as leave Islam.​
If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Nobody is "making excuses" for religious extremism, quite the opposite in fact.

Islam isn't the cult, ISIL is.

Islam is a cult that was invented by a man who was a pedophile and a war lord.


But it's the mooooolims that are the idoologial extremists. :lol:

Are you saying it's not true? Sorry, the founder of Islam was a pedophilic war lord. That's a fact.

No, it's an opinion.
If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

Says you. I don't believe you one bit. You are probably a Muslim man.

What is it that you don't believe? So you didn't serve your country as I and many Muslim Americans did? Do you really believe you're more patriotic than this guy?

Syria Article 3 of the 1973 Syrian constitution declares Islamic jurisprudence one of Syria's main sources of legislation.[141] The Personal Status Law 59 of 1953 (amended by Law 34 of 1975) is essentially a codified Islamic law.[142] The Code of Personal Status is applied to Muslims by Sharia courts.[143] In Sharia courts, a woman's testimony is worth only half of a man's.[144]

And? Do you have any evidence that is what the Syrian American community in this country believes?

This is how they are born and raised to believe, you moron. Tolerance has it's limits, as it should. I tolerate you jokers every day because you are basically harmless stupid ideologues. I do not tolerate violent ideologies that oppress women, marry off children, execute gays, etc.

I don't believe any of us tolerate cultures who practice that.
Try and put 2 and 2 together. One poll says that 48% of Muslims believe their religious leaders have NOT done enough to quell islamic terrorism. ANOTHER poll says that 52% of American Muslims believe that Sharia law is their RIGHT.

That second poll's methodology has been thoroughly discredited. Let's try to stick to Pew since they have a good reputation.

You not adding 2 and 2. You are putting apples and oranges together and trying to convince us they are the same.

If 48% American Muslims believe their religious leaders have not done enough to quell Islamic terrorism, that does not mean that the rest believe in instituting Sharia. Let's try to be logical.

Let's be logical. If there are 100,000 muslim refugees, and only 1 % are terrorists, how terrorists are we letting in our country? Remember, these guys don't just do ordinary crime. They kill indiscriminately in mass numbers, even aged priests and newborn babes. Mad dog killers. What's been happening in Europe just this week should make a person with some common sense say, "wait a minute, maybe Trump has a point about not importing any more muslims here till we can figure things out".
Try and put 2 and 2 together. One poll says that 48% of Muslims believe their religious leaders have NOT done enough to quell islamic terrorism. ANOTHER poll says that 52% of American Muslims believe that Sharia law is their RIGHT.

That second poll's methodology has been thoroughly discredited. Let's try to stick to Pew since they have a good reputation.

You not adding 2 and 2. You are putting apples and oranges together and trying to convince us they are the same.

If 48% American Muslims believe their religious leaders have not done enough to quell Islamic terrorism, that does not mean that the rest believe in instituting Sharia. Let's try to be logical.

Again, we are talking about importing Muslims from other parts of the world. Did you look at the results from the other countries when it comes to belief and support of Sharia law? Some are up there around 90% of the people showing support.

I'm looking at how their beliefs and support change when they immigrate to America, as per polls of American Muslims.
I've thought that the most interesting stats in the Pew poll is the large % of US muslims who don't perceive our actions in the ME as being aimed at deterring terrorism, and the consistent numbers in the 90plus percentile of world wide muslims who do not view violence against civilians as being justified in any but the most extreme instances. (I suspect they figure attacks on Jews in the West Bank are fair game)
Try and put 2 and 2 together. One poll says that 48% of Muslims believe their religious leaders have NOT done enough to quell islamic terrorism. ANOTHER poll says that 52% of American Muslims believe that Sharia law is their RIGHT.

That second poll's methodology has been thoroughly discredited. Let's try to stick to Pew since they have a good reputation.

You not adding 2 and 2. You are putting apples and oranges together and trying to convince us they are the same.

If 48% American Muslims believe their religious leaders have not done enough to quell Islamic terrorism, that does not mean that the rest believe in instituting Sharia. Let's try to be logical.

Let's be logical. If there are 100,000 muslim refugees, and only 1 % are terrorists, how terrorists are we letting in our country? Remember, these guys don't just do ordinary crime. They kill indiscriminately in mass numbers, even aged priests and newborn babes. Mad dog killers. What's been happening in Europe just this week should make a person with some common sense say, "wait a minute, maybe Trump has a point about not importing any more muslims here till we can figure things out".

Banning immigration of an entire religion worldwide is not the answer.
If you really cared that much about women's rights and welfare, you wouldn't be obsessing about just Islam. Maybe you'd wonder about what happens with women in Guatamala, right on our back doorstep, or Pakistan, where girls get shot for wanting an education, instead of obsessing on American Muslims.

Do you have any data to show that Muslims in America have higher rates of domestic abuse than other groups? How about views towards women's rights?

The truth about Muslims in America - CNN.com
While in many parts of the Muslim world, women are confined to second-class status, that's not the case among American Muslims. Virtually all of them, 90%, agree that women should be able to work outside the home. American Muslim women hold more college or postgraduate degrees than Muslim men. And they are more likely to work in professional fields than women from most other U.S. religious groups.

Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

With less than 1% of the population in America being Muslims, all one has to do is look at the problems they've caused here in America. Anyone can see that if you import MORE, then the violence is going to pick up. Do you deny this?

They don't seem to have caused many problems in America when you consider we have 3.3 million Muslim American citizens.
Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

Says you. I don't believe you one bit. You are probably a Muslim man.

What is it that you don't believe? So you didn't serve your country as I and many Muslim Americans did? Do you really believe you're more patriotic than this guy?


So this guy is a muslim? So what. He served this country, and now we indiscriminately import hundreds of thousands more here cuz they'll be might be just like him maybe, wish and hope and pray? Pay attention to violence muslims are doing in countries they've been allowed into.
They are both religions and both have mostly good members and some really really crazy fundie members.......honestly.

You've never been honest in your life.

Quick Stalker Troll, HOW many people have Christians killed in the name of their god this week?

How about your Islamic allies?
Try and put 2 and 2 together. One poll says that 48% of Muslims believe their religious leaders have NOT done enough to quell islamic terrorism. ANOTHER poll says that 52% of American Muslims believe that Sharia law is their RIGHT.

That second poll's methodology has been thoroughly discredited. Let's try to stick to Pew since they have a good reputation.

You not adding 2 and 2. You are putting apples and oranges together and trying to convince us they are the same.

If 48% American Muslims believe their religious leaders have not done enough to quell Islamic terrorism, that does not mean that the rest believe in instituting Sharia. Let's try to be logical.

Let's be logical. If there are 100,000 muslim refugees, and only 1 % are terrorists, how terrorists are we letting in our country? Remember, these guys don't just do ordinary crime. They kill indiscriminately in mass numbers, even aged priests and newborn babes. Mad dog killers. What's been happening in Europe just this week should make a person with some common sense say, "wait a minute, maybe Trump has a point about not importing any more muslims here till we can figure things out".

Banning immigration of an entire religion worldwide is not the answer.
I don't know of the poll saying a maj of American Muslims believe Sharia law is "their right." I know American Muslims where the wife does cover at least her head, and walks behind her husband, and their children, at least female, may not wear traditional school uniforms because, for example, their legs are uncovered.

If they are saying they want to live apart in terms of social morals .... that don't run afoul of child and spouse welfare laws .... like Amish, why do we care?

I'm curious as to the poll's questions.
Why do you consistently apologize and make excuses for this cult which is based on the teachings of a pedophilic war lord? It's just weird.

Why do you have such a phobic reaction to facts? It's just plain weird.

Why do you keep quoting things about American Muslims (who could have converted, been BORN and raised with more moderate and secular values) when we are talking about Muslims being imported from the Middle East where INDEED women are abused and treated as second class citizens? You are incredibly dishonest.

Maybe because that's what this thread is about. The OP took issue with the President of the United States saying that Muslim Americans are just as invested in this country and as patriotic as any other American. You seem to disagree with that sentiment despite not knowing any Muslims personally.

Did you serve? I did, alongside Muslim Americans who also served. Are you more patriotic than they are?

With less than 1% of the population in America being Muslims, all one has to do is look at the problems they've caused here in America. Anyone can see that if you import MORE, then the violence is going to pick up. Do you deny this?

They don't seem to have caused many problems in America when you consider we have 3.3 million Muslim American citizens.

Fort hood, San Bernardino, Orlando. The more you bring, the more problems we'll continue to have.

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