Obama never stops stumping and pandering


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2010
mid south
In his weekly radio address Obama talked about his "Family Summit".
In a perfect world, these ideas have merit.
What's he gonna do , enact mandates via executive fiat? And who pays?
What Obama forgets to mention is that in countries where government has mandated for example, 6 weeks vacation, paid family leave 35 hour work weeks, etc government subsidizes businesses at taxpayer expense.
In this country, there are no such subsidies and now should there be. I certainly do not want to pay for them. And if this ever came to fruition, we taxpayers would be forced to fund this. No thanks.
One thing leaves me laughing. Obama stated all through his first campaign that he believed the economy should develop from the "bottom up"....
Now he says the economy develops from "the middle out".
Here is the text of his speech....Now I fully realize that the liberal USMB members will read this and rise up to give Obama a standing ovation....More free stuff via government. Only it is NOT free. Everything has a cost. And those costs invariably come out of the same pockets Obama claims he is trying to fill.
"Hi, everybody. As President, my top priority is rebuilding an economy where everybody who works hard has the chance to get ahead.

That’s what I’ll spend some time talking about on Monday, at the White House Summit on Working Families. We’re bringing together business leaders and workers to talk about the challenges that working parents face every day, and how we can address them together.

Take paid family leave. Many jobs don’t offer adequate leave to care for a new baby or an ailing parent, so workers can’t afford to be there when their family needs them the most. That’s wrong. And it puts us way behind the times. Only three countries in the world report that they don’t offer paid maternity leave. Three. And the United States is one of them. It’s time to change that. A few states have acted on their own to give workers paid family leave, but this should be available to everyone, because all Americans should be able to afford to care for a family member in need.

Childcare is another challenge. Most working families I know can’t afford thousands a year for childcare, but often that’s what it costs. That leaves parents scrambling just to make sure their kids are safe while they’re at work – forget about giving them the high-quality early childhood education that helps kids succeed in life.

Then there’s the issue of flexibility – the ability to take a few hours off for a parent-teacher conference or to work from home when your kid is sick. Most workers want it, but not enough of them have it. What’s more, it not only makes workers happier – studies show that flexibility can make workers more productive and reduce worker turnover and absenteeism. That’s good for business.

At a time when women make up about half of America’s workforce, outdated workplace policies that make it harder for mothers to work hold our entire economy back. But these aren’t just problems for women. Men also care about who’s watching their kids. They’re rearranging their schedules to make it to soccer games and school plays. Lots of sons help care for aging parents. And plenty of fathers would love to be home for their new baby’s first weeks in the world.

In fact, in a new study, nearly half of all parents – women and men – report that they’ve said no to a job, not because they didn’t want it, but because it would be too hard on their families. When that many talented, hard-working people are forced to choose between work and family, something’s wrong. Other countries are making it easier for people to have both. We should too, if we want American businesses to compete and win in the global economy.

Family leave. Childcare. Flexibility. These aren’t frills – they’re basic needs. They shouldn’t be bonuses – they should be the bottom line.

The good news is, some businesses are embracing family-friendly policies, because they know it’s key to attracting and retaining talented employees. And I’m going to keep highlighting the businesses that do. Because I take this personally. I take it personally as the son and grandson of some strong women who worked hard to support my sister and me. As the husband of a brilliant woman who struggled to balance work and raising our young ladies when my job often kept me away. And as the father of two beautiful girls, whom I want to be there for as much as I possibly can – and whom I hope will be able to have families and careers of their own one day.

We know from our history that our economy grows best from the middle-out; that our country does better when everybody participates; when everyone’s talents are put to use; when we all have a fair shot. That’s the America I believe in. That’s the America I’ll keep fighting for every day. "

BTW, Obama has used the phrase "top priority" in so many ways, it has lost any meaning.
Don't forget about military burials for Gay couples.

He floated that one yesterday.


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Don't forget about military burials for Gay couples.

He floated that one yesterday.



Why wouldnt gays in the military and their spouses qualify for military burials?
Many companies did offer flex time. Unfortunately obama regulated those provisions right out of existence. What he wants is for companies to start paying people who don't work.
In his weekly radio address Obama talked about his "Family Summit".
In a perfect world, these ideas have merit.
What's he gonna do , enact mandates via executive fiat? And who pays?
What Obama forgets to mention is that in countries where government has mandated for example, 6 weeks vacation, paid family leave 35 hour work weeks, etc government subsidizes businesses at taxpayer expense.
In this country, there are no such subsidies and now should there be. I certainly do not want to pay for them. And if this ever came to fruition, we taxpayers would be forced to fund this. No thanks.
One thing leaves me laughing. Obama stated all through his first campaign that he believed the economy should develop from the "bottom up"....
Now he says the economy develops from "the middle out".
Here is the text of his speech....Now I fully realize that the liberal USMB members will read this and rise up to give Obama a standing ovation....More free stuff via government. Only it is NOT free. Everything has a cost. And those costs invariably come out of the same pockets Obama claims he is trying to fill.
"Hi, everybody. As President, my top priority is rebuilding an economy where everybody who works hard has the chance to get ahead.

That’s what I’ll spend some time talking about on Monday, at the White House Summit on Working Families. We’re bringing together business leaders and workers to talk about the challenges that working parents face every day, and how we can address them together.

Take paid family leave. Many jobs don’t offer adequate leave to care for a new baby or an ailing parent, so workers can’t afford to be there when their family needs them the most. That’s wrong. And it puts us way behind the times. Only three countries in the world report that they don’t offer paid maternity leave. Three. And the United States is one of them. It’s time to change that. A few states have acted on their own to give workers paid family leave, but this should be available to everyone, because all Americans should be able to afford to care for a family member in need.

Childcare is another challenge. Most working families I know can’t afford thousands a year for childcare, but often that’s what it costs. That leaves parents scrambling just to make sure their kids are safe while they’re at work – forget about giving them the high-quality early childhood education that helps kids succeed in life.

Then there’s the issue of flexibility – the ability to take a few hours off for a parent-teacher conference or to work from home when your kid is sick. Most workers want it, but not enough of them have it. What’s more, it not only makes workers happier – studies show that flexibility can make workers more productive and reduce worker turnover and absenteeism. That’s good for business.

At a time when women make up about half of America’s workforce, outdated workplace policies that make it harder for mothers to work hold our entire economy back. But these aren’t just problems for women. Men also care about who’s watching their kids. They’re rearranging their schedules to make it to soccer games and school plays. Lots of sons help care for aging parents. And plenty of fathers would love to be home for their new baby’s first weeks in the world.

In fact, in a new study, nearly half of all parents – women and men – report that they’ve said no to a job, not because they didn’t want it, but because it would be too hard on their families. When that many talented, hard-working people are forced to choose between work and family, something’s wrong. Other countries are making it easier for people to have both. We should too, if we want American businesses to compete and win in the global economy.

Family leave. Childcare. Flexibility. These aren’t frills – they’re basic needs. They shouldn’t be bonuses – they should be the bottom line.

The good news is, some businesses are embracing family-friendly policies, because they know it’s key to attracting and retaining talented employees. And I’m going to keep highlighting the businesses that do. Because I take this personally. I take it personally as the son and grandson of some strong women who worked hard to support my sister and me. As the husband of a brilliant woman who struggled to balance work and raising our young ladies when my job often kept me away. And as the father of two beautiful girls, whom I want to be there for as much as I possibly can – and whom I hope will be able to have families and careers of their own one day.

We know from our history that our economy grows best from the middle-out; that our country does better when everybody participates; when everyone’s talents are put to use; when we all have a fair shot. That’s the America I believe in. That’s the America I’ll keep fighting for every day. "

BTW, Obama has used the phrase "top priority" in so many ways, it has lost any meaning.

Would you rather he was actually trying to Govern?
Don't forget about military burials for Gay couples.

He floated that one yesterday.



Why wouldnt gays in the military and their spouses qualify for military burials?

The point is this; Obama always waits till he is in trouble before he does anything of this sort. If he knows he's in deep shit he automatically starts pandering to his base. So he either floats an idea that he knows will sucker you guys into supporting him, or he signs a EO that has no teeth in it. Something that only causes yet another issue to be dropped in the lap of others, at the same time he's out partying and golfing.

He is a professional troublemaker, nothing more. He is here to sow the seeds of division and unrest. He is not here to solve anything.
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he has to try and fire up their base of leeches

it's all he has had and EVER HAD

ELECTIONS coming up soon
well who wouldn't see the leech Diablo wanting more from Businesses for FREE and if it's going to be FORCED on them by the guberment he's all FOR IT

He calls him, MR. President and begs him to do more because he is too lazy, helpless and a drain on us taxpayers
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Don't forget about military burials for Gay couples.

He floated that one yesterday.



Why wouldnt gays in the military and their spouses qualify for military burials?

The point is this; Obama always waits till he is in trouble before he does anything of this sort. If he knows he's in deep shit he automatically starts pandering to his base. So he either floats an idea that the knows will sucker you guys into supporting him, or he signs a EO that has no teeth in it. Something that only causes yet another issue to be dropped in the lap of others, at the same time he's out partying and golfing.

He is a professional troublemaker, nothing more. He is here to sow the seeds of division and unrest. He is not here to solve anything.

Allowing gays full military burial rights is troublemaking?
he has to try and fire up their base of leeches

it's all he has had and EVER HAD

ELECTIONS coming up soon

Many of his base aren't leeches. They aren't welfare cases.

Some of them have legitimate grievances.

Unfortunately, they also have a ton of grievances supplied to them on a regular basis by the White House media team. (NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, The Daily Show, Hollywood, Daily Kos, Media Matters, Center For American Progress, ThinkProgress, Mother Jones, etc)

Many of them have, with the help of Obama and his ever present campaign, discovered new grievances.

They will never move on and learn to live with the rest of America as long as Obama keeps providing them this massive chip to wear on their collective shoulders 24/7/365.

This terrible, horrendous, destructive, baby eating Tea Party is the target of their scorn (They have replaced Bush). It's like the way Palestinians used Israel as a boogeyman for decades to blame all of their problems on. It gave the poor and the downtrodden a strawman to focus their anger on. This is what Obama has been doing to us. Giving his base reasons to hate other Americans.

These folks actually believe that the Tea Party is more evil than Iran or Russia. How can one reason with that kind of mindset?
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How dare he try to do what he was elected to do...

When was he elected Dictator? the knower of all things with a business since he's NEVER had a real job in his privileged pathetic life?

he's nothing more than a pandering puppet...that was his only job and go around giving hateful speeches that are WRITTEN FOR HIM to read
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he has to try and fire up their base of leeches

it's all he has had and EVER HAD

ELECTIONS coming up soon

Many of his base aren't leeches. They aren't welfare cases.

Some of them have legitimate grievances.

Unfortunately, they also have a ton of grievances supplied to them on a regular basis by the White House media team. (NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, The Daily Show, Hollywood, Daily Kos, Media Matters, Center For American Progress, ThinkProgress, Mother Jones, etc)

Many of them have, with the help of Obama and his ever present campaign, discovered new grievances.

They will never move on and learn to live with the rest of America as long as Obama keeps providing them this massive chip to wear on their collective shoulders 24/7/365.

Maybe not all of them are, but from what I've seen on this board the majority of them sure seems to be
he has to try and fire up their base of leeches

it's all he has had and EVER HAD

ELECTIONS coming up soon

and yet red states have higher poverty rates, higher welfare rates and lower education rates.

while you live off of my tax money.

jilly, you're just spewing DNC talking points
and believe me....... I WISHED I lived off you because If I did I would yell it to world
stop being a luddy tool you look foolish
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