Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

“In the history of the Republic, there have been 168 filibusters of executive and judicial nominees. Half of them have occurred during the Obama administration — during the last four and a half years,”

What does that tell you about Obama? Such an unhinged, radical marxist trying to collapse America ($7 trillion in debt in only 5 years?!?!?) requires every tool at our legislators disposal.
Jesus Christ stop drinking and posting ....

so the guy who doesn't shoot gets prosecuted for murder? :eusa_shifty:

the guy how shoots and kills? whats he get? :rolleyes:

How many votes did Obama get for Obamacare?

Let me help you. 60 votes. So, like your example of LBJ, apparently Obama got that legislation passed in a way you consider admirable.

lol. You should remind us you feel that way more often.

Mutant Legislation...........

Read about what the Founding Fathers had to say about it.....................
I like the graph better. :)


Republicans have abused their filibuster

Time to take their toy away
I like the graph better. :)


I do too - it really illustrates what an unhinged, radical marxist asshole Obama is.

If he would stop nominating unqualified, unhinged radicals and start nominating rational, qualified individuals, none of this would be a problem.
Riiiiight... thats what harry reid told the wash post, his position vis a vis 2005 had evolved, he got that slimy opportunistic horsecrap from obamas stance on gay marriage:rolleyes:

do you know why there are so many filibusters on judges and on legislation?

2005 is not 2013

Filibuster has gotten out of hand and 60 votes should not be required for the Senate to do business. The Senate is gridlocked and nothing can be accomplished. The filibuster is to blame

End the archaic practice

What you parasites - hungry for government handouts - call "gridlock" normal people call democracy.

A minority dictating is not a democracy
Let me ask you a question:

If the party in power in both the presidency and the Senate should not have the right to appoint and approve judges,

who should?

Please be specific and explain your reasoning in detail.

Good question.

Why the blocks when it was Bush and the Republicans trying to fill seats?

That's irrelevant. The Republicans could have done what the Democrats did yesterday. The GOP chose to allow it then, that's on them.

Now back to the question. Did you have answer, in case your dodge got stuffed, as it just did?

I have no answer because I don't think there is anything wrong with the Senate changing Senate rules. It's their purview.

The howling monkeys on the left are going to be fun to watch when the GOP has control though.
I like the graph better. :)


I do too - it really illustrates what an unhinged, radical marxist asshole Obama is.

If he would stop nominating unqualified, unhinged radicals and start nominating rational, qualified individuals, none of this would be a problem.
"Republicans have acknowledged that they do not object to Millet’s credentials — she is an accomplished appellate court lawyer who has argued 32 cases before the Supreme Court — but object to Democratic appointees on the important D.C. federal court.
“This vote has nothing to do with this nominee,” Alexander said.

Senate resumes fight over Obama nominees - The Washington Post

Lemar Alexander (R-Nutball) is just one of the many publicans who have made it known the many judicial holds have nothing to do with the nominee.

It's Because: Obama.
Riiiiight... thats what harry reid told the wash post, his position vis a vis 2005 had evolved, he got that slimy opportunistic horsecrap from obamas stance on gay marriage:rolleyes:

do you know why there are so many filibusters on judges and on legislation?

2005 is not 2013

Dumbocrat "logic" is hilarious... It's a "whopping" 8 years later and that is the only excuse that RW can come up with for the appalling and despicable hypocrisy of his leaders.

God forbid you show an ounce of honesty and denounce their hypocrisy. Nope! Just act like 8 years is like several centuries ago! :eusa_doh:
Then you've got Lindsey "Ah do declarh" Graham saying he would put a hold on every single judicial nomination until he gets MORE BENGHAZZII!!11!!

Nothing to do with the nominees. Just hold, cause ghaaaa!
I like the graph better. :)


I do too - it really illustrates what an unhinged, radical marxist asshole Obama is.

If he would stop nominating unqualified, unhinged radicals and start nominating rational, qualified individuals, none of this would be a problem.
"Republicans have acknowledged that they do not object to Millet’s credentials — she is an accomplished appellate court lawyer who has argued 32 cases before the Supreme Court — but object to Democratic appointees on the important D.C. federal court. “This vote has nothing to do with this nominee,” Alexander said.

Senate resumes fight over Obama nominees - The Washington Post

Lemar Alexander (R-Nutball) is just one of the many publicans who have made it known the many judicial holds have nothing to do with the nominee.

It's Because: Obama.

Please see the part highlighted above (which you magically managed to miss). The history of Dumbocrat judges (which in itself is appalling - a judge should have no affiliation - they should be 100% impartial).

The history of Dumbocrat judges is appalling. Sotomayor infamously stated "judges make law from the bench" (simply astounding). They spit on the 2nd Amendment (simply unconstitutional). And they conduct themselves as activists from the bench instead of impartial judges (simply unacceptable).

So all he has to do is nominate rational, qualified individuals who don't have a political affiliation or agenda and there is no problem. But why do that when you can just act like Adolf Hitler and grab power for your Dumbocrat Nazi's?
lol. Longest wait times of any president. Ever.

93 vacancies.

More filibusters during Obama's term than nearly all filibusters of every other president combined.

Hard, sticky facts your side can't worm out of.
Then you've got Lindsey "Ah do declarh" Graham saying he would put a hold on every single judicial nomination until he gets MORE BENGHAZZII!!11!!

Nothing to do with the nominees. Just hold, cause ghaaaa!

Let me guess - you approve of Beghazi because....because....well...it's Obama and he should be allowed to have Americans killed and lie about it. :eusa_doh:
I do too - it really illustrates what an unhinged, radical marxist asshole Obama is.

If he would stop nominating unqualified, unhinged radicals and start nominating rational, qualified individuals, none of this would be a problem.
"Republicans have acknowledged that they do not object to Millet’s credentials — she is an accomplished appellate court lawyer who has argued 32 cases before the Supreme Court — but object to Democratic appointees on the important D.C. federal court. “This vote has nothing to do with this nominee,” Alexander said.

Senate resumes fight over Obama nominees - The Washington Post

Lemar Alexander (R-Nutball) is just one of the many publicans who have made it known the many judicial holds have nothing to do with the nominee.

It's Because: Obama.

Please see the part highlighted above (which you magically managed to miss). The history of Dumbocrat judges (which in itself is appalling - a judge should have no affiliation - they should be 100% impartial).

The history of Dumbocrat judges is appalling. Sotomayor infamously stated "judges make law from the bench" (simply astounding). They spit on the 2nd Amendment (simply unconstitutional). And they conduct themselves as activists from the bench instead of impartial judges (simply unacceptable).

So all he has to do is nominate rational, qualified individuals who don't have a political affiliation or agenda and there is no problem. But why do that when you can just act like Adolf Hitler and grab power for your Dumbocrat Nazi's?
Wow. I can see why so many people call you stupid.
lol. Longest wait times of any president. Ever.

93 vacancies.

More filibusters during Obama's term than nearly all filibusters of every other president combined.

Hard, sticky facts your side can't worm out of.

filibuster has overplayed its welcome

51 votes
lol. Longest wait times of any president. Ever.

93 vacancies.

More filibusters during Obama's term than nearly all filibusters of every other president combined.

Hard, sticky facts your side can't worm out of.

Wait - aren't you "progressives"? Aren't you the party of "progress"? Setting new standards and destroying the status quo? Why should those "evil" conservatives who "won't accept change" be held to a different standard? There actions are a progressives wet dream! They are breaking ceilings and setting new standards.

I love when a liberal can't figure out which way is up with their views. They just wake up and if they see an "R" behind a name or a piece of legislation, they are taught to believe it is bad. If they see an "D" behind a name or a piece of legislation, they are taught to believe it is good.

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