Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

1) This is distract away from the obamacare train wreck.

2) Not too many years back the leftists were railing against republicans 'considering' the nuclear option.

3) This will come back to bite the democraps in the ass next year in a MAJOR way. This is a very STUPID move on their part, but, they are in full desperation mode.
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

Who should have the power to appoint and approve judges?

the Executive office should appoint and approved by the senate without obstructionist ...
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

Who should have the power to appoint and approve judges?

the Executive office should appoint and approved by the senate without obstructionist ...

wasn't one thread enough for your babbling idiocy?
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

they should of thought about that before they filibustered 84 judges stop your whinning steph-phoney:lol::lol::lol:
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This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

Personally I think "both" camps of the Republican party wanted this to happen.

Corporate Republicans because they were sick of the Tea Party terrorists and their insanity.

The Tea Party Terrorists because they want to wreck things.
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

Indeed. In fact, this is exactly what Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's said and then did!

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?

Apparently the same way a child (Dumbocrats) does when the mature, responsible adult (Republicans) tells them no. Throw yourself on the floor in a temper tantrum and then break the rules.

A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Well, actually....yes. You should respect the rules of our government. You should accept the fact that our founders, men who - unlike you - lived under tyranny and understand its dangers, intentionally created a slow, methodical, balanced system to stop the thirst for power and tyranny that people such as Dumbocrats have.

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

And your point is? Seriously - your point is what? So what if a seat remains vacant? That's the point. Better a vacant seat than one filled with a marxist.

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

In other words, like their Nazi-brethren in Germany, Dumbocrats are breaking the law because they are drunk with power and hungry for authoritarian control.

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

I'm not even sure what this means, but I do know this move by the Dumbocrats have pissed off the American people with this power grab. What "hand" did the Republicans play here RW? They watched the Dumbocrats pull an Adolf Hitler. How is that "playing" anything? :cuckoo:
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

:lmao: The landscape has changed since alllllllllllll the way back in 2005??? :lmao:
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

Actually it wasn't.

Filibusters are still in place for the Supreme Court and legislation.

Only now they are required to hold the floor.
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

Who should have the power to appoint and approve judges?

the Executive office should appoint and approved by the senate without obstructionist ...

Note that we won't get a straight answer out of the stupid Stephanie.
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

Personally I think "both" camps of the Republican party wanted this to happen.

Corporate Republicans because they were sick of the Tea Party terrorists and their insanity.

The Tea Party Terrorists because they want to wreck things.

you know, you could be right...
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

Who should have the power to appoint and approve judges?

the Executive office should appoint and approved by the senate without obstructionist ...

Think of the astounding idiocy of this statement (you can always count on old billyerock!): if you think that the executive branch should appoint without "obstruction" then why have an approval/consent process?!? :bang3:

Yes folks, Dumbocrats really are this dumb...
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

5 years of filibustering everything you try, I would say enough is enough ...
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...
Republicans are like bad chess players

A chess player has to anticipate what an opponents response will be to a move. Republicans act like they are the only ones on the board allowed to make a move

Democrats repeatedly warned Republicans that if they continue to block appointments the nuclear option would be invoked......somehow, Republicans act shocked

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

5 years of filibustering everything you try, I would say enough is enough ...

Of course you would Hitler. You're pissed off (like ALL Dumbocrats) that having the majority in one chamber does not equal DICTATORIAL CONTROL. Which is all you little Nazi's have ever wanted and part of the reason you guys have always hated America - the balance of power.
This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

Indeed. In fact, this is exactly what Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's said and then did!

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?

Apparently the same way a child (Dumbocrats) does when the mature, responsible adult (Republicans) tells them no. Throw yourself on the floor in a temper tantrum and then break the rules.

Well, actually....yes. You should respect the rules of our government. You should accept the fact that our founders, men who - unlike you - lived under tyranny and understand its dangers, intentionally created a slow, methodical, balanced system to stop the thirst for power and tyranny that people such as Dumbocrats have.

And your point is? Seriously - your point is what? So what if a seat remains vacant? That's the point. Better a vacant seat than one filled with a marxist.

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

In other words, like their Nazi-brethren in Germany, Dumbocrats are breaking the law because they are drunk with power and hungry for authoritarian control.

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

I'm not even sure what this means, but I do know this move by the Dumbocrats have pissed off the American people with this power grab. What "hand" did the Republicans play here RW? They watched the Dumbocrats pull an Adolf Hitler. How is that "playing" anything? :cuckoo:


I was going to respond until his first point invoked Hitler

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