Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

This is all a natural evolution of our political system.

How does one deal with a "Party of No"?
A party intent on halting the legislative process until some unknown time when they regain power? Should we just lay down and allow Government to cease to function because of temper tantrums from a minority party?

Those temper tantrums have led to a shutting down of government, they have threatened to default on our debt payments, they have blocked an unprecidented number of presidential appointmens leaving leader positions in key agencies unfilled and judgeships vacant

Democrats are showing that they are no longer willing to give in to a child who harms this country just because they can. They forced Republicans hands during the shutdown, used Executive action and have now restricted filibuster

Republicans are overplaying a weak hand and are now paying a price

[ame=http://youtu.be/K1Dacnvjf8A]Biden On Nuclear Option In 2005: "I Pray To God" Democrats Do Not Do This When We Have Power - YouTube[/ame]

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

You guys evolved again, huh?

Fuckin' hypocritical wankers. The entire lot of you. It would be rather sad and disappointing, if the smugness in which you deliver your message of being a hypocrite didn't boil ones blood.

No integrity. No Principle. Dishonesty. Cheaters. The hallmarks of the LOLberal mentality.
Republicans are like bad chess players

A chess player has to anticipate what an opponents response will be to a move. Republicans act like they are the only ones on the board allowed to make a move

Democrats repeatedly warned Republicans that if they continue to block appointments the nuclear option would be invoked......somehow, Republicans act shocked

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!? :cuckoo:

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...
The present people controlling the GOP see the world through their ideological glasses. Glasses which fade out reality. They simply cannot believe that anyone can see any issue in a differant light than they do. So when the inevitable reaction takes place against the idiocy they display, they are totally surprised. Clueless, feckless, and really kind of stupid is the best description of these people.

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

You guys evolved again, huh?

Fuckin' hypocritical wankers. The entire lot of you. It would be rather sad and disappointing, if the smugness in which you deliver your message of being a hypocrite didn't boil ones blood.

No integrity. No Principle. Dishonesty. Cheaters. The hallmarks of the LOLberal mentality.

What are you talking about [MENTION=29021]TakeAStepBack[/MENTION]? Watching these buffoons hop from one foot to the next desperately trying to find a narrative to defend the words of their leaders is comedy gold!

I have never laughed so hard as I did posting Obama's 2005 speech about how raising the debt ceiling was "a sign of leadership failure" and "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" all while 2013 Obama demanded we raise the debt ceiling :lmao:
Republicans are like bad chess players

A chess player has to anticipate what an opponents response will be to a move. Republicans act like they are the only ones on the board allowed to make a move

Democrats repeatedly warned Republicans that if they continue to block appointments the nuclear option would be invoked......somehow, Republicans act shocked

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!? :cuckoo:

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

Well..you are complaining about the "removal" of minority rule in the Senate. Okay..are you this upset with House rule 368 and the Hastert rule in the House?

Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

:lmao: O......M.....G!!! The Dumbocrats have evoked the "nuclear option" so they can force their ideology on everyone and your complaint is that the nuclear option is necessary to prevent Republicans from doing the same? :lmao:

Seriously folks - have you ever heard anything like this? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The absurdity of that statement is priceless...
Republicans are like bad chess players

A chess player has to anticipate what an opponents response will be to a move. Republicans act like they are the only ones on the board allowed to make a move

Democrats repeatedly warned Republicans that if they continue to block appointments the nuclear option would be invoked......somehow, Republicans act shocked

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!? :cuckoo:

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

You exposed your queen once too often and ended up losing it

That is the way the game works
The present people controlling the GOP see the world through their ideological glasses. Glasses which fade out reality. They simply cannot believe that anyone can see any issue in a differant light than they do. So when the inevitable reaction takes place against the idiocy they display, they are totally surprised. Clueless, feckless, and really kind of stupid is the best description of these people.

Tell us again @Old Rocks? Please? So you can illustrate for the world a second time just how insanely fuck'n ignorant you really are... :lmao:

[ame=http://youtu.be/r-nZJ0flnQU]Best Of Harry Reid Opposing Nuclear Option. Harry Reid Compilation - YouTube[/ame]
So..I gather was the conservatives are saying is..

Majority Rule in the House = Good.
Majority Rule in the Senate = Bad.

Why is that?

The present people controlling the GOP see the world through their ideological glasses. Glasses which fade out reality. They simply cannot believe that anyone can see any issue in a differant light than they do. So when the inevitable reaction takes place against the idiocy they display, they are totally surprised. Clueless, feckless, and really kind of stupid is the best description of these people.

Tell us again @Old Rocks? Please? So you can illustrate for the world a second time just how insanely fuck'n ignorant you really are... :lmao:

[ame=http://youtu.be/r-nZJ0flnQU]Best Of Harry Reid Opposing Nuclear Option. Harry Reid Compilation - YouTube[/ame]


Democrats compromised and let Bush get his judicial appointments after that.

They didn't require 60 votes for every single piece of legislation either.
Republicans are like bad chess players

A chess player has to anticipate what an opponents response will be to a move. Republicans act like they are the only ones on the board allowed to make a move

Democrats repeatedly warned Republicans that if they continue to block appointments the nuclear option would be invoked......somehow, Republicans act shocked

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!? :cuckoo:

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

You exposed your queen once too often and ended up losing it

That is the way the game works

So if the president makes "too many appointments" for the positions that are empty he "exposes his queen once too often" and he should immediately have that power revoked and handed over to the Republicans? Really RW? :lmao:

Folks - if you've ever wondered why Dumbocrat policy is an epic failure, RW here is illustrating why. The "logic" these people use to construct their thoughts and policies is fuck'n fall on the floor hilarious...
Our political landscape has changed since 2005. We now have a minority party intent on blocking all functions of government. To allow the childish temper tantrums of Republicans to continue over an arcane Senatorial process is unwarranted

Republicans abused their right to filibuster and it was taken away. They were warned repeatedly and somehow thought they could continue

They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

For the life of me, I can't understand the Republican end game on their obstructionism

What do they hope to achieve?

I can understand obstruction if you just won the House or Senate and want to block laws until you have powers. But nonstop obstruction until some unknown time when you may regain political power? What are they thinking?

Do they really believe it will be allowed to go on indefinitely?
Obama just committed an unprecedented tyranny.

This represents a ridiculous power grab from one of the most tyrannical administrations in US History.

Let me ask you a question:

If the party in power in both the presidency and the Senate should not have the right to appoint and approve judges,

who should?

Please be specific and explain your reasoning in detail.

Good question.

Why the blocks when it was Bush and the Republicans trying to fill seats?

And that is why the system is broken. The pres, dem or pub, has the right to lower court and executive appts without the opposite party pissing in the corner.

We pubs can do the same thing when we take back the Senate.
The present people controlling the GOP see the world through their ideological glasses. Glasses which fade out reality. They simply cannot believe that anyone can see any issue in a differant light than they do. So when the inevitable reaction takes place against the idiocy they display, they are totally surprised. Clueless, feckless, and really kind of stupid is the best description of these people.

Tell us again @Old Rocks? Please? So you can illustrate for the world a second time just how insanely fuck'n ignorant you really are... :lmao:

[ame=http://youtu.be/r-nZJ0flnQU]Best Of Harry Reid Opposing Nuclear Option. Harry Reid Compilation - YouTube[/ame]


Democrats compromised and let Bush get his judicial appointments after that.

They didn't require 60 votes for every single piece of legislation either.

What do you mean "and"? Obviously Swallow didn't watch the video before commenting on it. Why am I not shocked that he's responding from a place of pure, unadulterated ignorance?

Harry Reid is on record as stating what a bad idea the "nuclear option" is. So then why did he lead the charge for the "nuclear option"? Oops!
The present people controlling the GOP see the world through their ideological glasses. Glasses which fade out reality. They simply cannot believe that anyone can see any issue in a differant light than they do. So when the inevitable reaction takes place against the idiocy they display, they are totally surprised. Clueless, feckless, and really kind of stupid is the best description of these people.

Tell us again @Old Rocks? Please? So you can illustrate for the world a second time just how insanely fuck'n ignorant you really are... :lmao:

[ame=http://youtu.be/r-nZJ0flnQU]Best Of Harry Reid Opposing Nuclear Option. Harry Reid Compilation - YouTube[/ame]


You just can not make this shit up! These people lack any semblence of integrity what so ever. It makes me wonder if they're even human! I mean, how can you stand there and rail against the very thing you later set out to do? Could it be Reid wanted "total power" in the senate? As he said back when thsi issue came up during the democrats turn to fillibust and block republican appointments?

Fucking complete hypocrites. The fact they dont even care about being hypocrits is extremely telling.
When you'll see this great miscalculation really manifest itself is if the GOP wins the Senate and the White House.

The Dems have really screwed themselves and likely a good part of the nation in the process; environmental, personal liberty (if you're female or a minority), and consumer protection legislation will not survive in this environment.
They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

For the life of me, I can't understand the Republican end game on their obstructionism

What do they hope to achieve?

I can understand obstruction if you just won the House or Senate and want to block laws until you have powers. But nonstop obstruction until some unknown time when you may regain political power? What are they thinking?

Do they really believe it will be allowed to go on indefinitely?

What they were elected to achieve - stop the destruction of America and the appointment of radial marxists.

The fact that you are "baffled" as to why they are elected explains a lot RW.
So, just because Obama doesn't get to appoint the judges he wants allows him and his party to justify throwing 225 years of legislative history in the trash? Oh well, this will bite them in the ass. Democrats in Washington are notorious for not thinking things through, i.e. Obamacare.

Actually, they know exactly what they are doing. Getting as much power as they can before they are kicked to the curb...........Which eventually they will be..............

This has happened before in our history. They were so hated at one point because of their policies that they started calling themselves Liberals instead of Progressives. Now they tend to call themselves Progressives as Liberal becomes the bad word. It just hasn't gotten to the point that the people realize the left's ultimate goals yet. The people in this country are not so well informed, and IGNORANCE IS BLISS TO THE STATIST MACHINE.

If Republicans have any decency next year, they will restore the filibuster and not exploit an advantage given to them foolishly by the other side. Play the bigger man here. I mean they'll be no better than the Democrats if they do such a thing. This can be easily undone in a heartbeat.

I disagree. Even if the Republicans get the Senate majority next year, they won't have enough votes to over ride a Presidential Veto. Nothing would change until and if there is a Repulican President elected in 2016.

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