Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

When the GOP retakes the Senate (there's a good chance they will next year) this is going to be hilarious.

They'll just refuse to bring the nominees to a vote, which is what they were using the filibuster to do now.
Now obama has the power to do just about anything he wants, for a year. Let's see how bad he can make it.

It isn't just the usual appointments of socialists that dimocraps always nominate, it's the dozens of appointments held up under BUSH that carried over and obama now gets to fill THOSE vacancies.

So he gets a double-whammy.

dimocrap scum held up dozens of appointments under Bush that obama NOW gets to fill.

Am I explaining myself correctly? Maybe not.

That's why so many obama nominations were being held up. Because they were originally held up under Bush and carried over into the obama regime. Republicans were pissed that dimocraps held them up and now want to fill them.

That's dirty pool.

But they're dimocraps. What else is new.

Establishment Republicans need to get in the game or the get the fuck out of town
I love when a liberal says "you missed the point" but can't explain how the point was missed. Care to expand on that? Or did CC make a point that you simply can't dispute?

Re-read the post.

This time without a dick in your mouth.

Well, if anyone would know about having a dick in your mouth, it would be SWALLOW! :lmao:

Again asking for a swallow?

Man you are more the barking seal than rotty.

Would you like a fish instead?
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.
This move by the Dem's has everything to do with the upcoming elections. They see the writing on the wall and know this is the only way they can get their agenda thru before their upheaval.
Also, the thread title is misleading. The President always had the power to appoint people to fill the vacancies.
Now obama has the power to do just about anything he wants, for a year. Let's see how bad he can make it.

Yep. He now has the power to make appointments and the Senate has the power to advise and consent.

Where did I read that before?

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

For the life of me, I can't understand the Republican end game on their obstructionism

What do they hope to achieve?

I can understand obstruction if you just won the House or Senate and want to block laws until you have powers. But nonstop obstruction until some unknown time when you may regain political power? What are they thinking?

Do they really believe it will be allowed to go on indefinitely?

What they were elected to achieve - stop the destruction of America and the appointment of radial marxists.

The fact that you are "baffled" as to why they are elected explains a lot RW.

I see....We did not win the election but still demand we get our way

Childish, but effective
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

And you spew the Dnc talking points well...make's you a sheep and parrot

you don't care turning the power of we the people over to politicians...that's sad and that's why the Democrat party is doing it...They see you sheep don't give one shit about them WALKING all over us
For the life of me, I can't understand the Republican end game on their obstructionism

What do they hope to achieve?

I can understand obstruction if you just won the House or Senate and want to block laws until you have powers. But nonstop obstruction until some unknown time when you may regain political power? What are they thinking?

Do they really believe it will be allowed to go on indefinitely?

What they were elected to achieve - stop the destruction of America and the appointment of radial marxists.

The fact that you are "baffled" as to why they are elected explains a lot RW.

I see....We did not win the election but still demand we get our way

Childish, but effective

If Republicans did not win their elections, how in the hell are they sitting in the Senate "obstructing" everything?!? :bang3:

Would you like to try again? :lol:
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

And you spew the Dnc talking points well...make's you a sheep and parrot

you don't care turning the power of we the people over to politicians...that's sad and that's why the Democrat party is doing it...They see you sheep don't give one shit about them WALKING all over us

The power of "We the People" means minority rule?

Since when? :eusa_shifty:
Now the Republicans will be able to do the same when they are in charge again I'm sure the left will love that as much as the right loves this right now.
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

And you spew the Dnc talking points well...make's you a sheep and parrot

you don't care turning the power of we the people over to politicians...that's sad and that's why the Democrat party is doing it...They see you sheep don't give one shit about them WALKING all over us

Of course not, he's a statist.....

All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

So you're admitting that Dumbocrats filibustered every bit as much as the current Republicans have? :lmao:

You do realize that 82 is damn near dead-even with 86, don't you? :eusa_whistle:
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

And you spew the Dnc talking points well...make's you a sheep and parrot

you don't care turning the power of we the people over to politicians...that's sad and that's why the Democrat party is doing it...They see you sheep don't give one shit about them WALKING all over us

The power of "We the People" means minority rule?

Since when? :eusa_shifty:

It was good enough when Bush President...how you bad asses turn into nothing more but subjects when your party is whining about not being able to bulldoze over us in this country..

Just like they did with ObamanoCare and that's why the people took the House from them..

but you'll sell us all out for your party

it's party over country for you people
All the Republicans in the U.S. Senate were was obstructionist.

The number of filibusters of presidential appointments from George Washington to the shrub were a total of Eighty-Two (82).

The number of filibusters of Presidential Appoints under President Obama is Eighty-Six (86).

Harry Reid warned McChinless to stop obstructing, and the Turtle refused.

You reap what you sow.

So you're admitting that Dumbocrats filibustered every bit as much as the current Republicans have? :lmao:

You do realize that 82 is damn near dead-even with 86, don't you? :eusa_whistle:

Did you pay attention to the comparison?
They were "warned" not to execute the duties of their office properly and legally and then had those duties taken away for doing so?!?

Now that's some Dumbocrat "logic" for you folks...

there a difference in doing your job and obstruction the senate ... the republican are obstructing the senate ... they aren't doing their job ... they are forcing their Ideology on everybody ...

:lmao: O......M.....G!!! The Dumbocrats have evoked the "nuclear option" so they can force their ideology on everyone and your complaint is that the nuclear option is necessary to prevent Republicans from doing the same? :lmao:

Seriously folks - have you ever heard anything like this? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

The absurdity of that statement is priceless...

suck to be you !!!! the minority

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