Obama-Nukes in Iran, Poised to Take Out Israel and US Warships

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home.

Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government still protecting him.

Mod Edit: Too many topics rehashed in one OP... Edited to prevent thread derailments.

The Original Tree

Now we had to send ships over there to be prepared to shoot down nuclear missiles Iran is threatening to launch on Israel.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad for what they did, because it has placed The World on the brink of Nuclear War.

Now you know what Real Russian Collusion Looks Like. Forget about the fact Putin tried to help Clinton win by giving her "KGB" assistance in the form of "KGB" propaganda Putin made for her and Obama that we now lovingly call the "Dirty Russian Dossier".

This is the kind of shit that ends civilization.

And you thought Obama-Phones were cool?

Wait until you get a look at what "Obama-Bombs" can do.

"Thanks Obama"

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal is a complete failure as Iran most likely has had nuclear weapons for over a decade.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both Congressional advisory boards, and served as the chief of staff on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA.

Pry called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — aka the Iran nuclear deal — a complete “joke.”

“I think Iran has already got the bomb,” Pry told The Daily Wire. “I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.”

Pry explained that the U.S. has no credible verification system setup with Iran, and hostile nations have fooled the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) multiple times.

“Even the IAEA in their 2011 report, if people would read it, found things that were so alarming … there’s a virtual smoking gun that Iran already has the bomb,” Pry continued. “The IAEA was reporting it found prior to 2003 that Iran was already manufacturing bridge wire detonators, neutron initiators, they had done an implosion test already, they had done 14 different designs correct for a nuclear warhead to see if they could fit the psychics package for a nuclear warhead into the reentry vehicle for the Shahab-3 high explosive warhead.”

Pry said it was blatantly obvious that Iran most likely already has nuclear weapons, saying that “anyone with half a brain” could see it.

“Because when we were doing things like that back in the Manhattan project days when we were working with 1930s and 1940s aero technology,” Pry continued. “When the United States was doing implosion tests and building bridge wire detonators, and neutron initiators, we were within 3-6 months of getting the bomb.”

“It’s just implausible that Iran before 2003 was at that stage and then never crossed the finish line,” Pry concluded.

Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons Capability
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This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home.

Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government still protecting him.

Putin Gave Clinton $145 Million Dollars as a thank you for betraying America and selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium. What did Russia need with that Uranium? Well, Obama Bin Lying gave Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium through Russia to build Nuclear Weapons to Kill Americans and Israeils with and all of the Russian Weapons and Missiles they could afford.

As a bonus, Obama got $64 Million in a book advance from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he never even wrote.

Care to explain any of that, DemNazis?

Now we had to send ships over there to be prepared to shoot down nuclear missiles Iran is threatening to launch on Israel.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad for what they did, because it has placed The World on the brink of Nuclear War.

Now you know what Real Russian Collusion Looks Like. Forget about the fact Putin tried to help Clinton win by giving her "KGB" assistance in the form of "KGB" propaganda Putin made for her and Obama that we now lovingly call the "Dirty Russian Dossier".

This is the kind of shit that ends civilization.

And you thought Obama-Phones were cool?

Wait until you get a look at what "Obama-Bombs" can do.

"Thanks Obama"

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal is a complete failure as Iran most likely has had nuclear weapons for over a decade.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both Congressional advisory boards, and served as the chief of staff on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA.

Pry called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — aka the Iran nuclear deal — a complete “joke.”

“I think Iran has already got the bomb,” Pry told The Daily Wire. “I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.”

Pry explained that the U.S. has no credible verification system setup with Iran, and hostile nations have fooled the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) multiple times.

“Even the IAEA in their 2011 report, if people would read it, found things that were so alarming … there’s a virtual smoking gun that Iran already has the bomb,” Pry continued. “The IAEA was reporting it found prior to 2003 that Iran was already manufacturing bridge wire detonators, neutron initiators, they had done an implosion test already, they had done 14 different designs correct for a nuclear warhead to see if they could fit the psychics package for a nuclear warhead into the reentry vehicle for the Shahab-3 high explosive warhead.”

Pry said it was blatantly obvious that Iran most likely already has nuclear weapons, saying that “anyone with half a brain” could see it.

“Because when we were doing things like that back in the Manhattan project days when we were working with 1930s and 1940s aero technology,” Pry continued. “When the United States was doing implosion tests and building bridge wire detonators, and neutron initiators, we were within 3-6 months of getting the bomb.”

“It’s just implausible that Iran before 2003 was at that stage and then never crossed the finish line,” Pry concluded.

Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons Capability
So he's saying they got nukes... under Dubya? :lmao:
Only would trust a “deal” with Iran... That goes without saying
Fake news. Anyway, the OP's linked article in over four years old. Fake when it appeared in 2015 and still fake.
Why would Osama give Iran money for a nuke? He hated Iranian Shiites with a passion only equaled by his hatred for Americans. Iran was fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, remember?
Why do LibTard DemNazis like Black Flag, and Isis Bacon Molestor, think Iran having Nuclear Weapons is funny?
We have a 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum for fantasies like this thread ..........
There is NO CONSPIRACY. These are all facts.

Iran has a Nuclear Program.

Iran is said by many experts to already have Nukes.

Iran has publicly stated that they want to kill Americans and Israelis and if they obtain Nuclear Weapons they will use them on us.

Obama gave them not only MONEY to fund their Nuclear Weapons Programs, he gave them political cover in a SHAM TREATY that was designed to do only ONE THING, HELP IRAN build Nuclear Missiles, and HELP IRAN by URANIUM from Russia which they are now getting from THE US thanks to Crooked Uranium One Deal.

That Uranium we were told by Holder, Obama, Clinton and McCain WOULD NEVER BE EXPORTED outside North AMERICA.

That was a BLATANT LIE.

What do you have to say to that?

And why do you Libtards think anything that reflects badly on Obama Bin Lying is a Conspiracy?
The IAEA inspectors have NEVER been allowed to enter ANY Iranian military installations.
Where the fuck would the Iranians be working on nuclear bomb making other than at these military bases!
Why would Osama give Iran money for a nuke? He hated Iranian Shiites with a passion only equaled by his hatred for Americans. Iran was fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria, remember?
Why would Obama Bin Lying give ANY STATE SPONSOR OF TERROR $150 Billion Dollars?

He had to violate international law to do it, bypass Congress, and convert the US Dollars in to Euros and fly them to Iran in the dead of night.

Explain that, please.
Why does Golfing Gator think Iran having Nuclear weapons and vowing to launch missiles at US facilities and armed forces and at Israel is funny, especially if these missiles are carrying Nuclear Weapons?
The IAEA inspectors have NEVER been allowed to enter ANY Iranian military installations.
Where the fuck would the Iranians be working on nuclear bomb making other than at these military bases!

IAEA inspectors have NEVER been allowed to enter ANY Israeli nuclear facilities.

JFK tried to get the Israelis to cooperate but then he was assassinated. huh .........

Where the fuck would the Israelis be working on nuclear bomb making other than at these nuclear facilities?
Do you Leftist think this is a joke?

We sent Anti-Missile ships over there for a reason.

Israel can handle conventional missiles, but it takes a missile destroyer and a battle group to intercept an ICBM
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We have a 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum for fantasies like this thread ..........
There is NO CONSPIRACY. These are all facts.

Iran has a Nuclear Program.

Iran is said by many experts to already have Nukes.

Iran has publicly stated that they want to kill Americans and Israelis and if they obtain Nuclear Weapons they will use them on us.

Obama gave them not only MONEY to fund their Nuclear Weapons Programs, he gave them political cover in a SHAM TREATY that was designed to do only ONE THING, HELP IRAN build Nuclear Missiles, and HELP IRAN by URANIUM from Russia which they are now getting from THE US thanks to Crooked Uranium One Deal.

That Uranium we were told by Holder, Obama, Clinton and McCain WOULD NEVER BE EXPORTED outside North AMERICA.

That was a BLATANT LIE.

What do you have to say to that?

And why do you Libtards think anything that reflects badly on Obama Bin Lying is a Conspiracy?

"Said by many experts" is a theory, which does not include any conclusive material.

Thread belongs in the 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum.

I also heard there were WMDs in Iraq but ................
The IAEA inspectors have NEVER been allowed to enter ANY Iranian military installations.
Where the fuck would the Iranians be working on nuclear bomb making other than at these military bases!

IAEA inspectors have NEVER been allowed to enter ANY Israeli nuclear facilities.

JFK tried to get the Israelis to cooperate but then he was assassinated. huh .........

Where the fuck would the Israelis be working on nuclear bomb making other than at these nuclear facilities?
Israel's programs are strictly for defensive purposes. The Arabs and Muslims surrounding them have vowed to exterminate them and literally declared war on Israel more than a dozen times since the Biblical Prophesized Reformation of The Israeli State.

Why do you support Genocide, and why do you think it is funny that Iran has Nukes and has vowed to use them, and Russia thanks to Obama helped them to develop their Nuclear Armed ICBMS?

Why is that funny to you to think Jews and Americans could be killed by Iranian Nuclear Weapons?

Why is that funny?
This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home.

Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government still protecting him.

Putin Gave Clinton $145 Million Dollars as a thank you for betraying America and selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium. What did Russia need with that Uranium? Well, Obama Bin Lying gave Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium through Russia to build Nuclear Weapons to Kill Americans and Israeils with and all of the Russian Weapons and Missiles they could afford.

As a bonus, Obama got $64 Million in a book advance from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he never even wrote.

Care to explain any of that, DemNazis?

Now we had to send ships over there to be prepared to shoot down nuclear missiles Iran is threatening to launch on Israel.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad for what they did, because it has placed The World on the brink of Nuclear War.

Now you know what Real Russian Collusion Looks Like. Forget about the fact Putin tried to help Clinton win by giving her "KGB" assistance in the form of "KGB" propaganda Putin made for her and Obama that we now lovingly call the "Dirty Russian Dossier".

This is the kind of shit that ends civilization.

And you thought Obama-Phones were cool?

Wait until you get a look at what "Obama-Bombs" can do.

"Thanks Obama"

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal is a complete failure as Iran most likely has had nuclear weapons for over a decade.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both Congressional advisory boards, and served as the chief of staff on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA.

Pry called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — aka the Iran nuclear deal — a complete “joke.”

“I think Iran has already got the bomb,” Pry told The Daily Wire. “I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.”

Pry explained that the U.S. has no credible verification system setup with Iran, and hostile nations have fooled the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) multiple times.

“Even the IAEA in their 2011 report, if people would read it, found things that were so alarming … there’s a virtual smoking gun that Iran already has the bomb,” Pry continued. “The IAEA was reporting it found prior to 2003 that Iran was already manufacturing bridge wire detonators, neutron initiators, they had done an implosion test already, they had done 14 different designs correct for a nuclear warhead to see if they could fit the psychics package for a nuclear warhead into the reentry vehicle for the Shahab-3 high explosive warhead.”

Pry said it was blatantly obvious that Iran most likely already has nuclear weapons, saying that “anyone with half a brain” could see it.

“Because when we were doing things like that back in the Manhattan project days when we were working with 1930s and 1940s aero technology,” Pry continued. “When the United States was doing implosion tests and building bridge wire detonators, and neutron initiators, we were within 3-6 months of getting the bomb.”

“It’s just implausible that Iran before 2003 was at that stage and then never crossed the finish line,” Pry concluded.

Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons Capability
You're long on speculations but short on facts. For example, the Obamas got $65M from Penguin Random House, a German & British owned company. Also, if Iran has had nukes for 10 years, it's Dubya you should be thanking.
We have a 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum for fantasies like this thread ..........
There is NO CONSPIRACY. These are all facts.

Iran has a Nuclear Program.

Iran is said by many experts to already have Nukes.

Iran has publicly stated that they want to kill Americans and Israelis and if they obtain Nuclear Weapons they will use them on us.

Obama gave them not only MONEY to fund their Nuclear Weapons Programs, he gave them political cover in a SHAM TREATY that was designed to do only ONE THING, HELP IRAN build Nuclear Missiles, and HELP IRAN by URANIUM from Russia which they are now getting from THE US thanks to Crooked Uranium One Deal.

That Uranium we were told by Holder, Obama, Clinton and McCain WOULD NEVER BE EXPORTED outside North AMERICA.

That was a BLATANT LIE.

What do you have to say to that?

And why do you Libtards think anything that reflects badly on Obama Bin Lying is a Conspiracy?

"Said by many experts" is a theory, which does not include any conclusive material.

Thread belongs in the 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum.

I also heard there were WMDs in Iraq but ................

Thread belongs right here, since it is about Politics and a Dangerous International Threat that Obama Bin Lying purposely created.

Either that, or he is a complete moron that should have never been allowed to be president.

Why are you afraid of discussing this topic right here?

Why are Nuclear Weapons "Funny" to you?
This goes under the heading of more DOPE and DERANGED promises Obama made to Fundamentally Change America and Democracy by Undermining America Overseas and At Home.

Worst President Ever. Should be tried for Treason, but he has too many like minded Traitors embedded deep in our Government still protecting him.

Putin Gave Clinton $145 Million Dollars as a thank you for betraying America and selling Russia 20% of our strategic Uranium. What did Russia need with that Uranium? Well, Obama Bin Lying gave Iran $150 Billion to buy American Uranium through Russia to build Nuclear Weapons to Kill Americans and Israeils with and all of the Russian Weapons and Missiles they could afford.

As a bonus, Obama got $64 Million in a book advance from a Russian Owned Publishing company for a book he never even wrote.

Care to explain any of that, DemNazis?

Now we had to send ships over there to be prepared to shoot down nuclear missiles Iran is threatening to launch on Israel.

Obama and Clinton should face a Firing Squad for what they did, because it has placed The World on the brink of Nuclear War.

Now you know what Real Russian Collusion Looks Like. Forget about the fact Putin tried to help Clinton win by giving her "KGB" assistance in the form of "KGB" propaganda Putin made for her and Obama that we now lovingly call the "Dirty Russian Dossier".

This is the kind of shit that ends civilization.

And you thought Obama-Phones were cool?

Wait until you get a look at what "Obama-Bombs" can do.

"Thanks Obama"

EXCLUSIVE – EXPERT: Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons, Obama’s Iran Deal A Total ‘Joke’

A former high-ranking government official who is an intelligence expert regarding nuclear weapons told The Daily Wire in an exclusive interview that former President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal is a complete failure as Iran most likely has had nuclear weapons for over a decade.

Dr. Peter Vincent Pry is the executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, both Congressional advisory boards, and served as the chief of staff on the Congressional EMP Commission, the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission, the House Armed Services Committee, and the CIA.

Pry called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — aka the Iran nuclear deal — a complete “joke.”

“I think Iran has already got the bomb,” Pry told The Daily Wire. “I think Iran has already got nuclear weapons mounted on missiles and has the potential to do an EMP attack against the United States right now.”

Pry explained that the U.S. has no credible verification system setup with Iran, and hostile nations have fooled the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) multiple times.

“Even the IAEA in their 2011 report, if people would read it, found things that were so alarming … there’s a virtual smoking gun that Iran already has the bomb,” Pry continued. “The IAEA was reporting it found prior to 2003 that Iran was already manufacturing bridge wire detonators, neutron initiators, they had done an implosion test already, they had done 14 different designs correct for a nuclear warhead to see if they could fit the psychics package for a nuclear warhead into the reentry vehicle for the Shahab-3 high explosive warhead.”

Pry said it was blatantly obvious that Iran most likely already has nuclear weapons, saying that “anyone with half a brain” could see it.

“Because when we were doing things like that back in the Manhattan project days when we were working with 1930s and 1940s aero technology,” Pry continued. “When the United States was doing implosion tests and building bridge wire detonators, and neutron initiators, we were within 3-6 months of getting the bomb.”

“It’s just implausible that Iran before 2003 was at that stage and then never crossed the finish line,” Pry concluded.

Iran Already Has Nuclear Weapons Capability
You're long on speculations but short on facts. For example, the Obamas got $65M from Penguin Random House, a German & British owned company. Also, if Iran has had nukes for 10 years, it's Dubya you should be thanking.

If you look at their holding company, there are numerous Russian Investors who have invested in their operation.

Nice try.

Pretty cool Russia was able to launder money to Obama for a book he never wrote....

You struck out.
We have a 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum for fantasies like this thread ..........
There is NO CONSPIRACY. These are all facts.

Iran has a Nuclear Program.

Iran is said by many experts to already have Nukes.

Iran has publicly stated that they want to kill Americans and Israelis and if they obtain Nuclear Weapons they will use them on us.

Obama gave them not only MONEY to fund their Nuclear Weapons Programs, he gave them political cover in a SHAM TREATY that was designed to do only ONE THING, HELP IRAN build Nuclear Missiles, and HELP IRAN by URANIUM from Russia which they are now getting from THE US thanks to Crooked Uranium One Deal.

That Uranium we were told by Holder, Obama, Clinton and McCain WOULD NEVER BE EXPORTED outside North AMERICA.

That was a BLATANT LIE.

What do you have to say to that?

And why do you Libtards think anything that reflects badly on Obama Bin Lying is a Conspiracy?

"Said by many experts" is a theory, which does not include any conclusive material.

Thread belongs in the 'Conspiracy Theories' sub forum.

I also heard there were WMDs in Iraq but ................

Thread belongs right here, since it is about Politics and a Dangerous International Threat that Obama Bin Lying purposely created.

Either that, or he is a complete moron that should have never been allowed to be president.

Why are you afraid of discussing this topic right here?

Why are Nuclear Weapons "Funny" to you?
Your claims are long established nonsense conspiracy theories and you offer nothing in the way of reliable of conclusive evidence to your nonsense speculation. For example, what evidence do you have that American mined uranium was ever sold or transferred to Russia?

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