Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

But of course ignore the 2nd amendment

Yeah..lets talk about the 2nd Amendment.

You folks keep bifurcating it and removing it's true intent.

Men like James Madison had no taste for a standing professional army under Federal Control nor did they want to pay for it.

They wanted each man to buy their own gear and be ready to REPEL FOREIGN INVASIONS or PUT DOWN DOMESTIC INSURRECTION.

The 2nd Amendment was not about personal defense, hunting, usurping the Federal government or having the coolest gun on the block.

1. Who said it was?
2. Where does it say that in the 2nd amendment?

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

English not your first language?
I heard clips of Limbaugh condemning Obama for this "omission". When is the last time anyone saw Rush in a church?


What does that have to do with Obama omitting God from the Gettysburg address?

If you want to talk about Rush's church attendance, perhaps you should start a thread about that.

President Obama did not choose to omit the word "god" from his recitation. He was specifically asked to recite the Nicolay Version which does not include that world.


Then the next obvious question is what atheist prick asked him to read the version that omitted 'God' (note the capital G) from the speech? And, the next question is why would a super intelligent knowledgeable man who has been compared to God agree to such a diss on his creator.

Then again, I guess this is just another one of those things that nobody told him.
Why would he proof read the Gettysburg Address?

Meh, the only one of 61 before him who have not altered it. Just fits this assholes MO


He didn't alter it. The producers of the project asked certain people to read certain versions.

Check it out.

The lying rw's knew they were lying this morning.

Anyone surprised that they're still lying almost 12 hours later?

What does that have to do with Obama omitting God from the Gettysburg address?

If you want to talk about Rush's church attendance, perhaps you should start a thread about that.

President Obama did not choose to omit the word "god" from his recitation. He was specifically asked to recite the Nicolay Version which does not include that world.


Then the next obvious question is what atheist prick asked him to read the version that omitted 'God' (note the capital G) from the speech? And, the next question is why would a super intelligent knowledgeable man who has been compared to God agree to such a diss on his creator.

Then again, I guess this is just another one of those things that nobody told him.

So now you're calling Abe Lincoln is "atheist scum"??

HE WROTE THAT VERSION as well as every other version.

Shut up.

Just please shut up.
I think it was syrenn who said that Lincoln did not write the Gettysburg Address without the word god in it. Of course, we know that's a lie too but that's actually an important point -

All five of the versions that we know of were written by Lincoln.


Actually, I'm not sure that is what syrenn said......but we don't know because, per usual, you don't quote and link.

In this way, you are able to employ, repeatedly, The Big Lie.

Lincoln's original didn't have a deity in it. It was added later.

Time-traveling Obama Made Lincoln Remove 'Under God' From First Draft of Gettysburg Address; Also Didn't Even Kill Hitler

Gettysburg Foundation -- versions and tweaks
I think it was syrenn who said that Lincoln did not write the Gettysburg Address without the word god in it. Of course, we know that's a lie too but that's actually an important point -

All five of the versions that we know of were written by Lincoln.


Actually, I'm not sure that is what syrenn said......but we don't know because, per usual, you don't quote and link.

In this way, you are able to employ, repeatedly, The Big Lie.

Lincoln's original didn't have a deity in it. It was added later.

Time-traveling Obama Made Lincoln Remove 'Under God' From First Draft of Gettysburg Address; Also Didn't Even Kill Hitler

Gettysburg Foundation -- versions and tweaks

This is the same Prez Barry who flew across the ocean to put those birth announcements in two Honolulu papers and still got back to the then-non-existent Kenya in time to be born.

It would be very easy for a man of those talents to go back and have a little talk with Honest Abe.

Just ask the lying rw's.
Actually, I'm not sure that is what syrenn said......but we don't know because, per usual, you don't quote and link.

In this way, you are able to employ, repeatedly, The Big Lie.

Lincoln's original didn't have a deity in it. It was added later.

Time-traveling Obama Made Lincoln Remove 'Under God' From First Draft of Gettysburg Address; Also Didn't Even Kill Hitler

Gettysburg Foundation -- versions and tweaks

This is the same Prez Barry who flew across the ocean to put those birth announcements in two Honolulu papers and still got back to the then-non-existent Kenya in time to be born.

It would be very easy for a man of those talents to go back and have a little talk with Honest Abe.

Just ask the lying rw's.

It's well known he has a time machine built into his teleprompter to set things up in the past. That's how he wrecked the economy.

What does that have to do with Obama omitting God from the Gettysburg address?

If you want to talk about Rush's church attendance, perhaps you should start a thread about that.

President Obama did not choose to omit the word "god" from his recitation. He was specifically asked to recite the Nicolay Version which does not include that world.


Then the next obvious question is what atheist prick asked him to read the version that omitted 'God' (note the capital G) from the speech? And, the next question is why would a super intelligent knowledgeable man who has been compared to God agree to such a diss on his creator.

Then again, I guess this is just another one of those things that nobody told him.

How is this a "diss on his creator"? Explain.

When you're done with that, explain how not having the phrase "nation under God" -- when that nation is founded on religious freedom and therefore is specifically not under God -- disses a creator that wasn't there to start with.

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President Obama did not choose to omit the word "god" from his recitation. He was specifically asked to recite the Nicolay Version which does not include that world.


Then the next obvious question is what atheist prick asked him to read the version that omitted 'God' (note the capital G) from the speech? And, the next question is why would a super intelligent knowledgeable man who has been compared to God agree to such a diss on his creator.

Then again, I guess this is just another one of those things that nobody told him.

How is this a "diss on his creator"? Explain.

When you're done with that, explain how not having the phrase "nation under God" -- when that nation is founded on religious freedom and therefore is specifically not under God -- disses a creator that wasn't there to start with.


He means the original author who left out the word "god" was dissing -

Or maybe he means Lincoln was dissing on god?

rw's are quietly slinking away to tell their lie someplace else.
President Obama did not choose to omit the word "god" from his recitation. He was specifically asked to recite the Nicolay Version which does not include that world.


Then the next obvious question is what atheist prick asked him to read the version that omitted 'God' (note the capital G) from the speech? And, the next question is why would a super intelligent knowledgeable man who has been compared to God agree to such a diss on his creator.

Then again, I guess this is just another one of those things that nobody told him.

How is this a "diss on his creator"? Explain.

When you're done with that, explain how not having the phrase "nation under God" -- when that nation is founded on religious freedom and therefore is specifically not under God -- disses a creator that wasn't there to start with.


Oh boy, NOW you've done it.

That is a fact they simply cannot deal with.
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

President Obama's recitation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is sparking hysteria from the right-wing media who slammed the president for omitting the phrase "under God." But ironically, in their hurry to attack the president, they omitted the fact that Obama was reading the first draft of the speech -- a draft that did not include "under God" -- at the request of filmmaker Ken Burns.

Right-Wing Noise Machine Fabricates Gettysburg Address Omission To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America
The propensity of most republicans and conservatives to lie has earned them the well-deserved contempt of the American people.

It also reveals two things about them.

1. It reveals the weakness of their arguments because their arguments can't stand on their own merits without lies to prop them up.

2. Despite their constant claims to uphold moral principles, they and their conservative movement are both morally bankrupt.
Anyone wanna bet he won't admit he's wrong or lying?

That's okay though. No other rw admitted it either. In fact, a couple of them even bragged about lying about the president.
Awright, awright, stop piling on now...

But he's right.

If you haven't read the posts from koshergirl and tinydancer - both admit they knew its a lie and kept to it anyway. Other rw's just avoided the thread so they can pretend they don't know they're lying.

They know that fox lies all day long and they slurp it up anyway. What makes me furious is they don't care that foreign interests now control a large percentage of our media and rw's like it.

Its frikken bizarre and it really is a sickness.

It is true that the right is anti-American and anti-America.
Awright, awright, stop piling on now...

They will think we are persecuting them.

Edited to add: Warbler wants to share his thanksgiving meal:

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Eat some shit


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