Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address


Next time, have something to support your claim before shooting your big, fat mouth off. You might not end up looking so damn stupid.

"Fail" is a verb, stupid.

Colloquial use commonly employed in a particular context/medium.

FAIL again.

You've humiliated yourself enough here without wandering into areas you know even less about. Quit while you're behind, dope.

Proceed to bite me, quantum trollbag. With your legacy I'd be circumspect about invoking the concept of self-humiliation. :eusa_hand:

Actually O'bama is Hawaiian and Lincoln was a Kentuckian, not that either has anything to do with this goofy-ass thread...

Actually, Lincoln served several terms in the Illinois House of Representative and then in the US House of Representatives from Illinois. Obama also served in Illinois as a state Senator. That is why Obama, not I, referred to Lincoln as a fellow Illinoisan. Then again, as you have so intelligently pointed out, Obama was lying again.



The white flag of the big mouth who didn't know what he was talking about before posting.
QW's legacy is quite impressive..particularly when compared to yours, pedanto.
The official web site very clearly states that they requested President Obama read the Nicolay Version that does not include the word god.

Here it is AGAIN - Third line down, second square from left, READ IT and click on it to read the Nicolay Version.

Home | Learn the Address

Or, for the rw's, ignore the truth and keep lying.

Some one should have advised him not to read the Nicolay version.

I don't give a flying rat's ass that Burns asked him. Obama should have said "are you out of your freaking mind?".
"Fail" is a verb, stupid.

Colloquial use commonly employed in a particular context/medium.

FAIL again.

You've humiliated yourself enough here without wandering into areas you know even less about. Quit while you're behind, dope.

Proceed to bite me, quantum trollbag. With your legacy I'd be circumspect about invoking the concept of self-humiliation.

In your case, we don't need to invoke your legacy. We can see your humiliation right here on this very thread! :lmao:
Even when rw's are caught in an outright lie, they just keep lying.

And, they will keep right on lying until they believe the lie.

That's why they don't mind that a Muslin controls their (not)news station.
Colloquial use commonly employed in a particular context/medium.

FAIL again.

You've humiliated yourself enough here without wandering into areas you know even less about. Quit while you're behind, dope.

Proceed to bite me, quantum trollbag. With your legacy I'd be circumspect about invoking the concept of self-humiliation.

In your case, we don't need to invoke your legacy. We can see your humiliation right here on this very thread! :lmao:

:rofl: Mr. self-styled "linguist" negs me because he doesn't know how to speak English.

He's still PMing me. That'll be deleted unread, Homer. Don't bother.
Although, I do enjoy the stirring defense of the Gettysburg Address from the same people who are normally calling Lincoln the greatest tyrant in American history.

It's also the same people that still root for the Confederacy.

Make no mistake. These folks are completely Anti American.

America is not a Christian Theocracy. It's not a Christian Nation. Never has been. And hopefully never will be.

America is secular by design. And that design is the United States Constitution.
But of course ignore the 2nd amendment

Yeah..lets talk about the 2nd Amendment.

You folks keep bifurcating it and removing it's true intent.

Men like James Madison had no taste for a standing professional army under Federal Control nor did they want to pay for it.

They wanted each man to buy their own gear and be ready to REPEL FOREIGN INVASIONS or PUT DOWN DOMESTIC INSURRECTION.

The 2nd Amendment was not about personal defense, hunting, usurping the Federal government or having the coolest gun on the block.
It's also the same people that still root for the Confederacy.

Make no mistake. These folks are completely Anti American.

America is not a Christian Theocracy. It's not a Christian Nation. Never has been. And hopefully never will be.

America is secular by design. And that design is the United States Constitution.
But of course ignore the 2nd amendment

Yeah..lets talk about the 2nd Amendment.

You folks keep bifurcating it and removing it's true intent.

Men like James Madison had no taste for a standing professional army under Federal Control nor did they want to pay for it.

They wanted each man to buy their own gear and be ready to REPEL FOREIGN INVASIONS or PUT DOWN DOMESTIC INSURRECTION.

The 2nd Amendment was not about personal defense, hunting, usurping the Federal government or having the coolest gun on the block.

1. Who said it was?
2. Where does it say that in the 2nd amendment?
The official web site very clearly states that they requested President Obama read the Nicolay Version that does not include the word god.

Here it is AGAIN - Third line down, second square from left, READ IT and click on it to read the Nicolay Version.

Home | Learn the Address

Or, for the rw's, ignore the truth and keep lying.

Some one should have advised him not to read the Nicolay version.

I don't give a flying rat's ass that Burns asked him. Obama should have said "are you out of your freaking mind?".

Okay, so another rw admits to lying.

In a weird kinda way, that's progress.

Did you lying rw's notice that even Brietbart admitted they lied?

Obama Removes 'God' from Gettysburg Address
Proceed to bite me, quantum trollbag. With your legacy I'd be circumspect about invoking the concept of self-humiliation.

In your case, we don't need to invoke your legacy. We can see your humiliation right here on this very thread! :lmao:

:rofl: Mr. self-styled "linguist" negs me because he doesn't know how to speak English.

He's still PMing me. That'll be deleted unread, Homer. Don't bother.

You don't handle your humiliation well at all. It suggests an unfortunate degree of immaturity.
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

President Obama's recitation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is sparking hysteria from the right-wing media who slammed the president for omitting the phrase "under God." But ironically, in their hurry to attack the president, they omitted the fact that Obama was reading the first draft of the speech -- a draft that did not include "under God" -- at the request of filmmaker Ken Burns.

Right-Wing Noise Machine Fabricates Gettysburg Address Omission To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America

The propensity of most republicans and conservatives to lie has earned them the well-deserved contempt of the American people.
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

President Obama's recitation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is sparking hysteria from the right-wing media who slammed the president for omitting the phrase "under God." But ironically, in their hurry to attack the president, they omitted the fact that Obama was reading the first draft of the speech -- a draft that did not include "under God" -- at the request of filmmaker Ken Burns.

Right-Wing Noise Machine Fabricates Gettysburg Address Omission To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America

The propensity of most republicans and conservatives to lie has earned them the well-deserved contempt of the American people.


Now that they know that Obama did not leave out the word god, they're actually saying they know that and are still retelling that lie.

rw's are proud of lying.
I think it was syrenn who said that Lincoln did not write the Gettysburg Address without the word god in it. Of course, we know that's a lie too but that's actually an important point -

All five of the versions that we know of were written by Lincoln.

Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

President Obama's recitation of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is sparking hysteria from the right-wing media who slammed the president for omitting the phrase "under God." But ironically, in their hurry to attack the president, they omitted the fact that Obama was reading the first draft of the speech -- a draft that did not include "under God" -- at the request of filmmaker Ken Burns.

Right-Wing Noise Machine Fabricates Gettysburg Address Omission To Attack Obama | Blog | Media Matters for America

The propensity of most republicans and conservatives to lie has earned them the well-deserved contempt of the American people.

seems to be their media's (Drudge, SeanRush, Breitbart, Levin) "default position".
I think it was syrenn who said that Lincoln did not write the Gettysburg Address without the word god in it. Of course, we know that's a lie too but that's actually an important point -

All five of the versions that we know of were written by Lincoln.


Actually, I'm not sure that is what syrenn said......but we don't know because, per usual, you don't quote and link.

In this way, you are able to employ, repeatedly, The Big Lie.

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