Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

It is fitting the sitting US President would read the Gettysburg address for a documentary about it.

How would Lincoln have felt if he knew a black President of the United States would one day read his speech for such an occasion?

I think he would have been awestruck.

That is the takeaway you faux patriotic crying wolfers should be taking away from this. The significance went way, way, way, way over your partisan heads.

I think Lincoln would have been surprised it was the DEMOCRATIC party which put a black man in that office.
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The Gettysburg Address is not an editorial comment. It says what it says, and pandering to atheists by changing the address should be a criminal offense.

We don't know if the address or the presentation was edited.

And, no, we are not going to criminalize behavior because it does not meet a religious standard.

Just bastardize history because that's what meets your religious standard.

Since it was John Hay's copy, my friend, the fact of history was met.

If you put "under God" into John Hay's copy, you would be bastardizing history.
S_M and Edgetho want to trample on another American's rights to believe or not believe as he wishes, and then do the birfer Muslim smear without proof.

This is one of the reasons why the TeaPs and the far right are losing elections.

When you're quoting one of the greatest human beings (not coincidentally, a Republican) who ever walked the Planet, it is inexcusable to modify what he said to suit your own personal beliefs.

Unless you're a scumbag dimocrap.

But I repeat myself.

BHO used the John Hays copy, Edgetho. He modified nothing.
^speaking of hating it when she has to take some of her own medicine.

Deal with it, or not, I don't give a fuck, homo.

^ :lol: Pining for an Iranian style theocracy, ain'tcha?

Wake up, bubble head, not everyone is America is dumbass, libtards like you and your anti American ilk.

^ continuing your "why can't we arrest people for omitting 'under god'" cryfest. :D
Ha,ha, is that the best spin you could come up with to the fact that you were proven wrong?:lol::lol:

I used to do PR for a living you idiot. The last thing Obama needs at the moment is more bad press.

Whoever surrounds him were fools not to utilize this 150th anniversary (and it's a biggie) to put the President in a positive spotlight by making sure he attended the event.

This would have been a golden opportunity for amazing positive media attention.

The only "bad press" is to the foam-at-the-mouth "christian" theocrats for being insane over this.

Only Christians believe in God? You better explain that to Muslims, Jews and others.


And I've been hammering away at the PR angle on this because it's absolutely drop dead fucking stupid to have had this moment which could have really been an awesome died in the wool golden goose on a platter media moment if he had gone to the 150th Anniversary now turn to shit on the WH.

And for someone not to have caught this copy and not advise Obama to not read this version is just out of this world idiotic.
I used to do PR for a living you idiot. The last thing Obama needs at the moment is more bad press.

Whoever surrounds him were fools not to utilize this 150th anniversary (and it's a biggie) to put the President in a positive spotlight by making sure he attended the event.

This would have been a golden opportunity for amazing positive media attention.

The only "bad press" is to the foam-at-the-mouth "christian" theocrats for being insane over this.

Only Christians believe in God? You better explain that to Muslims, Jews and others.


And I've been hammering away at the PR angle on this because it's absolutely drop dead fucking stupid to have had this moment which could have really been an awesome died in the wool golden goose on a platter media moment if he had gone to the 150th Anniversary now turn to shit on the WH.

And for someone not to have caught this copy and not advise Obama to not read this version is just out of this world idiotic.
Show us muslims and jews going ape-shit over this.
why would a self-proclaimed Christian read the other version to leave out the words 'under God'.......?

Your notional 'self-proclaimed Christian' might, for example, have the decency to understand that not everyone share his belief system. And think it best to refrain from forcing his superstitions upon others.

Because that's not the way they roll. Everyone has to acquiesce to their notions....or they are "slimy pieces of shit" - (phrase lifted straight from their new revised conservative Bible).
You're the dumbfuck Obamabot. Don't you think someone around the President would say "gee Mr. President, you've patterned yourself after Lincoln; shouldn't you read Lincoln's speech and leave the other celebrities to read the other copies"?

Even just for PR purposes?

Ha,ha, is that the best spin you could come up with to the fact that you were proven wrong?:lol::lol:

I used to do PR for a living you idiot.
Well the lame explanation you provided may be the reason why you're not anymore? Who's the idiot now?

The last thing Obama needs at the moment is more bad press.
Believe me, you TP'ers would accuse him of muddying the water if he happened to be able to walk on it.

Whoever surrounds him were fools not to utilize this 150th anniversary (and it's a biggie) to put the President in a positive spotlight by making sure he attended the event.
Why, because they should've known that the righteious right wingers would be looking for any little thing to discredit him? Says a lot about the right, doesn't it, if you are so aware how quick they'll jump on an opportunity to dis him.:lol::lol:

This would have been a golden opportunity for amazing positive media attention.
Don't kid yourself. Obama has mentioned Jesus, Christ and God before and the brain dead just overlook it, but if he forgets to do so once, then he's accused of being an atheist! You're not fooling anyone.
^ :lol: Pining for an Iranian style theocracy, ain'tcha?

Wake up, bubble head, not everyone is America is dumbass, libtards like you and your anti American ilk.

^ continuing your "why can't we arrest people for omitting 'under god'" cryfest. :D

Well golly gee there miss Einstein, can you show me where I was crying?

No... ya well... I didn't think so.

You're dismissed, twat for brains.
The only "bad press" is to the foam-at-the-mouth "christian" theocrats for being insane over this.

Only Christians believe in God? You better explain that to Muslims, Jews and others.


And I've been hammering away at the PR angle on this because it's absolutely drop dead fucking stupid to have had this moment which could have really been an awesome died in the wool golden goose on a platter media moment if he had gone to the 150th Anniversary now turn to shit on the WH.

And for someone not to have caught this copy and not advise Obama to not read this version is just out of this world idiotic.
Show us muslims and jews going ape-shit over this.
Well you're sure making your presence known here... and why is that?

Oooohh... right... you get your little piss soaked panties in a wad whenever someone says something BAD about your little boi king Barry.

Good God you're fucking pathetic... go shove a screw driver in your eye.
Wake up, bubble head, not everyone is America is dumbass, libtards like you and your anti American ilk.

^ continuing your "why can't we arrest people for omitting 'under god'" cryfest. :D

Well golly gee there miss Einstein, can you show me where I was crying?

No... ya well... I didn't think so.

You're dismissed, twat for brains.

Your meltdown in this thread continues. Please....don't stop. It's funny.
obama is a low life piece of rat shit. He has no right to be president of the United State of America. His filthy muslim ass belongs in prison. Him simply speaking the words of the Gettysburg Address is an insult, he soils it with his disgusting mouth.

I doubt America will ever have a worse president.

butt hurt rw nutter post of the day
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

I'm not sure I'm clear on your opinion. Don't hold back, tell me how you really feel.

^speaking of hating it when she has to take some of her own medicine.

Deal with it, or not, I don't give a fuck, homo.

^ :lol: Pining for an Iranian style theocracy, ain'tcha?

Wake up, bubble head, not everyone in America is dumbass, libtards like you and your anti American ilk.

As the country was formed and found by liberals.

It is you..who are anti-American.

You should find a new country.

Call it Conservatopia.

There's plenty of room on the moon.
^ :lol: Pining for an Iranian style theocracy, ain'tcha?

Wake up, bubble head, not everyone in America is dumbass, libtards like you and your anti American ilk.

As the country was formed and found by liberals.

It is you..who are anti-American.

You should find a new country.

Call it Conservatopia.

There's plenty of room on the moon.

its called Utah and Idaho. A lot of gay people moving here, cause they feel safe.
butt hurt rw nutter post of the day
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

I'm not sure I'm clear on your opinion. Don't hold back, tell me how you really feel.


I think Pole Rider is upset...and may not vote for Obama again.
Quite the contrary. The lengths you rubes will go to slander Obama with manufactured bullshit knows no bounds.

I am not a fan of Obama. I detest the man. But piss drinking dipshits who plague us all with false wolf cries are what is allowing the asshole to drift through one of the most incompetent administrations practically unscathed.

EVERY contemporary account of the speech said he uttered the words "Under God".


That is a claim. Period.

And all you have is your own "most likely".

I will take the claims of the people contemporary to the speech over your "most likely".

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