Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

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Right flubs Gettysburg story - twice | MSNBC
The truth is less provocative. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns had a variety of prominent figures – including all five living presidents – to read portions of the Address for a video. Burns relied on the text of the first draft of the speech – which did not include the words “under God.”

In other words, the right became apoplectic about Obama not using a phrase Lincoln didn’t write.
This is more proof Obama is a Muslim. What he did was to show disrespect to being faithful to the speeches original words and he showed disrespect to Abraham Lincoln on the 150th anniversary. This president is a total embarrassment to the nation and the world. Why does the words 'under God' scare him?

Obama Removes 'God' From Gettysburg Address

If Obama is muslim doesn't he have to pray towards Mecca five times a day?
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Right flubs Gettysburg story - twice | MSNBC
The truth is less provocative. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns had a variety of prominent figures – including all five living presidents – to read portions of the Address for a video. Burns relied on the text of the first draft of the speech – which did not include the words “under God.”

In other words, the right became apoplectic about Obama not using a phrase Lincoln didn’t write.

/thread? No way.

We have already gone from: Obama skipped "under God" to...."why would he read that version?"......to Obama has an incompetent staff who let him read that version. Next.....Obama's Muslim great-great Grandfather rewrote Lincoln speech and switched copies just before the address.
This is more proof Obama is a Muslim. What he did was to show disrespect to being faithful to the speeches original words and he showed disrespect to Abraham Lincoln on the 150th anniversary. This president is a total embarrassment to the nation and the world. Why does the words 'under God' scare him?

Obama Removes 'God' From Gettysburg Address

If Obama is muslim doesn't he have to pray towards Mecca five times a day?

He's sneaky.
wonder if Drudge, Breitbart, & The Daily Caller :eusa_liar: printed a retraction? :doubt:
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Right flubs Gettysburg story - twice | MSNBC
The truth is less provocative. Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns had a variety of prominent figures – including all five living presidents – to read portions of the Address for a video. Burns relied on the text of the first draft of the speech – which did not include the words “under God.”

In other words, the right became apoplectic about Obama not using a phrase Lincoln didn’t write.

Talking a draft and a copy:lol:

That's true the drafts didn't include Under God. BUT and it's a big but his speech did and so did the key 5th copy.

And there are the media reports at that time that Lincoln used "under God".

Here ya go! And the link has other links that back up the AP's findings.

However, the first two versions, in Lincoln’s own handwriting, omit the mention of God in the conclusion.

“The nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people by the people for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” Lincoln wrote in his first two versions.

Later versions added the word “under God” so that the sentence reads, “the nation, under God, shall …”

The inclusion of God in the speech is perhaps the most significant difference among the versions.

The fifth version of the speech, which was signed and dated by Lincoln, was considered the “final” version and included “under God” in its last sentence.

But is that what Lincoln actually said on the battlefield?

In “The Collected Works Of Abraham Lincoln: Volume 7,” the dispute seems to be settled.

The Associated Press report of the speech, written by Joseph Gilbert, along with reports from newspapers in Philadelphia and Chicago, all agree that Lincoln said “under God” as his speech concluded.

In that book’s footnotes, it’s explained that the Philadelphia Inquirer and Chicago Tribune had the words in its independent accounts.

“These papers corroborate Gilbert’s version, however, in having the phrase ‘under God,’ which Lincoln must have used for the first time as he spoke,” the book says.

It also appears that Lincoln used the Associated Press version as a reference point when he wrote out the third, fourth, and fifth versions.

A fourth printed version, from the Boston Advertiser, shows that Lincoln used the words “under God” as the address concluded.

Did Abraham Lincoln omit God from the Gettysburg Address?
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And why oh why didn't someone in Obama's inner circle advise him to run with the fifth copy?

You know. Just to stop more shit from hitting the fan?
You know, I'd be perfectly happy if obama kept his skank ass home. He only shows his face at events like this because his handlers seem to think it will make him look better to the American public. Sorry, my rose-colored specs are long set aside, the emperor has no clothes.
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

What pisses me off is he professed his Christianity.
His focus on politics is so intense, he has no more of a grasp on reality than an actor in a play
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

What pisses me off is he professed his Christianity.
His focus on politics is so intense, he has no more of a grasp on reality than an actor in a play

I think you're wrong. At least an actor takes off the costume, assumes his real persona, and goes home after the play. obama really does live in his own, special reality.
obsess much tinyd? :eusa_eh:

YOUR RW ECHO CHAMBER MEDIA BLEW IT!!! :mad: :lol: :boohoo:

How did they blow it? It's everywhere. :eusa_angel:

I personally love it. His legacy is swirling down a toilet. Oh happy day!

I'm just truly stunned that his handlers didn't have him front and center at the ceremony. And I don't care about the other Presidents because they weren't in this shit storm that Obama is currently in.

It would have been a "mega free golden over the top you can't buy this kind of press" moment.

This is the type of stuff you kill for in public relations. I really am amazed that his handlers blew this opportunity.

Especially considering how he has linked his Presidency to Lincoln. The brass ring was there on a silver platter and those fools in the WH fucked up.
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obsess much tinyd? :eusa_eh:

YOUR RW ECHO CHAMBER MEDIA BLEW IT!!! :mad: :lol: :boohoo:

How did they blow it? It's everywhere. :eusa_angel:

I personally love it. His legacy is swirling down a toilet. Oh happy day!

I'm just truly stunned that his handlers didn't have him front and center at the ceremony. And I don't care about the other Presidents because they weren't in this shit storm that Obama is currently in.

It would have been a "mega free golden over the top you can't buy this kind of press" moment.

This is the type of stuff you kill for. I really am amazed that his handlers blew this opportunity.

Especially considering how he has linked his Presidency to Lincoln. The brass ring was there on a silver platter and those fools in the WH fucked up.

You really don't see how the RW is being made fools of over this, do you?
obsess much tinyd? :eusa_eh:

YOUR RW ECHO CHAMBER MEDIA BLEW IT!!! :mad: :lol: :boohoo:

How did they blow it? It's everywhere. :eusa_angel:

I personally love it. His legacy is swirling down a toilet. Oh happy day!

I'm just truly stunned that his handlers didn't have him front and center at the ceremony. And I don't care about the other Presidents because they weren't in this shit storm that Obama is currently in.

It would have been a "mega free golden over the top you can't buy this kind of press" moment.

This is the type of stuff you kill for. I really am amazed that his handlers blew this opportunity.

Especially considering how he has linked his Presidency to Lincoln. The brass ring was there on a silver platter and those fools in the WH fucked up.

You really don't see how the RW is being made fools of over this, do you?

No...Just you.....
After all, no one on the right side of aisle that I saw moved Obama's lips for him.
He did it all on his own.
Deflection gets no mileage around here.
How did they blow it? It's everywhere. :eusa_angel:

I personally love it. His legacy is swirling down a toilet. Oh happy day!

I'm just truly stunned that his handlers didn't have him front and center at the ceremony. And I don't care about the other Presidents because they weren't in this shit storm that Obama is currently in.

It would have been a "mega free golden over the top you can't buy this kind of press" moment.

This is the type of stuff you kill for. I really am amazed that his handlers blew this opportunity.

Especially considering how he has linked his Presidency to Lincoln. The brass ring was there on a silver platter and those fools in the WH fucked up.

You really don't see how the RW is being made fools of over this, do you?

No...Just you.....
After all, no one on the right side of aisle that I saw moved Obama's lips for him.
He did it all on his own.
Deflection gets no mileage around here.

You guys are cracking me up! :lol: Please continue!
What is it with these right wingnuts????

I know what they need:


What Obama keeps doing to the right wing:

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