Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

everytime Obama omits under god a rightwingers head explodes. So all and all a good day
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

Why would an atheist favor Islam? :confused:
why would a self-proclaimed Christian read the other version to leave out the words 'under God'.......?

Your notional 'self-proclaimed Christian' might, for example, have the decency to understand that not everyone share his belief system. And think it best to refrain from forcing his superstitions upon others.

are you implying that leaders like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were not 'decent'......? :eusa_hand:

Does this mean that your world is one of absolutes? That George and Abe were either 100% 'decent' (a loaded word, if ever there was one) or 0% decent?

If you will forgive me for pointing it out some Americans try to turn the likes of Lincoln into secular saints. Can't be done because NOBODY IS PERFECT. That is not an original observation that I've just thought up but a timeless truth.

And what has 'decency' to do with effectiveness? I suspect you might agree that
Carter's decency did not prevent his being a useless president.
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

So, do you support the President or not? You're not being very clear about where you stand. Stop playing coy.
Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

Why would an atheist favor Islam? :confused:

Good point.

I suggest, however, that the US president does have a deep and all-embracing faith. He is the High Priest of that wonnerful Nu and Tru Religion: ObamaWorship. You had better Believe if you think you might need to see a doctor anytime in the next few years.
obama is a low life piece of rat shit. He has no right to be president of the United State of America. His filthy muslim ass belongs in prison. Him simply speaking the words of the Gettysburg Address is an insult, he soils it with his disgusting mouth.

I doubt America will ever have a worse president.

butt hurt rw nutter post of the day
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

Still butt hurt there, old boy?:lol::eusa_boohoo::lol:
You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

Why would an atheist favor Islam? :confused:

Good point.

I suggest, however, that the US president does have a deep and all-embracing faith. He is the High Priest of that wonnerful Nu and Tru Religion: ObamaWorship. You had better Believe if you think you might need to see a doctor anytime in the next few years.

Ah yes. The missionaries of that particular cult are highly zealous. And the tithe is a bitch - waaaaaaaaay more than the traditional 10% and not at all voluntary.
The far right social conservative Christians are a hypocritical bunch, are they not?

They pretend they are mainstream, but they are not.

They pretend they have true Christianity, but they do not.

They violate the Two Great Commandments regularly.

Hypocrites the lot of them.
obama is a low life piece of rat shit. He has no right to be president of the United State of America. His filthy muslim ass belongs in prison. Him simply speaking the words of the Gettysburg Address is an insult, he soils it with his disgusting mouth.

I doubt America will ever have a worse president.

butt hurt rw nutter post of the day
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

I've cautioned you before not to hold your feelings in, tell us how you really feel.
Again, look at how bent out of shape so-called christians are about this. No doubt, given the chance, they'd make not mentioning their god a criminal offense. Then we'd be just like the country they most admire.....Iran.

Guess again, babycakes. I'm not a christian and I find his omission offensive. His disdain for our country, his bald-faced arrogance, his elitist single-minded drive to "transform" what needs no transformation, is so over-the-top, it boggles the mind.
butt hurt rw nutter post of the day
There's millions upon millions of Americans that hate that sons a bitches guts, and the list is growing.

But you go right on ahead and keep supporting that filthy piece of rat shit, that just tells us what kind of a filthy piece of rat shit you are too... dick for brains dumbass mother fucking commie puss ball.

I've cautioned you before not to hold your feelings in, tell us how you really feel.


Sep. 9, 2013 10:10am

Wayne Allyn Root

Wayne’s latest book is: The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: How to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper During Obamageddon. It hit #1 in bookstores, and is currently the 6th bestselling political hardcover in America for the past year. Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, successful entrepreneur, small business defender, business speaker, Capital Evangelist, and media personality- appearing on over 5000 interviews in the past 5 years. Wayne’s web site: ROOTforAmerica.com.

Have you seen the movies “Olympus Has Fallen” or “White House Down“? These movies are about terrorists taking over the White House and kidnapping the President. But those movies are based on attacks from outside.

Barack Obama proves you don’t need Russia, or China, or North Korea, or radical Muslim terrorists to take down the White House. Obama is doing more damage from the inside, without firing a shot, than our worst enemies could ever imagine.

At Columbia University (Class of 1983), my fellow classmates admitted they hated America, hated “the rich,” and despised Judeo-Christian values. We spent our days discussing and debating their plan to destroy capitalism and radically change America from within by electing one of their own to the Presidency.

Once elected, the plan was to overwhelm the system with spending, taxes, entitlements and debt. Capitalism would topple, business owners would lose everything, and Americans would be brought to their knees, begging for government to save them. In that way America would become a socialist nation.

Recognize that plan? It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Barack Obama was one of my Columbia classmates. No one ever saw him, he rarely if ever attended class, even professors don’t remember him. Maybe he was too busy attending socialist or communist meetings and studying this plan. Because it is clear he learned well.

What is happening to America right in front of our eyes is this exact plan. Real life is replicating the silver screen. With economic and moral carnage from coast-to-coast, and now throughout the Middle East, it is clear the White House is down, and Olympus has fallen, from within.

Just look at the facts:

Obama?s ?Inside Job? Destroying America | TheBlaze.com

lol. They predictably took the bait. Anything to hate O'Bama for, ANYTHING. Sad. They're like little toys w/ strings you pull to make them outraged :p

from the link:
There are, however, some angles to this the right has overlooked. First, there have been 28 presidents since Lincoln, and 27 of them did not commemorate the anniversaries of the Gettysburg Address – and this includes Reagan, who did nothing on the 125th anniversary, and never visited Gettysburg as president. (The exception was William Howard Taft.) Obama, in other words, is doing largely what nearly all of his predecessors have done without controversy.

Last edited:

lol. They predictably took the bait. Anything to hate O'Bama for, ANYTHING. Sad. They're like little toys w/ strings you pull to make them outraged :p

from the link:
There are, however, some angles to this the right has overlooked. First, there have been 28 presidents since Lincoln, and 27 of them did not commemorate the anniversaries of the Gettysburg Address – and this includes Reagan, who did nothing on the 125th anniversary, and never visited Gettysburg as president. (The exception was William Howard Taft.) Obama, in other words, is doing largely what nearly all of his predecessors have done without controversy.

I remember a story I heard a few years back, about a lady with two dogs. One dog (Spoto) was pretty smart, the other dog (Shaymus) not so smart. The lady would leave two treats in a dog-toy for each dog, every day. They had to work at getting out the treat.

Spoto was pretty quick to figure out the way to get it out, then she watched Shaymus hungrily work at his challenge.

Spoto then figured out a plan. She would run up the stairs and start barking, as if someone was at the door. Shaymus, hearing the bark, would drop the treat, and run upstairs to bark too.

While Shaymus was busy barking, trying to figure out the excitement, Spoto would gleefully run downstairs and proceed to eat the abandoned treat.

This happened over and over and over - every time, Shaymus falling for the trick of the clever instigator Spoto. Never learning.

When I see conservatives continue to fall for the barking of known charlatans and tricksters, who burn them time after time, I think of Shaymus.

And Spoto. :lol:

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