Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

I find it interesting when there has been questions of Obama's belief system in the past that he gets the only copy of the speech that leaves out God.

If you truly believed that this nation was "under God" you would not see so many Christian conservatives spewing such vile utterances toward another human, especially one that is the President. I have a feeling they really don't know the God they're so determined to have mentioned. :lol::lol:

Romans 13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.
Ah! Just as I suggested:

Home | Learn the Address

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, documentarian Ken Burns, along with numerous partners, has launched a national effort to encourage everyone in America to video record themselves reading or reciting the speech.The collection of recordings housed on this site will continue to grow as more and more people are inspired by the power of history and take the challenge to LEARN THE ADDRESS.

Did you know there are five versions of the Gettysburg Address? We asked President Obama to read the first, the 'Nicolay Version'

Idiot fucks.

You're the dumbfuck Obamabot. Don't you think someone around the President would say "gee Mr. President, you've patterned yourself after Lincoln; shouldn't you read Lincoln's speech and leave the other celebrities to read the other copies"?

Even just for PR purposes?

Ha,ha, is that the best spin you could come up with to the fact that you were proven wrong?:lol::lol:
"The fact that "under God" is not in the pre-speech transcripts, however, does not mean that it was not included in Abraham Lincoln's delivery. In fact, the weight of evidence suggests that Lincoln did say the words "under God." Four separate newspaper reporters, each of whom was present at Gettysburg, wrote down their firsthand accounts of Lincoln's speech, and all four accounts include the phrase "under God." (Garry Wills, 191-92).

The Effect of the "Under God" Statement

Pundits can disagree about why Lincoln said "under God." There is no question, however, that that phrase was momentous. In 1948, Louis Bowman inserted the phrase "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance, claiming that he was inspired by Lincoln's words.[Source: Scott Merriman, pages 111-12]."

Did Abraham Lincoln Say "This Nation, Under God" in the Gettysburg Address? - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com

This is a pretty good article about this subject.
why would a self-proclaimed Christian read the other version to leave out the words 'under God'.......?

Your notional 'self-proclaimed Christian' might, for example, have the decency to understand that not everyone share his belief system. And think it best to refrain from forcing his superstitions upon others.
Stop that lie now. Being skeptical or free thinking or agnostic is not atheistic.

Atheists make up less than 5% of the population.

The Gettysburg Address is not an editorial comment. It says what it says, and pandering to atheists by changing the address should be a criminal offense.

We don't know if the address or the presentation was edited.

And, no, we are not going to criminalize behavior because it does not meet a religious standard.

Just bastardize history because that's what meets your religious standard.
I love Obamabots!

Not one can even say that someone should have known at the WH this would become a public relations fiasco and if anyone had any intelligence surrounding him on Team Obama they would have gone "boss read the speech with "under God" ".

Ah! Just as I suggested:

Home | Learn the Address

Idiot fucks.

You're the dumbfuck Obamabot. Don't you think someone around the President would say "gee Mr. President, you've patterned yourself after Lincoln; shouldn't you read Lincoln's speech and leave the other celebrities to read the other copies"?

Even just for PR purposes?

Ha,ha, is that the best spin you could come up with to the fact that you were proven wrong?:lol::lol:

I used to do PR for a living you idiot. The last thing Obama needs at the moment is more bad press.

Whoever surrounds him were fools not to utilize this 150th anniversary (and it's a biggie) to put the President in a positive spotlight by making sure he attended the event.

This would have been a golden opportunity for amazing positive media attention.
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why would a self-proclaimed Christian read the other version to leave out the words 'under God'.......?

Just guessing:

1. Obama didn't know there were five versions

2. He does what he's told (Mr. President, read this... )

3. His aides don't look out for him

4. He has incompetent people working for him

5. all of the above

Only if you are a foam-at-the-mouth Theocrat who goes into meltdown over the omission of "under god".

I am hardly a fatmat, and didn't go into a meltdownover the omission over the of the word God, but I admit, I was troubled by it.

When only one copy of the address omitted the word and Obama had been seen as so fond of Lincoln, you would think he might be aware of incidental trivia like that about Lincoln and noteworthy speeches.

One might assume he selected his own speech as well. That wouldn't be out of the ordinary, if it was special to him. But then again, I was under the impression he wasn't even going to the Gettysburg Honor Site, so I guess it wasn't so special.

Anyway, there had been question about his belief system and God in particular. To omit that was indeed troubling.

Is this another example that no one in the White house was bothering to ask the questions ahead of time? If the producers said there were five speeches and they wanted the president to say a particular version, SOMEONE should have said what is different about this one? Don't you think that would have been good critical thinking skills on the part of the president's team? maybe reporters wouldn't be writing about it later on and we wouldn't be speculating about it either.
why would a self-proclaimed Christian read the other version to leave out the words 'under God'.......?

Your notional 'self-proclaimed Christian' might, for example, have the decency to understand that not everyone share his belief system. And think it best to refrain from forcing his superstitions upon others.

are you implying that leaders like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were not 'decent'......? :eusa_hand:
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There are five known copies of the Gettysburg Address. As I listened to Obama reading the Address, it became obvious he was reading John G. Nicolay's copy.

Nicolay was Lincoln's personal secretary.

This is most likely the copy that was actually read at Gettysburg, you idiot fucks. The second half of it, which is the part in dispute in this topic, was written on the grounds of Gettysburg.

Or it's the version that best fits your agenda. :eusa_whistle:
You're the dumbfuck Obamabot. Don't you think someone around the President would say "gee Mr. President, you've patterned yourself after Lincoln; shouldn't you read Lincoln's speech and leave the other celebrities to read the other copies"?

Even just for PR purposes?

Ha,ha, is that the best spin you could come up with to the fact that you were proven wrong?:lol::lol:

I used to do PR for a living you idiot. The last thing Obama needs at the moment is more bad press.

Whoever surrounds him were fools not to utilize this 150th anniversary (and it's a biggie) to put the President in a positive spotlight by making sure he attended the event.

This would have been a golden opportunity for amazing positive media attention.

The only "bad press" is to the foam-at-the-mouth "christian" theocrats for being insane over this.
According to democrat history, Lincoln was not only an atheist, he was a democrat.

Ya... right... and obama is greatest president ever...

They're all pathological LIARS, from the muslim cock sucker obama on down.
This promo ploy of comparing himself to Lincoln has really paid off in the past. I find it absolutely bizarre that his handlers didn't use the 150th Anniversary of the Gettysburg Address to try to shore up his polling numbers.

And a reminder to you Obamabots....

Actually, Mr. Obama has evoked deliberately comparisons with Lincoln ever since he announced his candidacy for president on Feb. 10, 2007, at the Old State Capitol building in Springfield, Ill.

He chose the site because it was the same place where Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery and called for the Northern and Southern states to unite.

“I recognize there is a certain presumptuousness in this, a certain audacity,” Mr. Obama said at the time.

After he won the presidency in 2008, Mr. Obama even decided to retrace the route of Lincoln’s 1861 train trip to Washington for his inauguration.

He rode in a vintage rail car on the 137-mile route from Philadelphia to Washington and appealed “not to our easy instincts but to our better angels,” a reference to Lincoln’s first inaugural address.

Obama cites Lincoln, then downplays comparison - Washington Times
It is fitting the sitting US President would read the Gettysburg address for a documentary about it.

How would Lincoln have felt if he knew a black President of the United States would one day read his speech for such an occasion?

I think he would have been awestruck.

That is the takeaway you faux patriotic crying wolfers should be taking away from this. The significance went way, way, way, way over your partisan heads.

I think Lincoln would have been surprised it was the DEMOCRATIC party which put a black man in that office.
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Documentary . Hope to have a link soon

You know, I don't have a problem with O's atheism but I do have a problem with him pushing it on others, and in the most manipulative and secretive way, in which he is doing that and everything else to undermine America's traditions in favor of all things, Muslim. :eusa_hand:

Let's see, Obama's been accused of being a Muslim, and a Christian extremist who embraces Black liberation theology, and finally an atheist.

Next thing you know someone will claim he embraces numerology and astrology like Ronald and Nancy Reagan did.
Poor CEC Bubblers...punked again, and don't even have to decency to acknowledge they were mislead by the CEC, or even recognize they were punked.

My heart bleeds.

<not really. heh>

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