Obama omits 'under god' in ken burns Gettysburg address

Just when I think this man can't surprise me anymore, BAM!!!!!!!!!!Obama does it again.


WASHINGTON -- One nation under God? Under President Obama, maybe not so much.

As first reported on WMAL's Chris Plante Show Tuesday, the Commander-in-Chief joined a cast of 61 other noted lawmakers, politicians, news anchors and celebrities, including every living President, in reciting the Gettysburg Address, which President Abraham Lincoln delivered on November 19, 1863.

The dignitaries all delivered the address as Lincoln had written it, including the phrase, "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom." (Click to listen).

Curiously, however, in his version of the address, President Obama omitted the words "under God."

You can see the President's reading of the Gettysburg speech here - his omission is at the 1:35 mark.

Video at link:

Easy. Lincoln didn't say "Allah".
Didn't he think anyone would notice?

Apparently you didn't notice Obama read the Nicolay copy, the second half of which you have your panties in a twist about was written on the grounds of Gettysburg.
Apparently YOU left out the rest of what Whitehall stated...WHY do you idiot libs do that? WHY don't YOU address his whole post?

I guess you ignorant fucks are unaware the words "under God" are not in the Nicolay copy, and that it is likely the Nicolay copy is the actual speech Lincoln gave.

You are making wild assed conclusions based on your total ignorance.

It is also possible the documentary maker asked five celebrities to each read one of the five known copies.

But noooooooo...let's assume he's a Muslim creep who will burst into flames if he says the word "God"!
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Apparently you didn't notice Obama read the Nicolay copy, the second half of which you have your panties in a twist about was written on the grounds of Gettysburg.
Apparently YOU left out the rest of what Whitehall stated...WHY do you idiot libs do that? WHY don't YOU address his whole post?

I guess you ignorant fucks are unaware the words "under God" are not in the Nicolay copy, and that it is likely the Nicolay copy is the actual speech Lincoln gave.

You are making wild assed conclusions based on your total ignorance.
YOU still didn't address my post...speaking of ignorant?:eusa_whistle:
Second thread on this

Rush/Hannity/Fox must be playing it to the hilt
Apparently YOU left out the rest of what Whitehall stated...WHY do you idiot libs do that? WHY don't YOU address his whole post?

I guess you ignorant fucks are unaware the words "under God" are not in the Nicolay copy, and that it is likely the Nicolay copy is the actual speech Lincoln gave.

You are making wild assed conclusions based on your total ignorance.
YOU still didn't address my post...speaking of ignorant?:eusa_whistle:

I did address the post, idiot. Obama DID NOT LEAVE OUT ANY WORDS.
Didn't he think anyone would notice? Is Hussein's perverted sense of political correctness so strong that he would intentionally leave out words of the most famous speech in history because it might offend his agnostic base? If so the guy is a hopeless ignorant creep.

I'll say it again.

Didn't he think anyone would notice?

Apparently you didn't notice Obama read the Nicolay copy, the second half of which you have your panties in a twist about was written on the grounds of Gettysburg. It is quite likely that is the one Lincoln actually read for his speech.

Do you think it might be possible the documentarian had five celebrities read the five known copies?


What a good little Obamabot you are!

Considering Obama has based his Presidency profile on Lincoln, don't you think it's odd that he wouldn't read the Lincoln speech?

Obama announced his candidacy on the steps of the Illinois legislature. He got sworn in with the same bible used by Lincoln, but all of a sudden Obama chooses to NOT READ the Lincoln speech but instead reads Nicolay's speech.

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Read it for yourselves:


<--- No "Under God"

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Didn't he think anyone would notice?

Apparently you didn't notice Obama read the Nicolay copy, the second half of which you have your panties in a twist about was written on the grounds of Gettysburg. It is quite likely that is the one Lincoln actually read for his speech.

Do you think it might be possible the documentarian had five celebrities read the five known copies?


What a good little Obamabot you are!

I knew some dumbshit would mistake historical accuracy for an "Obamabot".

What a twit.
Apparently you didn't notice Obama read the Nicolay copy, the second half of which you have your panties in a twist about was written on the grounds of Gettysburg.
Apparently YOU left out the rest of what Whitehall stated...WHY do you idiot libs do that? WHY don't YOU address his whole post?

I guess you ignorant fucks are unaware the words "under God" are not in the Nicolay copy, and that it is likely the Nicolay copy is the actual speech Lincoln gave.

You are making wild assed conclusions based on your total ignorance.

It is also possible the documentary maker asked five celebrities to each read one of the five known copies.

But noooooooo...let's assume he's a Muslim creep who will burst into flames if he says the word "God"!

The lengths that you and others will go to in order to excuse Obama's actions is simply amazing.
Sorry to blow your stupid-ass Muslim plot out of the water.

This is exactly what I was talking about in another topic about piss drinking parrots copying and pasting from hack media sites without applying a single watt of critical thinking.
Some of the responses to this thread are downright comical. The vitriol and hatred being spewed over the fact that Obama left off the words "Under God" from the Gettysburg address makes him a "fucking muslim" , "an atheist", "a slimy piece of shit", etc., etc.

Wonder what saying "fucking muslim", "an atheist", " slimy piece of shit" makes the persons saying it? Hmmmmmmm, certainly not a Christians, and certainly not friends of God.:lol::lol:
Apparently YOU left out the rest of what Whitehall stated...WHY do you idiot libs do that? WHY don't YOU address his whole post?

I guess you ignorant fucks are unaware the words "under God" are not in the Nicolay copy, and that it is likely the Nicolay copy is the actual speech Lincoln gave.

You are making wild assed conclusions based on your total ignorance.

It is also possible the documentary maker asked five celebrities to each read one of the five known copies.

But noooooooo...let's assume he's a Muslim creep who will burst into flames if he says the word "God"!

The lengths that you and others will go to in order to excuse Obama's actions is simply amazing.

Quite the contrary. The lengths you rubes will go to slander Obama with manufactured bullshit knows no bounds.

I am not a fan of Obama. I detest the man. But piss drinking dipshits who plague us all with false cries of, "WOLF!" are what is allowing the asshole to drift through one of the most incompetent administrations ever practically unscathed.

Take him down with the TRUTH, not this puerile shit that exposes your massive ignorance.
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Didn't he think anyone would notice? Is Hussein's perverted sense of political correctness so strong that he would intentionally leave out words of the most famous speech in history because it might offend his agnostic base? If so the guy is a hopeless ignorant creep.

I'll say it again.


Did he use the same exact words in the same exact order that President Lincoln said them??

If not, he left out words.
Didn't he think anyone would notice? Is Hussein's perverted sense of political correctness so strong that he would intentionally leave out words of the most famous speech in history because it might offend his agnostic base? If so the guy is a hopeless ignorant creep.

I'll say it again.


Did he use the same exact words in the same exact order that President Lincoln said them??

If not, he left out words.

Did you read the copy I conveniently posted for you, or is that too hard?

As I said, it is very likely that is the copy Lincoln read. There are only two possibilities. And it is known he wrote the second part of the Nicolay copy, which does not contain "under God", at Gettsyburg just prior to his speech.

Nor do you know if the documentary maker asked him to read the Nicolay copy. You leaped to all kinds of conclusions. Shit, I bet you never even knew of the Nicolay copy until today.
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