Obama on the flag? Seriously?

I I were a younger man.....


I'd give this young lady a stern talking to.

Stand in line, BUB!
The flag symbolizes love of country. The Obamas have made clear on several ocassions they have issues on this count. Now this flag conveys Obama wrapping himself in love of country.

The flag was conveying obama's love of himself. Not that the flag has been altered, but because it was FLOWN.
Like they ever had that many? Veterans are one of the demographics the Dems give a hoot about. I do not personally know many vets who would vote for O, dem or otherwise.

How odd...I know of at least 10 vets in my wife and my family....three of us retired...we are all liberals politically.

According to an ABC poll more veterans self-identify as Dems than any other group and, and in the last presidential election more GI's contributed to Presdential candidate - Barack Obama than any other.



Troops serving abroad have given nearly six times as much money to Mr. Obama’s presidential campaign as they have to Mr. McCain’s, the Center for Responsive Politics said.

The results also are striking because they favored Mr. Obama, who never has served in the military. Mr. McCain meanwhile, is a decorated war veteran who spent nearly five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. The Arizona senator graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and had a 22-year career as a naval aviator.

Mr. Obama has opposed the war in Iraq and says he would withdraw combat troops within 16 months. Mr. McCain has been a steadfast supporter of the war, saying he would withdraw the troops only when conditions on the ground warrant it.


Horse shit. Everyone knows the Washington Times is a liberal rag.
What do you have to offer her besides a skank smell and a foul old crotch.

Compassionate, tender, affection and nurturing and value for her as a person, just as she is. I'm sure the lady would prefer that over your "get in the kitchen you punk azz beeeeaaaaaatch!" any day.
Agree 100%.

It was a blantly stupid thing to do..considering the opposition loves this sort of shit.

In any case..I think it's disrepectful to mess with the flag in any way.
Same here.

My neighbor is a veteran, and a first-responder. He has a flag hanging off his home that has now become very tattered, torn and faded. He shines a light on it at night, but every time I look over there it bothers me. I wish he'd just go ahead and replace it.

I know nothing about the situation, but maybe he doesn't have the money to replace it, or maybe he's not well enough to climb up and replace it? Maybe you could do it for him?
what the hell does FOX news have to do with anything? this was done by the DEMOCRAT PARTY..

:eusa_eh: The TEA party flags?!?

And..I noticed..no outrage from you..on it either.


none from me either, because I didn't see it flying. Also, it's not a person's face, for some reason I find that even more disturbing. Then again, maybe I don't find the tea flag as obnoxious because I am all things tea. I collect tea cups and tea pots and tea trays, etc. I like tea. Don't think I want an American flag with a teapot on it though, that's just wrong.

For the record, we shouldn't be disfiguring the American flag with anything. We also shouldn't be using the American flag as a quilt, or clothing of any type.

I have no problems with the American flag on a t-shirt, but huge problems with a t-shirt made out of the American flag.
The flag symbolizes love of country. The Obamas have made clear on several ocassions they have issues on this count. Now this flag conveys Obama wrapping himself in love of country.

The flag was conveying obama's love of himself. Not that the flag has been altered, but because it was FLOWN.

What is wrong with obama loving himself?

This is disgusting.


T Party flags.

Casey Anthony at party.
Casey Anthony at party wearing an American flag
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The flag symbolizes love of country. The Obamas have made clear on several ocassions they have issues on this count. Now this flag conveys Obama wrapping himself in love of country.

The flag was conveying obama's love of himself. Not that the flag has been altered, but because it was FLOWN.

What is wrong with obama loving himself?

This is disgusting.

Wear Your TEA Party Or American Flag Shirt To Vote! » Pirate's Cove

Casey Anthony at party.
Casey Anthony at party wearing an American flag

Hey now I am not an Obama supporter but it wasn't Obama putting his face on the flag, it was the democrat group in florida that did it.
The flag symbolizes love of country. The Obamas have made clear on several ocassions they have issues on this count. Now this flag conveys Obama wrapping himself in love of country.

The flag was conveying obama's love of himself. Not that the flag has been altered, but because it was FLOWN.

What is wrong with obama loving himself?

This is disgusting.

Wear Your TEA Party Or American Flag Shirt To Vote! » Pirate's Cove

T Party flags.

Casey Anthony at party.
Casey Anthony at party wearing an American flag

Please name the building Casey Anthony was flying from.
deflect deflect deflect...
and blame a news channel...it's DISGUSTING because it puts a PRESIDENT of the United States on it and flies it as if he is our dictator, idiot
and I would feel the same if it was ANY PRESIDENT
I bet you weren't outraged when George Bush autographed flags.

Or stepped on one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMxrpcghRFA]Bush walks on 9/11 flag, signs flag, slaps flag into knee when bored - YouTube[/ame]


I don't think peope should be signing the flag, or stepping on it. I think it should be treated with respect. Sadly all to often, it isn't. Kind of like our people.
:eusa_eh: The TEA party flags?!?

And..I noticed..no outrage from you..on it either.


none from me either, because I didn't see it flying. Also, it's not a person's face, for some reason I find that even more disturbing. Then again, maybe I don't find the tea flag as obnoxious because I am all things tea. I collect tea cups and tea pots and tea trays, etc. I like tea. Don't think I want an American flag with a teapot on it though, that's just wrong.

For the record, we shouldn't be disfiguring the American flag with anything. We also shouldn't be using the American flag as a quilt, or clothing of any type.

I have no problems with the American flag on a t-shirt, but huge problems with a t-shirt made out of the American flag.

I don't have any problem with patriotic looking stars and stripes and colors being used in graphics or on clothing or banners or whatever. Such are not flags.

I was raised to respect and honor the flag, not as an object, but for the blood and treasure and American exceptionalism that it represents. When so many good people have put their lives on the line, many who were wounded or were killed, to defend me and/or my freedoms, how can I dishonor the most recognizable symbol of all that?

So not the President's face, no matter who he is, or a Tea Party graphic--I question whether that was even actually a flag. Certainly nothing like that has turned up at any Tea Party event I have attended but if it happened, it was inappropriate and disrespectful and I am certain that anyone who brought it would have been asked to put it away--nor any other emblem or symbol should be imposed on the American flag.

Do you find that flag acceptable? I sure don't, its as wrong as the obamaflag.

Actually, I'm pretty indifferent to them. I consider this a form of free speech and artistry. I have no problem with either flag. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't fly either one of them in my front yard. But I'm not going to object to someone else doing so. Let's be clear on this, that was NOT an American flag with Obama's picture. The American flag has 13 stripes of red and white, and 50 white stars against a field of blue. That flag was an artistic rendering similar to the American flag in certain regards. Likewise, the Tea Party flag I posted is NOT an American flag. It's an artistic rendering with certain similarities. It's nothing more than patriotic art. It's no different than clothing that is similar to the American flag. Or, for that matter, Bud and Bud light displays in the beer cooler of your local grocery store that arrange the boxes in the rough image of a US flag. Or this picture, which could be seen as depicting a tattered flag.


If I had the money, I'd probably try to buy this sweet ride off the current owner.


What I do find objectionable is that it wasn't an issue to be discussed until it was Obama. All of a sudden, everyone's patriotic sensitivities are inflamed. Which really means that political sensitivities are what's really inflamed. To me, the flag is just a symbol. I whole heartedly reject the idolatry that many people put into the US flag. But I also strongly dislike when people use patriotism as a political pawn.

I find putting a person's picture on the flag to be ultimately worse than putting a teacup on the flag. They are both wrong, but putting Obama's face on the flag equates us with a facist nation. Then again, we have become one so maybe it's okay to actually show that we really are one instead of continuing to try to hide it.

That's not an American flag, so there's nothing to be disgusted about.

§1. Flag; stripes and stars on
The flag of the United States shall be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field

§2. Same; additional stars
On the admission of a new State into the Union one star shall be added to the union of the flag; and such addition shall take effect on the fourth day of July then next succeeding such admission

There are no stars on the piece of cloth that you claim to be an American flag with Obama's face on it. Thus - it is NOT an American flag. Since its NOT an American flag, you can do whatever you want with it.

The thing flying above it IS, however, if you'd like to see what one looks like. Its also flying in the appropriate position - above all other flags.
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Agree 100%.

It was a blantly stupid thing to do..considering the opposition loves this sort of shit.

In any case..I think it's disrepectful to mess with the flag in any way.
Same here.

My neighbor is a veteran, and a first-responder. He has a flag hanging off his home that has now become very tattered, torn and faded. He shines a light on it at night, but every time I look over there it bothers me. I wish he'd just go ahead and replace it.

I know nothing about the situation, but maybe he doesn't have the money to replace it, or maybe he's not well enough to climb up and replace it? Maybe you could do it for him?

He's a young man (mid 30's), and can afford a new flag. I'm not going to say anything, because I realize it's my issue not his.

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