Obama Orders Climate Change Be Considered in Military Planning

95% chance then, now higher after 10 straight months of record temperatures...

The Economist explains: Why scientists are (almost) certain that ...
The Economist
Nov 2, 2014 - ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was ...
How many private jets flew in for the 2014 meeting? Do you know?
And I don't care. Irrelevant nonsense for ignorant chumps of the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, Big Oil, etc. Absolutely mindless.
You don't care that everyone screaming it's a crisis never act like its a crisis?

Good trained sheeple.
The Chinese and EU are acting like it, and the Dems. Only the bought off GOP and brainwashed dupes aren't.
95% chance then, now higher after 10 straight months of record temperatures...

The Economist explains: Why scientists are (almost) certain that ...
The Economist
Nov 2, 2014 - ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was ...
How many private jets flew in for the 2014 meeting? Do you know?
And I don't care. Irrelevant nonsense for ignorant chumps of the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, Big Oil, etc. Absolutely mindless.
You don't care that everyone screaming it's a crisis never act like its a crisis?

Good trained sheeple.
The Chinese and EU are acting like it, and the Dems. Only the bought off GOP and brainwashed dupes aren't.
What have the Chinese military done? EU military, we won't concern ourselves with five horse drawn carriages.
I'm so old I remember when the goal of the military was to destroy the enemy.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning
I wouldn't worry too much.

Stupid orders from a Lame Duck will be ignored in the field.

They'll quibble for six months on the design of the forms, another six months on the composition of the review board, another six months on the reporting mechanics, another six months on the field mechanisms, another six months on the data aggregation and outputs, another six months on... this and that and this and that and...

Before you know it, it will be 2020; meanwhile, DoD will throw an occasional Total Bullshit summary at the Executive Branch, to keep 'em quiet, and... business as usual.
They have plans for every contingency. Why not global warming, which ONLY the GOP and the dupes in the entire world deny? Ay caramba...
So if the military plans for every contingency, why did Obama issue the order?
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
95% chance then, now higher after 10 straight months of record temperatures...

The Economist explains: Why scientists are (almost) certain that ...
The Economist
Nov 2, 2014 - ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was ...
How many private jets flew in for the 2014 meeting? Do you know?
And I don't care. Irrelevant nonsense for ignorant chumps of the greedy idiot billionaire GOP, Big Oil, etc. Absolutely mindless.
You don't care that everyone screaming it's a crisis never act like its a crisis?

Good trained sheeple.
The Chinese and EU are acting like it, and the Dems. Only the bought off GOP and brainwashed dupes aren't.
What have the Chinese military done? EU military, we won't concern ourselves with five horse drawn carriages.
They have contingency plans, and were way ahead of us on alternate energy until Obama. The GOP would have give away that industry of the future.
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure on the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as, say, whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So it made/makes sense for the Pentagon to use scientific models that chart the variable which affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for buyers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
Last edited:
I'm so old I remember when the goal of the military was to destroy the enemy.

Obama orders climate change be considered in military planning
I wouldn't worry too much.

Stupid orders from a Lame Duck will be ignored in the field.

They'll quibble for six months on the design of the forms, another six months on the composition of the review board, another six months on the reporting mechanics, another six months on the field mechanisms, another six months on the data aggregation and outputs, another six months on... this and that and this and that and...

Before you know it, it will be 2020; meanwhile, DoD will throw an occasional Total Bullshit summary at the Executive Branch, to keep 'em quiet, and... business as usual.
They have plans for every contingency. Why not global warming, which ONLY the GOP and the dupes in the entire world deny? Ay caramba...
You mean MMGW....:lol:
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
You mean MMGW? :lol:
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?
Democrat settled science tells us islands can flip over.....that would make them wet....:lol:
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?

Actually, some have already flooded and disappeared.

5 Pacific islands swallowed by the sea - CNN.com
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
China has contingency plans for it, no doubt. So should we, or at least "consider it". Duh.

China's water sustainability in the 21st century: a climate-informed ...
by X Chen - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles
May 8, 2014 - water risk assessment covering multi-sector water demands. X. Chen1,2,5, ... China is facing a water resources crisis with grow- ing concerns ...
China Water Risk | ChinaFile
It has only taken China two decades to become the world's largest bottled water consumer and a major producer. But given China's much publicized water woes ...
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
China has contingency plans for it, no doubt. So should we, or at least "consider it". Duh.

China's water sustainability in the 21st century: a climate-informed ...
by X Chen - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles
May 8, 2014 - water risk assessment covering multi-sector water demands. X. Chen1,2,5, ... China is facing a water resources crisis with grow- ing concerns ...
China Water Risk | ChinaFile
It has only taken China two decades to become the world's largest bottled water consumer and a major producer. But given China's much publicized water woes ...
Every nation on earth has a water sustainability plan, dufus.
Try again, this is fun.
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?

Actually, some have already flooded and disappeared.

5 Pacific islands swallowed by the sea - CNN.com
Good grief, that again.
Tell us why the ocean rose over a hundred feet there.
Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands: Climate Change Impacts to ...
walrus.wr.usgs.gov › ... › Research Projects
United States Geological Survey
Jun 9, 2016 - Low-lying areas of tropical Pacific islands ... understand the potential consequences of an influx of climate change refugees from other nations.
The Marshall Islands Are Disappearing - The New York Times
The New York Times
Dec 1, 2015 - Most of the Marshall Islands rise less than six feet above sea level. For the ... Many other low-lying nations are just as threatened by rising seas.
A “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific Islands - Conservation International
DEC. 9, 2015 — In what is being called a “Marshall Plan” for the Pacific, a coalition of four low-lying island nations on Wednesday announced an ambitious effort ...
When will these islands get flooded?

Actually, some have already flooded and disappeared.

5 Pacific islands swallowed by the sea - CNN.com

as well as an intensification in trade winds, driven by natural cycles....
Welcome to the fucking Dark Ages.

The American Rightwing has devolved to the point where they are forbidding our Military Services from integrating climate science into their models.

Droughts, melting ice caps and mega-storms have a huge impact on planetary life and resource competition, but the OP heard on Fox News that we should only consider the Bible when building scientific models.

How the fuck did we get here?
Tell us how your mythical scenario will impact battle plans with Iran.

Climate induced migration can magnify tension in the world - especially if it involves the collision of different ethnicities and religions. Also... climate changes can cause access problems to water/food, which again can absolutely cause global tension.

The role of our defense agencies is not simply to assess the Iran threat but to assess any/all potential global problems that can result in human conflict/national security threats (short and long range).

This means our defense agencies also look at things like population growth in 3rd world countries, which itself increases migration pressure to the west (which amplifies ethnic tensions as say whites and Muslims are forced into compressed spaces. Adding a climate variable to this is reasonable when such a variable influences migration and resource competition).

The reason to build long range models of climate based migration & resource competition is that more information about global migration and resource access/competition is generally considered to be better than less information.

Consider what happened in the 70s when it was predicted that US Oil supplies were at their peak. Reagan's defense team, by the 80s, was well aware that the Middle East - based on scientific models of remaining LARGE oil fields - was going to become ground zero for resource competition. This finding was not only vital to our economic survival, but it set the context for the coming global conflict (between the west and Islam). So of course, the Pentagon has scientific models for assessing all the variable that affect access to energy.

FYI: your views & mine are closer than you think when it comes to the idea of "fighting climate change." Even if human activity was amplifying these changes (which I know you don't concede), I believe any government-lead intervention would make things worse. Any attempt to limit carbon emissions must be market based. It must be affordable for Byers and profitable for suppliers, otherwise we will lack the incentive structure for doing it.

However, when it comes to merely creating scientific models for evaluating global migration & conflict patterns, I'm for more rather than less information. Respectfully.
I'll ask again. Where are nations rattling Sabres because of climate change?
WhoTF said anything about that? We're talking about "considering" contingency plans,,,

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