Obama orders health insurance for government's seasonal firefighters


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Good job, Mr. President :clap2:

Obama orders health insurance for government's seasonal firefighters | Reuters

(Reuters) - President Barack Obama has ordered his administration to offer health insurance to seasonal firefighters employed by the U.S. government, after an outcry over the lack of affordable coverage available to thousands of such workers.

Obama's directive, confirmed by the White House on Tuesday, capped a 2-month-old electronic petition drive started by a member of a U.S. Forest Service "hot-shot" crew based in South Dakota that has drawn more than 125,000 signatures.

[T]he president acted after the issue was brought to his attention following his trip late last month to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where Obama toured damage caused by that state's most destructive wildfire on record.

"It's a huge deal, and there's going to be a lot of really, really happy firefighters out there tonight," said John Lauer, 27, seasonal member of a "hot-shot" crew from Custer, South Dakota, who initiated the petition drive seeking health benefits. "I'm sure they're all very thankful for what the president's done."
Cue the USMB wingnut brigade's accusations of socialism/big gov't in 3...2...1...
There is no detail in this story to make an opinion whether it is a good thing or not.
What does "provide access to quality healthcare coverage" actually mean?
Is it free to them? Who is the provider? Is it a cadillac policy that provides year-round coverage for the whole family at taxpayers expense?
Of course it is free, and the taxpayer gets fucked.

It is the Owebama way.

Did he offer them health care or health care insurance? Do they have to pay for it or does the taxpayer have to?

I would look at the fine-print on that contract before signing.

I sense a ream-job coming their way.
Of course it is free, and the taxpayer gets fucked.

It is the Owebama way.

Did he offer them health care or health care insurance? Do they have to pay for it or does the taxpayer have to?

I would look at the fine-print on that contract before signing.

I sense a ream-job coming their way.

That's what I am saying.
All this article appears to be is a hand job for Obama. There is no details yet as to what specifically is he offering? Obama comes out and says "provide them with X"...how does anyone make a judgement without knowing what "X" is?
The article paints Obama like he is a hero of the firefighters...but...is he?
Good job!

At the very least..the heroes fighting the nation's fires deserve health care. It's a hazardous job.
The USDA is using Spanish soap opera advertising to push food stamps to illegal aliens.
They have been offered the opportunity to buy in to the health insurance that other federal workers receive.
Anything Obama 'offers' is subsidized by the Federal government which currently borrows from your grandchildren 40 cents on every dollar spent.
Were you homeschooled?

answer the question..how can he ORDER this?
Is obama a President or a king?
or a wannabe dictator?

He can order it but if it's funded congress has to vote for it.

Obama is long on promises but short on delivering the goods.

Exactly again..your on a roll mud.
I want to see exactly what they were offered, until then - this is just a pat on the back piece by Rueters.
Very few people would disagree with a temporary policy provided for these guys while they are on the job...and it should be a good policy at that. I don't even have a problem with the policy being subsidized or free while they are on duty. I would have a problem if it is a year-round cadillac policy funded by taxpayers. I would also have a problem if it is a crappy limited policy that is not really coverage at all.

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