Obama proposes $1B for science, math teachers

I think that's just dandy, in exchange I would demand that every teacher who's students fail in achieving and demonstrating bench mark competency be fired. But good luck with that one, the Unions and liberals would cry racism.

As for the prior comment as it regards corporations not wanting highly proficient and educated employees, well apparently it shows who has been in the work place and who has not, fact, corporations demand qualified intelligent workers that can operate existing machinery and adjust rapidly to technological improvements in the work place.

When commenting on our supposedly poor educational system with a smug and superior attitude, it's best not to make fundamental mistakes in grammar.

"Who's" is a contraction for who is, and that's clearly not the correct usage in the above sentence. "Whose" is the word you should have used.

Your second paragraph is a minor disaster in grammar and punctuation with numerous errors.
one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.

You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?

think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

AGAIN, no. That is not what's happening. How can you have been discussing this topic this long and not know that??

This about rewarding exceptional teachers. Ones who go above and beyond and get great success. Why do you NOT want to reward them?
You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?

think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

AGAIN, no. That is not what's happening. How can you have been discussing this topic this long and not know that??

This about rewarding exceptional teachers. Ones who go above and beyond and get great success. Why do you NOT want to reward them?

they do have u seen the benefits, they get rewarded big time. they are pre rewarded, what they sign up is what they sign up for if a doctor heals u beyond ur bodys health do u pay more? No if a painter does an exceptional job do u pay him more.
You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?

think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

AGAIN, no. That is not what's happening. How can you have been discussing this topic this long and not know that??

This about rewarding exceptional teachers. Ones who go above and beyond and get great success. Why do you NOT want to reward them?

stop changing the topic of our discussion they dont need to be rewarded. u can reward some but if taxpayers are involved thats yet another discussion.
True. But they are also culturally different. Many Asian countries have an emphasis on the family and the community which makes handling a larger class size easier. Here in the states, the emphasis these days is on the individual above all else. This makes it harder to handle a group.

When our schools were doing well in world standings class sizes were larger.

Our culture hasn't changed that much since then

Yes it has!

In the 60s there was a national interest and push to beat the Russians to the moon. We had a goal. We were coming together as a country to accomplish it.

Today, there is not that. Today, everyone is out for themselves first and fuck anyone else. You see that mentality every day on this forum from "conservatives" and it's on display in this thread.

People were just as interested in looking out for themselves then as they are today.
They think science should all be proprietary - owned by business and thus private - instead of public.

Science isn't "owned" by anyone you twit.

It is if it was paid for by private interests who choose to keep it proprietary. There's no law requiring that scientific discoveries made by privately funded interests must be published. Perhaps you didn't know that.

Scientific discoveries are not "science" and the people who discovered them ( did all the work and funded all the research) have an absolute proprietary right.

And no one should be forced to publish anything if they choose not to.
scientific discoveries are not "science" ....


   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA
a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.


A vaccine or whatever is not "science". It may have resulted from the application of scientific knowledge and principles but it in itself is not science.

So who is laughing now?
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one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.

You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?

think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

it's not for "doing their job" it's for doing their job better than the rest....you know....COMPETITION?
scientific discoveries are not "science" ....


   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA
a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.


A vaccine or whatever is not "science". It may have resulted from the application of scientific knowledge and principles but it in itself is not science.

So who is laughing now?

good God.
think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

AGAIN, no. That is not what's happening. How can you have been discussing this topic this long and not know that??

This about rewarding exceptional teachers. Ones who go above and beyond and get great success. Why do you NOT want to reward them?

stop changing the topic of our discussion they dont need to be rewarded. u can reward some but if taxpayers are involved thats yet another discussion.

And here we are again and I will ask AGAIN. Why? Explain your position. Why, simply because it involves the tax payer, should we NOT reward exceptional teachers? You are so quick to fire bad ones, but loathe the idea of rewarding good ones. Why?
Kids today can't figure it out if it is not on the game boy or I Pad. We have thrown money at this for years and it just keeps getting worse. Good grades take work. Parents will have to get involved or nothing will happen.
AGAIN, no. That is not what's happening. How can you have been discussing this topic this long and not know that??

This about rewarding exceptional teachers. Ones who go above and beyond and get great success. Why do you NOT want to reward them?

stop changing the topic of our discussion they dont need to be rewarded. u can reward some but if taxpayers are involved thats yet another discussion.

And here we are again and I will ask AGAIN. Why? Explain your position. Why, simply because it involves the tax payer, should we NOT reward exceptional teachers? You are so quick to fire bad ones, but loathe the idea of rewarding good ones. Why?

I think it's a good idea. A teacher should be paid a starting baseline of 30,000/year then earns more as they're shown to be successful. It is the best way I can imagine to start the reform within education.

A teacher that can produce lots of science and math students should be paid for it as a business ceo is paid for being successful. I find it weird how conservatives that normally push for this are now against it? Don't they want this country to remain a superpower? You can't remain on the cutting edge without a first class educational system.

Next we can bring back holding back a student for not passing that grade level. No more passing them through our educational system if they don't earn it.

These two things would go along ways in bringing public education up to the rest of the world. Normally they're conservative idea's? I wonder why they're fighting it.
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Kids today can't figure it out if it is not on the game boy or I Pad. We have thrown money at this for years and it just keeps getting worse. Good grades take work. Parents will have to get involved or nothing will happen.

on that, I agree. But the root cause for that is???

give you a hint....it has to do with parentS' employment.
stop changing the topic of our discussion they dont need to be rewarded. u can reward some but if taxpayers are involved thats yet another discussion.

And here we are again and I will ask AGAIN. Why? Explain your position. Why, simply because it involves the tax payer, should we NOT reward exceptional teachers? You are so quick to fire bad ones, but loathe the idea of rewarding good ones. Why?

I think it is a good idea. A teacher should be paid a baseline 30,000/year then earn more as they're shown to be successful. It is the best way I can imagine to start the reform within education.

Someone that can produce lots of science and math students should be paid for it as a business ceo is paid for being successful. I find it weird how conservatives that normally push for this is now against it? Don't they want this country to remain a super power?

Next we can bring back holding back a student for not passing that grade level. No more passing them through our educational system if they don't earn it.

These two things would go along ways in bringing public education up to the rest of the world. Normally they're conservative idea's? I wonder why they're fightig it.

35k to start and you've got a deal...plus, if their in a needed field such as math and science...help pay their student loans off. The rest will be based on adequacy and bonuses paid for exceptional results.
scientific discoveries are not "science" ....


   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA
a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.


A vaccine or whatever is not "science".
OK. So what? I never said a vaccine was science, I never said it wasn't.

You, however, made the indefensibly moronic statement that scientific discoveries were not science.

   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA
a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.


A vaccine or whatever is not "science".
OK. So what? I never said a vaccine was science.

A vaccine is a scientific discovery is it not? You just said a vaccine is not science therefore science and scientific discoveries are not the same.

Clarity in one's language is a reflection of one's clarity of thought.

Words have definitions and until you learn them you will never be able to cogently express your thoughts.

Perhaps we can blame our education system for your failings.
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