Obama proposes $1B for science, math teachers

i cant support money being spent for the sake of money being spent.

It's not. It's being spent to reward hard working, successful teachers.

And apparently you're against that. Fine.

so now we have to reward teachers for doing their jobs..

isn't that special

We reward teachers who do exceptionally well at their job.

Just like private sector rewards people who do exceptionally well at their jobs.

Why should teachers be treated differently?
It's not. It's being spent to reward hard working, successful teachers.

And apparently you're against that. Fine.

so now we have to reward teachers for doing their jobs..

isn't that special

We reward teachers who do exceptionally well at their job.

Just like private sector rewards people who do exceptionally well at their jobs.

Why should teachers be treated differently?

one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.
so now we have to reward teachers for doing their jobs..

isn't that special

We reward teachers who do exceptionally well at their job.

Just like private sector rewards people who do exceptionally well at their jobs.

Why should teachers be treated differently?

one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.

when I get to pick and choose where my tax dollars go and where I don't want them to go....I'll be happy yo extend you the same courtesy.

It is just that simple.
Factually incorrect.

They bottomed out around 2008, but that's only if you count the special needs classes, which typically have very small class sizes. Since then, they have been on the rise as teachers are being laid off due to budget cuts.

Class size is still not as big of an issue as you think in fact some of the countries that are kicking our ass in student performance have some of the largest class sizes in the world.

Do they teach to the test?

I know two teachers who both have enormous classes and no teacher's assistants. The kids are a homogenized mix of everything from gifted to troubled. That's not just a recipe for disaster. Its also impossible for one person to control.

Class size is definitely an issue.

Bull shit.

Ask anyone who went to elementary school in the 60s and 70s if they had teacher's assistants in class.

Almost all of my elementary school classes had 30 kids and only one teacher. We didn't have teachers assistants.
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Factually incorrect.

They bottomed out around 2008, but that's only if you count the special needs classes, which typically have very small class sizes. Since then, they have been on the rise as teachers are being laid off due to budget cuts.

Class size is still not as big of an issue as you think in fact some of the countries that are kicking our ass in student performance have some of the largest class sizes in the world.

True. But they are also culturally different. Many Asian countries have an emphasis on the family and the community which makes handling a larger class size easier. Here in the states, the emphasis these days is on the individual above all else. This makes it harder to handle a group.

When our schools were doing well in world standings class sizes were larger.

Our culture hasn't changed that much since then
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

I think a lot of the money spent on education goes to shore up union coffers and doesn't do a damn thing for the students.

My children did well in school because I made them sit down every night and do their homework and I taught them to respect authority, so they were well behaved in school. If you have willing students, a good teacher and books, learning happens. I don't think government spending can make up for ignorant parents and lousy teachers.

A lot of it goes to bloated administrative costs
Class size is still not as big of an issue as you think in fact some of the countries that are kicking our ass in student performance have some of the largest class sizes in the world.

True. But they are also culturally different. Many Asian countries have an emphasis on the family and the community which makes handling a larger class size easier. Here in the states, the emphasis these days is on the individual above all else. This makes it harder to handle a group.

When our schools were doing well in world standings class sizes were larger.

Our culture hasn't changed that much since then

no...but the rest of the world has...they recognize the need and they work towards a goal while we sit and flounder about taxes.
Look at it realistically through a corporations eyes. They want their labor costs low as possible. They dont want highly educated people.
The ONLY way to beat the system is higher education. My kids had no choice. I FORCED them to get a college education. Without it, they are still working a blue collar job for lower wages with zero chance to ever get slightly ahead.
Our culture has changed a great deal. More broken families. Less involved and less functional parents. Teachers have lost the ability to discipline properly as parents of unruly students threaten to sue for every little thing. Of course things arent working. When teachers receive defective parts, its hard to create a good working product.
True. But they are also culturally different. Many Asian countries have an emphasis on the family and the community which makes handling a larger class size easier. Here in the states, the emphasis these days is on the individual above all else. This makes it harder to handle a group.

When our schools were doing well in world standings class sizes were larger.

Our culture hasn't changed that much since then

no...but the rest of the world has...they recognize the need and they work towards a goal while we sit and flounder about taxes.

which ones? dying to know.
We know how Repugs feel about science, lol.

They think science should all be proprietary - owned by business and thus private - instead of public.

Science isn't "owned" by anyone you twit.

It is if it was paid for by private interests who choose to keep it proprietary. There's no law requiring that scientific discoveries made by privately funded interests must be published. Perhaps you didn't know that.
I think that's just dandy, in exchange I would demand that every teacher who's students fail in achieving and demonstrating bench mark competency be fired. But good luck with that one, the Unions and liberals would cry racism.

As for the prior comment as it regards corporations not wanting highly proficient and educated employees, well apparently it shows who has been in the work place and who has not, fact, corporations demand qualified intelligent workers that can operate existing machinery and adjust rapidly to technological improvements in the work place.
so now we have to reward teachers for doing their jobs..

isn't that special

We reward teachers who do exceptionally well at their job.

Just like private sector rewards people who do exceptionally well at their jobs.

Why should teachers be treated differently?

one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.

You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?
Class size is still not as big of an issue as you think in fact some of the countries that are kicking our ass in student performance have some of the largest class sizes in the world.

True. But they are also culturally different. Many Asian countries have an emphasis on the family and the community which makes handling a larger class size easier. Here in the states, the emphasis these days is on the individual above all else. This makes it harder to handle a group.

When our schools were doing well in world standings class sizes were larger.

Our culture hasn't changed that much since then

Yes it has!

In the 60s there was a national interest and push to beat the Russians to the moon. We had a goal. We were coming together as a country to accomplish it.

Today, there is not that. Today, everyone is out for themselves first and fuck anyone else. You see that mentality every day on this forum from "conservatives" and it's on display in this thread.
We reward teachers who do exceptionally well at their job.

Just like private sector rewards people who do exceptionally well at their jobs.

Why should teachers be treated differently?

one is private money if i reward workers it comes from my money, when u reward teachers, u are using tax payer money.

ask the tax payers which way they want it. im sure they wont mind if i use my own money.

You didn't answer the question.

Why do you think we should NOT reward successful teachers?

think about that concept u are rewarding someone for doing there job? is that how bad its gotten we have to reward someone for doing there job?

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