Obama proposes more executive actions on guns

NRA has historically been Law and Order. You know that, right?

That was before they learned there was more money to be made by riling up the gun nuts

Actually it's Obama's idiot crusade against American freedom that has sold more guns and added more members to the NRA than any organization has or ever has or could. On this issue he and you are your own worst enemies and are just too stupid to understand it.

Obama is gunna take your guns
Obama is gunna take your guns

Made the NRA millions........beats gun safety doesn't it?
On the first executive order, it seems clear to me that anybody deemed mentally incompetent, someone unable to take care of themselves, should not have a firearm. Beyond that, they are entitled to their rights as citizens. I do, however, wonder what if any provisions the founding fathers made back in their day to have certain rights removed in cases of insanity. I've tried briefly to look into that, but I didn't come up with any immediate sources. Anybody have something for further reading on that subject?

On the second, I suppose it does not technically violate the Second Amendment, but I despise the ideas of doctors spying on people. Again, all that is needed is for guns to be removed in cases where people are mentally unfit.

Absurd. Most gun crime is committed by blacks and inner city gang bangers. Let govt ban guns from that criminal demographic and put an end to progressives misguided , clueless whimpers regarding gun legislation....

So your solution to uphold the Constitution is to pass gun legislation that violates the Constitution by depriving inner city blacks from having weapons?

The law is clear and an executive order can not make new law. In order for a mental defect to prevent ownership one must be ADJUDGED mentally incompetent by Competent authority, meaning a Judge. So unless they plan to flood the Local mental health authorities with claims this will do nothing.

I assumed that there was already a law about people with certain mental issues being prohibited from having firearms and the executive order was just clarifying the enforcement policy, but it appears you are right that there are no federal laws dictating that other than a law saying you cannot sell or give a weapon to a mentally deficient person, and the ruling of mental deficiency is not a federal distinction, so unless there is something I'm missing, that first order is indeed out of line. Good catch.

On the second executive order, didn't Obamacare already empower doctors to report on gun ownership in the case of the mentally ill?
White House announces two new 'executive actions' on guns - First Read

The Obama administration is proposing two more executive actions that it says will help prevent individuals who are prohibited from having a gun for mental health reasons from obtaining a firearm.
The Department of Justice, arguing that current federal law contains terminology about mental health issues that is too vague, *proposed a regulation that would clarify who is ineligible to possess a firearm for specific situations related to mental health, like commitment to a mental institution. “In addition to providing general guidance on federal law, these clarifications will help states determine what information should be made accessible to the federal background check system, which will, in turn, strengthen the system's reliability and effectiveness,” the administration said in a fact sheet distributed to reporters.
The second executive action, proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services, would allow some medical organizations more leeway to report “limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands” to the federal background check system. “The proposed rule will not change the fact that seeking help for mental health problems or getting treatment does not make someone legally prohibited from having a firearm,” the White House added.

So the mulatto messiah thinks the law is too vague and instead of going to congress to fix it, he intends to wave his magic fairy wand, like congress has no function in his regime. Of course RW has no problem with that.
That was before they learned there was more money to be made by riling up the gun nuts

Actually it's Obama's idiot crusade against American freedom that has sold more guns and added more members to the NRA than any organization has or ever has or could. On this issue he and you are your own worst enemies and are just too stupid to understand it.

Obama is gunna take your guns
Obama is gunna take your guns

Made the NRA millions........beats gun safety doesn't it?

People saying that didn't. But people believing that sure has. Thankfully. This latest BS just serves to convince people further. Have you missed the fact that the people do not trust the government?

And it's the NRA that is all about gun safety; not the government.
Obama proposes more executive actions on guns

Exciting his base, nothing more.

Yup, the law is clear, to be denied a weapon one must be adjudged mentally incompetent, requires a Judge. Not an executive order.

Very true but there are some in government that seem to believe the justice dept. can dictate the criteria the judge uses to determine mental competence. Some in Obama's federal government have stated that a record of treatment for PTSD and/or being prescribed a psychotropic medication is proof of incompetence.
Adam Lanza was mentally disturbed and got his guns from his mothers house not by buying them.

His mother should have been warned that guns and her son were not a good mix. She was already afraid of him.....having guns nearby was not wise

His mother clearly gave him everything he wanted, did not hold him accountable, and did not want his feelings to be hurt. The 2nd Amendment has been around since 1791. If there was an Adam Lanza in the 1790s who wanted to shoot up the school house, he had second thoughts because he had fear and doubt that someone else might be carrying.....possibly the schoolteacher.

Making it harder for law abiding white people to possess a gun is not going to change the behavior among the Adam Lanzas. You know it.
White House announces two new 'executive actions' on guns - First Read

The Obama administration is proposing two more executive actions that it says will help prevent individuals who are prohibited from having a gun for mental health reasons from obtaining a firearm.
The Department of Justice, arguing that current federal law contains terminology about mental health issues that is too vague, *proposed a regulation that would clarify who is ineligible to possess a firearm for specific situations related to mental health, like commitment to a mental institution. “In addition to providing general guidance on federal law, these clarifications will help states determine what information should be made accessible to the federal background check system, which will, in turn, strengthen the system's reliability and effectiveness,” the administration said in a fact sheet distributed to reporters.
The second executive action, proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services, would allow some medical organizations more leeway to report “limited information necessary to help keep guns out of potentially dangerous hands” to the federal background check system. “The proposed rule will not change the fact that seeking help for mental health problems or getting treatment does not make someone legally prohibited from having a firearm,” the White House added.

Obama has serious issues with going through congress. Of course, that damn constitution always gets in his way. How special that he unilaterally decides things.

The first action allows them to add more people to the mental illness list. They would like to include veterans, NRA members and any other gun rights activists.

The second seeks to violate the doctor-patient privacy. Of course, they promise that no one seeking help will be prohibited from having a firearm. And if you like your insurance and doctor, you can keep them.

Bottom line is that government will make the call on the mental state of people, not doctors. The decision to allow people to buy guns or not will rest with the gun control crowd. And we are supposed to feel assured that the right decision will be made.

This is just a back door gun control effort. It won't affect criminals who continue to slaughter people on the streets of cities every day. It won't affect the drug cartels or the gangs.

It would be nice if all the murders were committed by disturbed people who actually seek help, but statistics show that most are committed by psychopaths who don't have a conscience.

There is no reason to believe the assurances made by Obama. He has lied too damn many times to take him seriously. He thinks he knows better than the people what is good for them, but he is merely imposing his will on us. Like other tyrants, it isn't about the good of the people. It's about power and anyone with even the most basic understanding of history should recognize the pattern that we are seeing.
I have no problem with a Federal database on crazy people being banned from guns, but the database needs to be created by mental health professionals not liberals in DC choosing people like they targeted the Tea Party with the IRS.

Nobody can trust the US GOV because of liberals being evil.

if these lists are created they require due process & an appeals process. We are talking about restricting someone's Constitutional rights here. It has to be done correctly.
This signing statement can not create new law. The law is already crystal clear. In order to be found incompetent one must be judged so BY A JUDGE. Administrators nor the President have the power.

All he can do with this signing statement is attempt to identify people to be seen by a Judge.

All he can do is attempt to make a list of people he wants put before a Judge. The Judge not the Administration will make the determination of competence.
This signing statement can not create new law. The law is already crystal clear. In order to be found incompetent one must be judged so BY A JUDGE. Administrators nor the President have the power.

All he can do with this signing statement is attempt to identify people to be seen by a Judge.

All he can do is attempt to make a list of people he wants put before a Judge. The Judge not the Administration will make the determination of competence.

And no one has said otherwise, including the Administration.
Being far left is being mentally unstable so does that mean that Obama will ban guns for all his loyal far left followers?

Being for a strong nws and nasa doesn't make you unstable. Makes you pretty damn smart ;) On the other hand hating humanity and wanting us to stop eating meat may be a sign pointing to just that.

Proof that the far left should not be allowed near guns and insane asylums should not allow their patients near computers.
This signing statement can not create new law. The law is already crystal clear. In order to be found incompetent one must be judged so BY A JUDGE. Administrators nor the President have the power.

All he can do with this signing statement is attempt to identify people to be seen by a Judge.

All he can do is attempt to make a list of people he wants put before a Judge. The Judge not the Administration will make the determination of competence.

And no one has said otherwise, including the Administration.

You might want to check what VA is doing to Vets before you make that statement. They add you to the disqualified list without due process then you have to try to get your rights back.
His mother should have been warned that guns and her son were not a good mix. She was already afraid of him.....having guns nearby was not wise

Probably so when someone is mentally disturbed they will find a way to carry out their crazy plans the only way I see to really stop someone like this is to be able to have them involuntarily committed which I don't see happening.

My brother has a neighbor who adopted a daughter from Russia with "issues"

They are afraid to even keep knives in the house

a friend of mine whose daughter adopted a two year old "crack head" boy, from 2 y.o. to 10 y.o. he never progressed beyond what a 3 y.o. kid should be, when he got to 10 y.o., he was threatening to kill his adopted parents and adopted sister, he was a real menace by 15 y.o., slung shit at his teachers, doctors, family made shit paintings on the walls of his BR, they had to remove all sharp pointed utensils from the home, had to put locks on their own BR doors to keep him out, at 18 he was put out on the curb, last i heard, he was in jail for assault on anyone who pissed him off, he is a dependent on the tax payers dollar and will be for the rest of his fucked up life. :up:

personally i believe that kids born from a crack head mother with "issues" be put down like and old decrepit mangy dog.
Probably so when someone is mentally disturbed they will find a way to carry out their crazy plans the only way I see to really stop someone like this is to be able to have them involuntarily committed which I don't see happening.

My brother has a neighbor who adopted a daughter from Russia with "issues"

They are afraid to even keep knives in the house

a friend of mine whose daughter adopted a two year old "crack head" boy, from 2 y.o. to 10 y.o. he never progressed beyond what a 3 y.o. kid should be, when he got to 10 y.o., he was threatening to kill his adopted parents and adopted sister, he was a real menace by 15 y.o., slung shit at his teachers, doctors, family made shit paintings on the walls of his BR, they had to remove all sharp pointed utensils from the home, had to put locks on their own BR doors to keep him out, at 18 he was put out on the curb, last i heard, he was in jail for assault on anyone who pissed him off, he is a dependent on the tax payers dollar and will be for the rest of his fucked up life. :up:

personally i believe that kids born from a crack head mother with "issues" be put down like and old decrepit mangy dog.

Was it the kids fault that his mom was a crack head?

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