Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week
Looks like the writer, and you, also do not know the bible.

Obama, and the Bible, said mote, not moat. Dumbass.

I've referenced that particular verse often on this forum. And it applies to your OP.
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?
No it isn't, glass wasn't even manufactured then, duh. And I never said I was a Christian. Your brain is too far up your rear to be posting opinions.
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?
No it isn't, glass wasn't even manufactured then, duh. And I never said I was a Christian. Your brain is too far up your rear to be posting opinions.
The history of glassmaking can be traced back to 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia.
History of glass - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

I cracked up when I heard that he tried to tie his so called bullshit immigration policy regarding illegals into the Christmas story trying to make illegals out to be like Mary and Joseph.

They weren't strangers but legal residents who went to take part in the census and pay their taxes.


People get into trouble all the time trying to use the Word for their politics. Too funny.

King James Version: Luke Chapter 2

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.

And all went to be taxed, every one unto his own city.

And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem , because he was of the House and lineage of David,

To be taxed with Mary, his espoused wife, being great with child.

King James Version Luke Luke Chapter 2
Which version says anything about glass houses? The xmas myth? What's that got to do with anything? LOL.

Do you have any idea how many versions there are of the bible?

It has been translated and rewritten so many times and according to so many different agendas, it gives Cafeteria Christian a whole new meaning.

Fact is, if one of the phony christians said exactly the same thing, you fools would be lining up to applaud. Or are you saying that there has never been a proverb grown out of words from the christian bible?

In any event, here's another link -

FaithWriters.com-Christian Bible Studies - PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN T THROW STONES

Whatever. The president has accomplished amazing things for our country all the RWs can do is gripe.

Oh yeah Obama's accomplished great things with my money. Like... uhmmm ... well... uh... shovel ready projects that no one wanted to fund!!! Uhmm... the government spent a ton of money harassing & spying on US citizens!!! oh...

Uhmmm yeah I guess all he did was piss my money away. Hell even on the border instead of using border funds to stop illegals he's using border funds to "bus" illegals into the interior of the country.

Jesus H Fucking Christ.

You just make up shit out of whole cloth.
I can see the cum stain on your dress from here.

As usual, first you lie. Then you get caught in your lie and your answer is a dirty mouth insult.

Next, you will post yet another lie or another dirty mouth insult.

And, even though you know nothing about the bible and even though you have a filthy mouth, I'll just bet you consider yourself a "christian".

No wonder real human beings hate you phony christians.

We can all see your cum stain... maybe you should use a napkin next time.

What about all this talk concerning keeping "religion" out of politics by the left? So now we have those hypocrites calling Christians hypocrites. OMG, it really doesn't get any better than that :lol:
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

When did Jesus promote breaking the law? There's the difference.
The proverb " people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones " is not from the Word. I'm pretty certain it is early Brit proverb.

The log reference is from the Sermon on the Mount. Most refer to the "speck" in another's eye more often than "mote".

I still don't get how these jumbled up metaphors fit in with his amnesty EO.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

When did Jesus promote breaking the law? There's the difference.

Well, he did preach on the Sabbath. That pissed off more than a few of the "law and order" types of the day.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

Wait, so Obama's immigration plan is based on the Bible? Well, that violates the Separation of church and state and the left should be outraged.

I am,keep your filthy church out of my government Obama.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

When did Jesus promote breaking the law? There's the difference.

Well, he did preach on the Sabbath. That pissed off more than a few of the "law and order" types of the day.

The Pharisees and Sadducees made the sabbath a law. You forgot when Jesus mentioned to them that God made Sabbath for man as a means to rest, not man for the Sabbath.
You know liberals are desperate when they start quoting the bible in order to try pushing their Agenda. Funny how all that "separation of church and state" goes right out the window when it suits them.

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