Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech

He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

No. He doesn't call us all racist. Just you racist bastards.

Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

No. He doesn't call us all racist. Just you racist bastards.

Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.

Sure. Only 50 % of the GOP is racist. Probably 10 % of Dems.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

No. He doesn't call us all racist. Just you racist bastards.

Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.

Sure. Only 50 % of the GOP is racist. Probably 10 % of Dems.

Interesting I never seen a GOP candidate make racist remarks when they realized they couldn't debate on the issues. Perhaps you can provide some instances of racial comments to back up your claims? ..... but somehow I'm willing to bet you'll move on quietly without any proof to your reply.
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" 50 % of the GOP is white derp"

66% of he us population is white, so therefor whites are underrepresented by the GOP.

Math and stuff... aint nobody got time for that.
No. He doesn't call us all racist. Just you racist bastards.

Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.

Sure. Only 50 % of the GOP is racist. Probably 10 % of Dems.

Interesting I never seen a GOP candidate make racist remarks when they realized they couldn't debate on the issues. Perhaps you can provide some instances of racial comments to back up your claims? ..... but somehow I'm willing to bet you'll move on quietly without any proof to your reply.
Never said they did. I was talking about the voters. Their candidates aren't morons, but their positions end up being anti-poor and anti-non rich in general. And bs lol. See sig.

Many atheists do. They start out as devout Christians, and the more study of the bible they do, the less they believe what they have been taught. I'm now leaning agnostic, and I pray that I don't end up further,

What really drives them away is the thought that it is not they that are perfect. It is not that that is the be all of all things. Finding out that what they are doing is sin is a real turn off.

What a dumb thing to say.
No. He doesn't call us all racist. Just you racist bastards.

Calling those who don't happen to agree with Obama racists, would be equivalent as say calling those who happen to hate what Bush stood for and supported as anti-Semite.
A hater of racists is not a racist. You have to believe another race is inferior and discriminate against them. Your definition new bs GOP speak, for dupes only.

To call someone a racist simply because the happen to hold a difference of opinion and not agreeing with you "ideology", that person doesn't have even the slightest clue to what racism is. Grow up and put the big boy pants back on.

Sure. Only 50 % of the GOP is racist. Probably 10 % of Dems.

Interesting I never seen a GOP candidate make racist remarks when they realized they couldn't debate on the issues. Perhaps you can provide some instances of racial comments to back up your claims? ..... but somehow I'm willing to bet you'll move on quietly without any proof to your reply.

He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.
LOL. It's free so nobody pays for it. You poor lib.

Many atheists do. They start out as devout Christians, and the more study of the bible they do, the less they believe what they have been taught. I'm now leaning agnostic, and I pray that I don't end up further,

Many atheists think they do yet look at what the Bible says from a secular standpoint when it's not meant to be viewed that way. Are you one of those now leaning agnostics that does the same?
He make me ill. He uses religion and his kids whenever he wants to pass his stinking agenda on us

Other than that he calls us all racist

You see that is the difference between us, you will wrap yourself in the flag and hold a cross. Obama actually helped 5 million people gain the security by not getting deported.

I wonder which one did the christian thing.

he also helped 6 million get aborted.
He also passed free birth control, which will cut the number of abortions greatly. Yes, free, saves insurers and the country big money, dupes.Has just allowed abortion policy to continue.

He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Are you suggesting He Who's Name Is Above Human Lips is limited to the laws of man?
He passed it? Secondly, it's not free. When are people going to learn that one person getting it for nothing meaning someone else was forced to fund it for them?
Are you suggesting He Who's Name Is Above Human Lips is limited to the laws of man?

I'm saying that Obama is quite often given credit sole credit for things he simply didn't do and is unwilling to take blame when it's his fault.
What the hay? He doesn't know the Consitution, he doesn't know about the separation of powers and now we know he doesn't know the bible. I think he would be better at quoting the Koran.

While there are plenty of Bible verses to mention while discussing immigration, President Obama on Tuesday quoted one which isn't so great, mainly because it's not real. "The good book says don't throw stones at glass houses, or make sure we're looking at the log in our eye before we are pointing out the moat in other folks eyes," Obama said during a speech in Nashville. One problem, though: The Bible never mentions glass houses.

In addition to his biblical misquote, Obama also tied his immigration policy to the Christmas story, saying, "If we're serious about the Christmas season, now is the time to reflect on those who are strangers in our midst and remember what it was like to be a stranger." This analogydrew conservative ire as opponents of the president's immigration reform noted that Mary and Joseph were actually visiting Joseph's ancestral home. Watch Obama's comments in the video below. --Bonnie Kristian

Obama quotes nonexistent Bible verse in immigration speech - The Week

that is because he is

Obama isn't a Christian he attended a church that preach, Black Liberation, (research it) by a bunch of radicals like, Rev Wight. Americas chickens have come home to roost

well you put that in office and we are now LIVING WITH IT by a man who believe that

Him quoting the bible for his agenda makes me want to puke
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?

The first glass window was invented in 50 AD.
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?

The first glass window was invented in 50 AD.

The Bible is full of prophecy.

"Not God Bless America, no, no, no God Damn America!" "911 is America's chickens coming home to roost"


"AIDS was created by the US for black geneocide," "If God is not for us & against whites, then ...we'd best kill him."

Despite the efforts of most of the main stream media (and Obama himself) to spin the incidents regarding Barack Obama's preacher and spiritual advisor into something that the American public might accept as regards Obama himself, by doing some individual research it becomes clear that the spin will simply just not wash.

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating emphatically that I do not believe the teaching of Reverend Wright or Black Liberation Theology are at all subscribed to by most blacks in this country. I believe it is a minority of radicals whose voices are being given dispproportionate weight in our media. I have many friends in the black community who are traditional Christians who accept Jesus Christ and His aotnement and teaching for the love, long suffering, reason, and forgiveness that they represent to all of us, of all creeds and colors alike.

But the Trinity Church of Christ, to which Obama belonged for so long, and from which he all too late resigned from, subscribes to Black Liberation Theology. This is not secret, they have done so for many, many years. Black Liberation Theology is something, which we shall see does not represent traditional Christianity in the least, and therefore gives voice to Reverned Wright's and others hateful dialog.

I believe that Obama did not leave that Church for such a long time for one simple and obvious reason. Despite his new found disgust in "some" terminology that Wright employed, and his distancing himself from Wright, despite finally leaving the church because of, in his own words some kind of cultural diversity and misunderstanding of the black church in general (which is hogwash), Obama in all likelihood agrees with the theology that the church teaches. He was raising his kids in it, and intended to stay with it.

Most of us feel strongly about the Christian churches we attend. If the clergy depart from the theology that we accept in our hearts, we leave them and find a congregation and doctrine that we subscribe to and will make better men and women of us (through the atonement of Jesus Christ) and allow us to help others. If the clergy sticks with the theology we accept in our hearts, we stay with them.

Obama was staying with the Trinity Church, despite Wright's and other pastors (both the new pastor, Moss, and visiting pastors such as Pflegler) disgusting statements...and to be sure, these statements are not statements from one or two sermons alone. No, Reverend Wright and these others are ardent supporters and preachers of Black Liberation Theology which is at the heart of who they are and what they have said.

ALL of it here:
Lot of fake christians here- know the words, but miss the lesson totally. Of course it's a more modern paraphrase of the bible duh. Be tolerant, hater dupe hypocrites....
Reverend Wright did a lot of modern paraphrasing too so it's not surprising. However, retard, it's one thing to paraphrase a point, pastors do it all the time but quite another to say "it's in the book".
But it IS "in the book".

Is there a bigger liar or bigger hypocrite than you phony christians?
No it isn't, glass wasn't even manufactured then, duh. And I never said I was a Christian. Your brain is too far up your rear to be posting opinions.
The history of glassmaking can be traced back to 3500 BCE in Mesopotamia.
History of glass - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Glass was used to make vessels, jewelry, windows and beads. Windows weren't invented until 50 AD, and there weren't any glass houses for a few centuries. Being called a fake Chrisian by an asshole like you is rather meaningless.

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